Solo: A Star Wars Story

Solo: A Star Wars Story, a standalone Star Wars movie, saw Ron Howard in the director's chair, with Lawrence Kasdan and Jon Kasdan penning the screenplay. Its global release occurred on May 25, 2018. As the second entry in the Star Wars Anthology Series, the film features Alden Ehrenreich embodying the character of Han Solo during the years leading up to Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. Donald Glover takes on the role of Lando Calrissian, while Joonas Suotamo brings the Wookiee Chewbacca to life. The cast also includes Woody Harrelson, Emilia Clarke, Thandiwe Newton, and Phoebe Waller-Bridge.

The project was initially revealed as a Han Solo-centric movie in 2015, simultaneously announcing Phil Lord and Christopher Miller as the directors. Production commenced in January 2017; however, creative disagreements between the directors and the studio led to their replacement by Ron Howard. Howard was then charged with completing the original filming schedule, in addition to extensive reshoots that were deemed necessary.

Solo's world premiere was held in Los Angeles on May 10, 2018, followed by a screening at the 2018 Cannes Film Festival on May 15. Critics generally responded positively, praising the acting, soundtrack, and visual presentation, while some found the narrative lacking. At the 91st Academy Awards, Solo was nominated for Best Visual Effects.

Notably, Solo stands alone as the only theatrical Star Wars movie with live-action elements where neither the title card nor the initial shot contains the word "space", aside from the opening "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away" or preface text.

Official description

Embark on a journey aboard the Millennium Falcon to a distant galaxy in Solo: A Star Wars Story. This brand-new adventure centers around the galaxy's most beloved rogue. Navigate a series of daring exploits within a shadowy and perilous criminal world, where Han Solo encounters his future, formidable co-pilot, Chewbacca, and crosses paths with the infamous gambler, Lando Calrissian. This voyage will chart the course for one of the Star Wars saga's most unlikely heroes.



Defying Lady Proxima

Han and Qi'ra defy Lady Proxima.

On the planet Corellia, a shipbuilding world, Han, a human "scrumrat" with aspirations of becoming a pilot, and Qi'ra, his love interest, yearn to break free from the grasp of Lady Proxima, the Grindalid crime boss, and her White Worms syndicate. This occurs six years after the establishment of the Galactic Empire. After a delivery goes wrong, Han evades criminals on his M-68 landspeeder through Coronet City's streets, driving over a bridge with his dice hanging on the windscreen.

At the Den of the White Worms, Lady Proxima's enforcers herd Han and the other Scrumrats into her subterranean chamber. Three children squabble over stolen goods. In a tunnel, Han and Qi'ra embrace, with Han revealing he stole a coaxium hyperfuel vial and plans to use it to escape offworld. Moloch, Syke, and Rebolt intercept them, bringing Han before Lady Proxima, who dwells underwater.

Surrounded by Scrumrats and enforcers, she demands a progress report from Han. He claims other criminals stole his money and coaxium but learned "a very valuable lesson": not to trust "those guys." Lady Proxima is angered by Han's empty-handed return. Rebolt strikes Han with a stick, leading Han to seize the stick and vow revenge. Moloch raises his blaster, but Qi'ra intervenes, prompting Lady Proxima to warn Qi'ra against disobedience.

Han brandishes a rock, claiming it's a thermal detonator, but Proxima isn't fooled. Revealing it's a bluff, Han throws the rock through the ceiling, letting sunlight in. The light burns Proxima's face, forcing her underwater. Han and Qi'ra escape in his stolen M-68 landspeeder, racing from the White Worms' den into Coronet's streets. Han aims to bribe their way offworld at Coronet Spaceport with the stolen coaxium, aspiring to become a pilot and explore the galaxy. Qi'ra hopes for their own starship, free from external control.

Escaping Corellia

Han and Qi'ra escaping on a landspeeder.

Moloch's A-A4B truckspeeder, carrying two Corellian hounds, soon pursues them. Moloch rams Han's landspeeder. After narrowly avoiding a truck, Han drives through an Imperial checkpoint, where an RA-7 protocol droid protests their intrusion before being run over by Moloch's truckspeeder. Qi'ra notes Moloch's speed, but Han assures her they're faster. An Imperial patrol trooper on a C-PH patrol speeder bike chases Han's landspeeder and Moloch's truckspeeder, but the rider crashes.

Han and Qi'ra drive through a factory with Moloch in pursuit, with Han escaping by navigating a tight corner. With the landspeeder stuck, Moloch sends Rebolt and the Corellian hounds after them. Han and Qi'ra reach the Coronet spaceport on foot, finding a strong Imperial presence and long offworld queues. They witness several arrests, including a family, by stormtroopers.

Joining a queue, Qi'ra worries about Crimson Dawn trafficking, but Han vows protection. Lacking identification, they bribe Falthina Sharest, the Imperial Emigration Officer, with the coaxium vial. Han crosses through customs, but Rebolt and Syke, White Worms enforcers, apprehend Qi'ra before she can follow. Qi'ra tells Han to flee, and he promises to return.

Han evades Imperial forces and the White Worms by stealing a hat and hiding behind crates, witnessing more arrests. Lacking funds for offworld travel, Han finds an Imperial Military recruiting post. He volunteers to join the Imperial Navy as a pilot, speaking with Drawd Munbrin, the Imperial recruitment officer. Lacking a surname, Munbrin dubs him "Han Solo." After approving Han's application, he directs him to Transport ID-83 for the Imperial Flight Academy on Carida, promising flight training soon.

Ordeals on Mimban

Han encountered Tobias Beckett and Val on Mimban.

Three years later, Han, expelled from the Carida Flight Academy for insubordination, serves as a Mudtrooper Corporal during a battle on Mimban. Solo's 224th Imperial Armored Division endures heavy losses in trench warfare against the Mimbanese Liberation Army in harsh conditions.

Han participates in a ground assault led by Major Staz to capture a ridge. Staz helps Han up, saying they're close, but is killed by an explosion. Han and surviving troops, including Private Collum Woslo, Corporals Sharlu Greslin, Danith Nodar, and Wesger Odry, gather in a trench with "Captain" Tobias Beckett, who assumes command. Beckett leads them into action, securing the ridge.

After the skirmish, Han thanks Beckett, who advises him to leave. Solo encounters Beckett's companions Val and the Ardennian Rio Durant, disguised as Imperial Army troopers, who tell him to stay away. Lieutenant Alayus Bolandin announces a move to the Southern Marshlands in three hours, requesting an advance party. Solo questions the Empire's destruction of Mimban, angering Bolandin.

Disenchanted, Han seeks out Beckett and his gang, planning a heist. Recognizing them as thieves posing as Imperials, Han offers his piloting skills. Rio questions his presence in the mud, and Han claims expulsion for independent thinking, pointing out Rio's species. Desperate to escape, Solo tries to blackmail them into joining their gang by threatening to expose them as infiltrators. However, Beckett turns the tables on him and convinces Lieutenant Bolandin that Solo is trying to desert.

Meeting Chewbacca

Han meets Chewbacca

Bolandin, seeking to eliminate a "trouble-maker," throws Solo into a pen to battle a captive "beast." Two Imperial sentries joke about starving the beast for three days and that it should be fun. The beast is revealed to be Chewbacca, a Wookiee enslaved by the Empire. Chewbacca, seeing Han as a threat, attacks.

Speaking Shyriiwook, Han convinces Chewbacca he's a friend. Staging a fight for their captors, they discover a weak pillar supporting the mesh above their cell. The sentries laugh, thinking Han is doomed. After attempts, Han pretends to provoke Chewbacca into pushing against the main pillar, causing it to collapse. After jumping out of harm's way, Chewbacca throws Han out of the pit and follows suit.

Finding themselves chained together, Chewbacca wants to flee the camp but Han convinces him to escape him to a nearby airfield. He tells Chewbacca to trust him, promising him that they can go their separate paths if he chooses after that. Meanwhile, Beckett's gang boards their stolen Y-45 armored transport hauler. Throwing off his Imperial army helmet and uniform, Rio asks how they can breathe in these stuffy suits. The three take off but Beckett spot Han and Chewbacca waving to them below.

Rio is impressed by Solo's determination and thinks that a Wookiee will be helpful as muscle. Val is opposed but Rio convinces Beckett to bring the ship down so that they can pick up Han and Chewbacca. The five depart Mimban in the stolen hauler. Han takes a shower in the shower unit. When Chewbacca steps in, Han suggest that they could have done it one at a time. Chewbacca roars.

Beckett's gamble

Solo and Chewbacca took part in Beckett's train heist on Vandor.

Following their Mimban escape, Beckett takes the hauler to Vandor, a snowy, mountainous world. Watching the mountains, Han thanks Chewbacca for saving him, saying he only took the Wookiee because of him. He tells Chewbacca of his plan to do one job with Beckett's gang in return for their freedom. Chewbacca accepts. Han asks Chewbacca what is his name and settles for "Chewie," finding it easier to say than his full name in Shyriiwook.

After landing, Beckett enlists them for a planned heist of refined coaxium from a 20-T Railcrawler conveyex transport on Vandor. Surveying the tracks, Beckett plans to hit the conveyex between a tower and bridge, with Rio dropping them onto the conveyex to detach the payload container and lift it onto the hauler. Rio will jam communications, and Val will destroy the bridge, allowing escape. The night before, Beckett warns of Enfys Nest and the Cloud-Riders.

Resting by the campfire, Val criticizes Beckett for enlisting Han and Chewbacca, whom she regards as amateurs. Beckett defends his plans as a means of settling their debts. At the campfire, Beckett and his associates question Han about his motives. Han tells them about his plans to become a pilot and go back and find Qi'ra. Rio says he prefers to be tied to anyone while Val talks about her relationship with Beckett. Chewbacca says that he is searching for his family. Beckett promises Han and Chewbacca that they will have more than enough to buy their own ship if they follow his instructions.

Heist on Vandor

Rio Durant repelling boarders

As Rio flies the Y-45 hauler, Han, Chewbacca, and Beckett land on the coaxium cargo wagon, while Val positions herself on the bridge. Imperial range troopers soon engage them. As the conveyex navigates a cliff, Han and Chewie narrowly avoid being crushed. They detach the coaxium wagon.

Keeping in touch with Beckett, Rio lowers the "witch cables" onto the coaxium wagon. Before Beckett's gang can escape with the stolen coaxium, the group is attacked by the Cloud-Riders, who ride swoop bikes. The Cloud Riders' leader Enfys Nest orders her followers to lower their harpoons. Han and the others dodge blaster fire. One of the swoop bikes crashes against a rock. Two of the Cloud-Riders board the Y-45 hauler and fatally wound Durant. Solo leaves Chewbacca to uncouple the wagon from the front train while he goes to help Rio.

Solo manages to climb aboard the transport hauler and fly the ship, tripping a security sensor as he gains control. Val warns Han that Viper probe droids are heading his way. As the skirmish continues Val, who is stationed on top of a nearby bridge, uses her vantage point to distract and fend off several security viper probe droids. With his dying breath, Durant apologizes to Solo for mocking his flying abilities and tells him that Val was right in her belief that no one should die alone. Beckett fights with Enfys Nest on top of the wagon.

However, the conveyex is rapidly approaching the bridge and Val realizes that there is not enough time for her to abandon her position without letting the crew steal the coaxium wagon. After telling Beckett of her change of plans via comlink, Val professes her love for him before detonating the bomb, killing herself and destroying the bridge. The destruction of the bridge causes the conveyex to plunge into a deep gorge. After a struggle, Chewbacca manages to detach the coaxium wagon from the rest of the train.

However, the Cloud-Riders have attached grappling hooks to the wagon, dragging it down. Not wanting to risk the lives of Beckett and Chewbacca, Solo makes the difficult decision to let go of the coaxium wagon; which plunges into the ravine below and explodes. Chewbacca grabs Beckett and the two survive by clinging on to the cable.

An audience with Dryden Vos

Beckett and Solo negotiate with Dryden Vos.

Following the failed heist, Beckett erects a hasty memorial to Val and Rio. Angered by Solo's decision to drop the cargo, Beckett strikes him in the face. Beckett reveals he was ordered to steal the coaxium in order to repay his debt to Dryden Vos, leader of the Crimson Dawn criminal syndicate. Han proposes deserting but Beckett counters that Vos sends out bounty hunters to hunt down those who have crossed him. Beckett says that the only thing they can do is go to Vos and make amends. Han agrees to come along in order to make things right and exacts a promise from Beckett to pay him and Chewbacca for their services. Chewie agrees to come along.

Beckett, Han, and Chewie travel to the outskirts of Fort Ypso, where Vos' yacht First Light has arrived. After surrendering their weapons to Captain Aemon Gremm, they enter the public gallery. Beckett's team enters the yacht's hallway. Beckett speaks to Vos' concierge Margo, seeking an audience with Dryden Vos. She tells him that Vos is having an audience with Governor Diles Anevi, whom Vos kills. Captain Gremm informs Vos of Beckett's presence.

Beckett advises Han and Chewbacca to keep their eyes down because the people here are not their friends, gesturing to the wealthy people around them, eating and drinking the most expensive, tasty and quality food available. Han has an unexpected reunion with Qi'ra, who now works for Vos. The two drink together while reminiscing about their past and ambitions. Beckett soon arrives with Vos and introduces Han and Chewie to him. Vos reveals that Qi'ra is his top lieutenant. After exchanging pleasantries, Vos chastises Beckett for underestimating Enfys Nest and tells Beckett to give him a reason not to kill them.

Since the few available stocks of coaxium are in Imperial hands, Han proposes stealing unrefined coaxium from Kessel, where the Pyke Syndicate runs a mining operation. While Vos is unwilling to jeopardize his syndicate's business relations with the Pykes, Han and Beckett inform him that they have no alliance with the Pykes and taking on the operation themselves would not implicate Crimson Dawn. Qi'ra is supportive of Han's idea but warns that the unstable coaxium must be brought to a processing facility quickly before it deteriorates. Beckett suggests Savareen since it is not under Imperial control. Vos approves of the plan but sends Qi'ra to keep an eye on Han and Beckett. In the turbolift, Beckett says that he can provide the gear while Qi'ra offers to provide the ship.

Finding a ship

L3-37, Lando, Han, Beckett, and Chewbacca returning to the Falcon

Knowing they required a swift vessel for the Kessel operation, Qi'ra guides Solo and his comrades to The Lodge, situated near Fort Ypso. It is there that she presents Lando Calrissian, a renowned pilot and smuggler who allegedly acquired his spacecraft through a sabacc game. Passing by a pair of droids engaged in combat, they discover Lando immersed in a sabacc match with various alien individuals. Disregarding the counsel of Qi'ra and Chewbacca, Han issues a sabacc challenge to Lando, with the intention of securing his ship.

Han emerges victorious in the initial round, amassing a quantity of credits. During the game between Han and Lando, the Cloud-Rider Weazel is covertly spying on their activities. Han consents to a subsequent round, wagering for Lando's spacecraft, celebrated as the galaxy's fastest. However, Lando employs a cunning maneuver to secure the victory. Following the game's conclusion, Lando engages in conversation with Qi'ra, who conveys their necessity for a ship capable of executing the Kessel Run. Beckett succeeds in persuading Calrissian to participate in the mission in return for a 25 percent share of the earnings. While conversing with Calrissian, Beckett recounts his elimination of the bounty hunter Aurra Sing during a confrontation.

Han and his associates also encounter Lando's droid co-pilot, L3-37, programmed with female characteristics and a vocal supporter of droid rights. L3-37 voices her disapproval of the droid fighting pits at the Lodge, instigating a conflict with the proprietor, Ralakili, who objects to her efforts to halt his droids' battles. L3-37 nearly suffocates Ralakili, but Lando convinces her to release him. Despite L3-37's reservations regarding the newcomer, Lando and the others embark for Lando's ship, which is currently impounded.

Following L3-37's creation of an opening through the gate, Lando unveils his ship, the Millennium Falcon, to Han and his companions. Lando has enhanced the ship, incorporating a escape pod and a refreshment area. Beckett consents to disengage the gravity lock in exchange for a five percent reduction in Lando's share, lowering it to 20 percent. Lando reluctantly agrees to Beckett's proposition. As the Falcon departs, Weazel informs Enfys Nest that they have affixed a homing beacon to the vessel. Enfys anticipates that should they endure, they will deliver the payment to them.

Journey to Kessel

Han and Qi'ra kissing

During their voyage on the Falcon, Han discloses to Lando that he recognizes the ship as a YT-1300 light freighter because his father was employed at a CEC facility before his termination. Solo's father constructed this and aspired to become a pilot. Lando responds that his mother was the "most extraordinary woman" he had ever encountered. L3-37 appears and directs Solo to vacate the co-pilot's seat. She programs a hyperspace trajectory for Kessel, and they initiate lightspeed. Lando clarifies that they must navigate through the Akkadese Maelstrom to arrive at Kessel.

In the meantime, Beckett is engaged in a game of dejarik with Chewbacca. Beckett utilizes one of his pieces to eliminate one of Chewbacca's pieces, provoking the Wookiee, who slams his fists onto the hologram set. Beckett instructs Chewbacca on the necessity of anticipating future actions. Han inquires whether they have observed Qi'ra, but Beckett replies that individuals are predictable. Han proceeds to Qi'ra's quarters, where she is attempting to don a blue cape. Qi'ra questions Han regarding his strategy for Kessel. He desires to inquire about her experiences subsequent to their separation on Corellia, but Qi'ra expresses no interest.

Han delivers a passionate kiss to Qi'ra, and they embrace. Beckett interrupts them, reminding them of their extensive workload. In solitude, Beckett informs Han that he is committing a significant error by placing trust in Qi'ra. He conveys to Han that he and Chewbacca would constitute an effective crew but expresses distrust towards Qi'ra. Beckett advises Han to have faith in no one and to presume that everyone will betray him. Han perceives this as a desolate manner of existence, but Beckett asserts that it is the sole method.

Lando and L3-37 pilot the Falcon out of hyperspace, arriving at the perimeter of the Akkadese Maelstrom. Lando proceeds to inspect the "damps" and inquires whether L3-37 requires anything. She retorts sarcastically "equal rights" as the ship traverses the turbulent cluster. Upon Qi'ra's arrival in the cockpit, L3-37 elucidates that the sound originates from carbonbergs, celestial bodies of planetary dimensions colliding with each other. She cautions that it is perilous for vessels to navigate through the Maelstrom. L3-37 questions Qi'ra regarding her strategy and takes note of the mark on her hand. When L3-37 observes that Han is enamored with Qi'ra, she denies it, but L3-37 confides that Lando is infatuated with her, yet she does not reciprocate the same sentiments for her master.

Penetrating Kessel

Solo and his team had to deal with the Pyke Syndicate.

Upon approaching Kessel, Beckett briefs the team on their strategy to access the thermal vault where the coaxium is stored. He advises everyone to adhere to the plan. The Falcon touches down in a clearing at the base of the mine, where they are received by several Pykes, including Capo Quay Tolsite. Qi'ra assumes the identity of Oksana Floren, the slaver and Deputy Assistant to the Vice Admiral of the Federation of Trade Route Allocation and Monetization. Han and Chewbacca pose as slaves, while Beckett impersonates a helmeted "security attache." L3-37 acts as a servant droid.

"Floren" convenes with Capo Tolsite, proposing to exchange the Federation's slaves for the Pyke Syndicate's spice. One of the Pyke sentinels compels Chewbacca and Han Solo to kneel with a pike and examines them. Tolsite directs Han and Chewbacca to be clipped. Before departing, Qi'ra strikes Han in the abdomen but subtly hands him his lucky charm. Qi'ra, L3-37, and Beckett accompany the Pykes into Tolsite's control room, while Han and Chewie are escorted into the mines. L3-37 provides translation for Tolsite, who lacks proficiency in Galactic Basic.

Qi'ra observes with apprehension on the surveillance monitors as Han and Chewie are assaulted by their Pyke captors. Tolsite insists that "Floren's" "security attache" remain outside his office. While Tolsite is preoccupied, Han and Chewie reverse the situation on their guards as the camera feed diminishes. Han incapacitates his guard, but Chewie proceeds to detach the limbs of his captors. Back in the control room, Beckett deceives two guards into holding his pike and subsequently shoots them. While Beckett neutralizes the remaining guards, Qi'ra overpowers and eliminates Tolsite utilizing the martial art Teräs Käsi, instructed to her by Dryden. L3-37 expresses admiration for Qi'ra's combat prowess.

The Takeover and the slave revolt

L3-37 inspired a droid and slave uprising on Kessel.

In the mines, Han and Chewbacca, disguised, blend in among the slaves and guards. L3-37 engages in dialogue with the WDD adminmech DD-BD and emancipates him from his restraining bolt. She persuades him to liberate his droid counterparts while she directs Han and Chewbacca towards the thermal vault. The freed droids release the slaves from their remotely controlled restraints and chains, igniting a droid and slave rebellion within the mines. As they approach the vaults, Chewbacca detaches to liberate a Wookiee slave named Sagwa. Han hands Chewie a pike, which he employs to assault the Pyke guards assaulting Sagwa.

Following Beckett's instructions, Han reaches the vault and subdues the guard. After L3-37 unlocks the vault, Han appropriates 12 unrefined coaxium canisters. Concurrently, Lando reminisces on the fifth chapter of the Calrissian Chronicles, which recounts his encounter with the Sharu. Lando is diverted by the commotion resulting from the uprising, and L3-37 informs him that she has discovered her authentic purpose. Han struggles to propel a sled carrying the canisters but is detected by the Pyke guards. Chewbacca intervenes to provide assistance and neutralizes the guards with his pike. Sagwa and Chewie assist Han in extracting the canisters.

Lando exits the Millennium Falcon to join the conflict as Han and the remainder of the team fight their way out alongside the liberated slaves and droids. Han and Lando shoot several Pyke sentries. Beckett and Qi'ra exit the mines. L3-37 cheers. While Chewbacca and Sagwa load the coaxium canisters onto the Falcon, Han and the others exchange gunfire with Pyke sentries, who have deployed a sonic cannon. Before they can depart, L3 is fatally wounded by gunfire. A grieving Lando rushes to the aid of the expiring L3-37, who succumbs to system failure. Lando is struck, and Han intervenes to assist him, driving the sentries away.

A slave named Tak leads the slaves to safety. Chewbacca embraces Sagwa prior to departing with Han and Lando. Chewbacca carries a wounded Lando aboard the Falcon, while Qi'ra neutralizes the Pykes' sonic cannon with a grenade, triggering an inferno. While a distraught Lando cradles a disintegrating L3, Beckett instructs Han to evacuate them from Kessel. Han pilots the Falcon out of the mine and into the skies of Kessel. While Lando laments the loss of L3-37, Qi'ra volunteers as Han's co-pilot. They are joined by Chewbacca, while Beckett secures the concealed storage compartment containing the coaxium.

Concluding the Kessel Run

Chewbacca, Beckett, Qi'ra, and Solo aboard the Millennium Falcon

Upon approaching the Akkadese Maelstrom, Lando cautions them that they must expedite their actions due to the unstable properties of the unrefined coaxium. The Falcon soon encounters an Imperial Star Destroyer, which has emerged from hyperspace in response to the revolt on Kessel. Lando proposes jettisoning the shipment, but Qi'ra warns that Dryden will execute them if they fail. Seeking to reclaim the Falcon's pilfered coaxium cargo, the Star Destroyer dispatches several TIE fighters and heavy fighters in pursuit of the freighter.

Han pilots the Falcon around the Star Destroyer, and the Imperial TIE fighters initiate pursuit. Given the exceptionally volatile nature of the unrefined coaxium, Lando assesses that completing the Kessel Run is unattainable before the fuel detonates – the conventional route having never been completed in under twenty parsecs. Han suggests taking a shortcut through the maelstrom, which Lando deems suicidal. Han persuades Lando to download L3's neural cords, containing her navigational data, into the Falcon's systems.

Han navigates the Falcon and its TIE pursuers through the perilous storm clouds of the Akkadese Maelstrom, while Beckett operates the ship's ventral laser cannon, eliminating two TIE fighters. However, a third fighter manages to evade Beckett's laser cannon and inflicts damage on the top of the Falcon's hull, causing Lando to fall. Han rolls the Falcon, colliding with the TIE fighter and propelling it into an asteroid. Additional TIE fighters persist in their pursuit, prompting Han to declare that they must divert power to the rear shield generator. Chewbacca complies, leading Han to inquire when he acquired the ability to fly. Chewbacca responds that he is 190 years old.

Qi'ra checks on Lando in the passenger area and utilizes one of his red capes to extinguish a fire, despite his objections. A TIE fighter succeeds in shooting the Falcon's rear ventral cannon, causing it to detach. Han pilots the Falcon deeper into the Maelstrom, with the TIE fighters in close pursuit.

Emulating a maneuver replicated from a Corellian street racer, Han instructs Chewbacca to deploy the landing gear as the Falcon scrapes against the surface of an asteroid. This damages the landing gear but dislodges rocks and debris, one of which breaches the TIE fighter's cockpit. Han then takes the Falcon further into the Maelstrom. Meanwhile, Lando and Qi'ra manage to retrieve L3's internal processor. Beckett observes the coaxium vials becoming increasingly unstable and alerts the others. Lando and Qi'ra manage to install L3's processor into the Falcon's systems.

Upon reaching the Maw Cluster, L3 constructs a model of the Akkadese Maelstrom and cautions them that they are approaching a massive summa-verminoth. The Falcon soon encounters the monster. The crew attempts to evade the monster but ends up arriving at a large gravity well, which Lando identifies as the Maw. Thinking quickly, Han ejects the Falcon's escape pod into the well for the summa-verminoth to follow, which takes the bait. Guiding the ship's systems, L3 finds a way out 90 degrees to the left.

However, the Falcon is trapped in the gravity well. Qi'ra and Lando convince the rest of the team to inject a drop of coaxium into the fusion core to give them the kick needed to escape the gravity well. Carrying out their plan, Beckett retrieves a drop of coaxium. Meanwhile, the verminoth is pulled into the Maw and ripped apart. At Solo's command, Beckett boosts the ship's fusion core with a drop of coaxium, which briefly supercharges the engines. Despite a false start, the hyperdrive comes online and the Falcon jumps into lightspeed before the Maelstrom closes on them.

Arrival at Savareen

Han and Lando part company on Savareen.

Having completed the Kessel Run, Solo and his associates arrive on the planet Savareen to meet with Vos. As the Falcon nears the Bis Refinery, Solo communicates with the air traffic controller Dhowar Repareed, informing him of his imminent arrival with a shipment of coaxium that requires immediate unloading. The damaged Falcon circles the coastal refinery prior to landing on a designated pad. Due to its compromised landing gear, the Falcon is tilted.

As the coaxium is unloaded, Solo jokes that he accomplished the Kessel Run in a mere twelve parsecs, with some generous rounding. Han embraces an unamused Lando, who is grieving the loss of L-3 and is enraged by the damage inflicted upon his ship. He informs Han that he will be awaiting his share of the funds in his quarters and pledges to never see him again.

Han locates Qi'ra at a tavern in the nearby Pnakotic Coast village and inquires as to when Vos is expected to arrive. Qi'ra assures him that he will be compensated for his efforts. When Solo questions Qi'ra regarding her servitude to Dryden, she explains that the crime lord assisted her in escaping a "dire" predicament. He asks how long it will take her to settle her debt. Qi'ra cautions him that everyone, including Vos, serves someone, and advises him not to antagonize Dryden Vos. Han asserts that he is capable of managing himself and is no longer the "child" she knew on Corellia. When Qi'ra asks who he is, Han says he is an outlaw. She tells him she is the only person in the galaxy who knows that he is a good guy. Han disagrees and says he is a terrible person. Beckett reminds the two about the coaxium.

Confronting the Cloud-Riders

An unmasked Enfys Nest and her Cloud-Riders on Savareen

While traversing the village, Han and his companions observe that much of it is in ruins and that the inhabitants are impoverished. While visiting a bar run by Kenholdt Ransard, the group is encircled by Enfys Nest and her Cloud-Riders. Han attempts to draw his blaster from its holster, but Beckett advises against it. Solo attempts to intimidate the Cloud-Riders by asserting that he has a contingent of armed mercenaries aboard the Millennium Falcon. However, Lando departs aboard the Falcon, abandoning Han and his companions.

Beckett asserts that Crimson Dawn will be present by the time the coaxium is refined and dares them to kill them. Qi'ra proposes a compromise, but Beckett dismisses the Cloud-Riders as marauders who are only proficient in killing. However, Enfys Nest advances to confront Beckett and removes her mask, revealing herself to be a young human girl. She walks past a shocked Beckett and tells them that she needs a drink.

Inside the bar, Enfys recounts to Han and his companions how the Crimson Dawn originated from a band of mercenaries who pillaged a planet. When the inhabitants revolted, the mercenaries responded by severing the tongues of every man, woman, and child. Enfys explains that she and the Cloud-Riders originate from populations that have been terrorized by the Crimson Dawn and the other Five Crime Syndicates. She cautions Han and his companions that the Crimson Dawn will utilize the stolen coaxium to plunder additional systems. When Han inquires as to what the Cloud-Riders intend to use the coaxium for, she informs them that they require the coaxium for their rebel cause.

Sympathetic to the Cloud-Riders' cause and plight, Solo informs Beckett that they cannot deliver the coaxium to Dryden Vos. Beckett is indifferent and asks Solo if he has a plan. Solo says he has a plan to get their money without giving up the coaxium. Beckett warns that Dryden has a private army and suggests an alternative plan. From a distance, Enfys asks what Solo and Beckett are discussing and Qi'ra says he is going to help them. After their meeting, Beckett invites Solo to come with him, but Han declines the offer. Before leaving, Beckett tells Han that he going to Tatooine, where a big-shot gangster is recruiting a crew for a job. Beckett sees it as an opportunity to pay off his debts.

Beckett's Deception

Han presents the coaxium to Dryden Vos.

When Dryden Vos arrives on his yacht First Light by the Pnakotic Coast, Han, accompanied by Qi'ra and Chewbacca, proceeds to deliver the ostensibly "counterfeit" coaxium canisters to the Crimson Dawn crime lord. Upon entering the ship, a masked guard welcomes Qi'ra home and informs her that Vos is awaiting their arrival. When he inquires about Han and Chewie's weapons, Qir'a vouches for them. The trio ascends the turbolift. Han is confident of victory, but Qi'ra asserts that the objective is survival, not triumph.

Upon reaching Vos' living quarters, they are greeted by Vos, who appears pleased with their strategy. Qi'ra claims that Beckett did not survive, while Han asserts that Beckett perished saving his life on Kessel. Vos expresses admiration for Beckett's principles and expresses gratitude to Han and his team for emulating his example. Qi'ra suggests that Han and Chewbacca would make capable mercenaries with their own ship. Vos is pleased that his top lieutenant Qi'ra survived.

When Han requests payment, Vos demands to inspect the coaxium. Han opens the storage vial and presents a sample of the processed coaxium. When Vos asks to see one, Han claims its volatile but complies when Vos insists. Vos surprises Solo's team by announcing that the coaxium is fake and reveals that he is aware of Han's plan to sell the real shipment to the Cloud-Riders. Han thinks Qi'ra betrayed him, but Vos responds that Qi'ra has a weak spot for Solo.

Vos then reveals his "inside man" as Beckett, who walks into the living room. After "apologizing" to Han, Beckett reminds him about his "lesson" not to trust anybody. Beckett orders Han to surrender while a guard checks the lid. A defiant Han responds that it is too late because Enfys Nest has it. Beckett responds that they have figured that as Captain Aemon Gremm and his Hylobon Enforcers storm the nearby village, capture the masked "Cloud-Riders", and seize the coaxium containers. Vos asks Qi'ra what to do with the "traitor" Han. Qi'ra responds that she would want to know why and to prove their loyalty by sacrificing something they loved.

Han's "three-way double-cross"

The Cloud-Riders ambush the Crimson Dawn enforcers.

One of Vos' guards raises a sword. Beckett says that he tried to warn Han about her. However, Han responds that he was paying attention to Beckett's advice and knows that people are predictable. Meanwhile, the Hylobon Enforcers discover that the coaxium containers are empty and that the "Cloud-Riders" are villagers serving as decoys. The real Cloud-Riders including Enfys Nest and Auromae Iselo soon emerge from hiding and ambush Vos' Enforcers. One fires a rocket launcher at the enforcers, disorientating them. The Cloud-Riders disarm and subdue Aemon and his enforcers.

Back aboard the First Light, Han mockingly asks Vos if he sent all his enforcers. Beckett realizes that the real coaxium is with Solo. Abandoning Vos, Beckett shoots the two remaining guards and forces Han at gunpoint to load the coaxium into the case. He also takes Chewbacca hostage and leaves with the coaxium containers. A furious Vos warns Beckett he is making a big mistake, but the criminal ignores him before traveling down the turbolift with Chewie and the coaxium.

Once Beckett has left, Han grabs his blaster and fires at Vos, who retrieves a pair of custom Kyuzo petars. Vos attacks Han with his Kyuzo petars and manages to knock the blaster out of his hand. Vos chases Han around the room, hurling his daggers. While Han is distracted with Vos, Qi'ra draws a sword and manages to pin Solo to the ground, knocking the blaster out of his hand. Qi'ra apologizes while Vos says that Qi'ra is loyal to Crimson Dawn.

However, Qi'ra quickly reveals that it was a ruse and strikes the unsuspecting Vos with her weapon. Vos fights back with his Kyuzo petars but Qi'ra gains the upper hand and kills him by slashing him in the chest. Qi'ra tells Han to go after Chewbacca and Beckett, telling him that if they give their coaxium to Enfys, they will need something else to buy a new ship. Before parting company, Qi'ra embraces Han and reminds him to look after Chewbacca and to smile. She tells him that she is right behind him.

Diverging Trajectories

Beckett's final moments with Han

Following Han's departure, Qi'ra takes Dryden Vos' signet ring off his finger and employs it to secure the living quarters. Now alone on Vos' vessel, Qi'ra makes contact with Vos' controller, revealed to be Maul, the one-time Sith apprentice. She informs him that the coaxium operation was a failure and takes over Vos' role, but she purposefully omits Han's involvement, instead placing the blame squarely on Beckett. She alleges that Beckett absconded with the coaxium shipment. The Force is then used by Maul to summon his lightsaber, and he gives Qi'ra instructions to navigate the yacht to the world of Dathomir, informing her that their future collaboration will be much closer.

In the meantime, Han reunites with Beckett and Chewbacca along the Pnakotic Coast. Beckett comments on Han's persistence, while Han tells Chewie that he arrived as quickly as possible. Han verifies that Dryden is deceased and that Qi'ra was the one who killed him. Beckett retorts that Han still doesn't grasp that Qi'ra is a survivor. Han counters by saying that Beckett's issue is his assumption that everyone is like him. Beckett replies that Han is not like him. He attempts to deceive Han into relaxing his guard by offering to share a secret while simultaneously reaching for his blaster.

Before Beckett can fire, Han preemptively shoots, mortally wounding the gangster. Han assists the dying Beckett, who commends Han for his swift response, conceding that he would have killed him if Han hadn't acted first. Beckett acknowledges Han's bravery on Vandor mountain before taking his last breath. Han observes Qi'ra's departure on the yacht First Light, which has provided Solo with a clean break from his obligations to the Crimson Dawn. Qi'ra observes Han and Chewbacca through the viewport. Chewie places a comforting hand on Han's shoulder.

After the deaths of Vos and Beckett, Han and Chewbacca deliver the refined coaxium to Nest. Nest reveals her intentions to utilize the coaxium, valued at 60 million credits, to bolster the rebellion against the Empire. She extends an invitation for Han to join her cause, but he refuses. Nest then suggests that he may eventually become more sympathetic to the rebels' cause. As a token of gratitude for his assistance, Nest presents Solo with a vial of coaxium, enough to acquire a ship for himself.

Another Encounter with Lando Calrissian

Lando on Numidian Prime

Lando is eventually located by Han and Chewbacca at a jungle outpost on Numidian Prime. He is there entertaining patrons with tales of his exploits in StarCave Nebula. Han scolds Lando for abandoning them on Savareen before giving him a hug. When Lando inquires about his share, Han responds that he will receive nothing since they barely made it out of their previous adventure alive. After exchanging greetings, Han once again challenges Lando to a sabacc game for ownership of the Falcon. Han had previously subtly relieved Lando of the cards stashed up his sleeve thereby preventing Lando from cheating which allows Han to win the game.

Having won the Falcon, Han informs Chewbacca of his plan to travel to Tatooine, where Beckett mentioned that a gangster is assembling an organization. The Falcon then initiates a jump to hyperspace.

Production History

Initial Concepts

Iain McCaig drew Han Solo concept art for Episode III.

The initial concept for a live-action portrayal of a young Han Solo emerged during the pre-production phase of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. George Lucas, the writer and director, envisioned Solo as a child on Kashyyyk, with Chewbacca acting as a father figure to the young boy. Solo would have been present during the Battle of Kashyyyk and would have crossed paths with Yoda, assisting the Jedi Master in discovering fragments of a droid that could have aided Yoda in locating General Grievous. Concept art by Iain McCaig depicted the young Solo as unkempt, a contrast to his later, more refined persona. "He's such a persnickety guy later — he always has to have the best of everything," McCaig stated in The Art of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, "so I thought it'd be great if when he was a kid, he was an absolute slob." These ideas were never fully developed, and Solo did not appear in Revenge of the Sith—although Chewbacca did make a cameo during the battle.

Following the release of Revenge of the Sith, Lucas began developing a live-action television series titled Star Wars: Underworld, set between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. This series, which remained unproduced and focused on the criminal underworld, might have explored aspects of Solo's past. According to Stephen Scaia, the show's writers devised a story explaining how Solo and Chewbacca first met. Another storyline would have depicted Solo's initial encounter with Lando Calrissian, who was first introduced in Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back.

Development Phase

Director Christopher Miller (far left) and Phil Lord (second right), along with cast members Woody Harrelson, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Alden Ehrenreich, Emilia Clarke, Chewbacca (played by Joonas Suotamo, and Donald Glover (from left to right)

The concept of a film centered on a young Han Solo began to gain traction leading up to The Walt Disney Company's acquisition of Lucasfilm. In October 2012, as Lucas prepared to sell his company, Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy reached out to Lawrence Kasdan, the writer of The Empire Strikes Back and co-writer of Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, inviting him to discuss potential new films in the franchise with her and Lucas. Kasdan recalled that Lucas had already formulated some fundamental ideas for the sequel trilogy and had also conceived the idea of stand-alone films. One of these films would focus on a young Han Solo, before the events of A New Hope. Initially hesitant to participate in the new films, Kasdan decided to take on the Han Solo project because Solo was his favorite character. He presented his concept to Bob Iger, describing the scene where Han acquires his last name.

After accepting the assignment, Kasdan was also enlisted to help develop what would become Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens. Feeling creatively exhausted after completing that film, Kasdan enlisted his son, Jon, to assist in developing the Han Solo film. The Kasdans collaborated on the script for nine months, drawing inspiration from Treasure Island, Heat, Unforgiven, and various works by the Coen brothers. Encouraged by the elder Kasdan, Phil Lord and Christopher Miller were brought on to direct. Lord and Miller auditioned thousands of actors for the role, including Harrison Ford impersonator Anthony Ingruber. Ultimately, they selected Alden Ehrenreich, who was the first actor to audition. Miller explained that they sought not an imitation of Ford, but "someone who could evoke the spirit of the iconic performance we all remember while bringing something new and fresh." Ehrenreich was officially announced during Celebration Europe. He (and later, Ron Howard) consulted with Harrison Ford to discuss the character, and Lucasfilm provided Ford with a copy of the script for his approval. Following Ehrenreich's casting, certain parts of the script were modified to suit his voice, and the final script included contributions from Lord, Miller, and Howard. As Jon Kasdan told SFX magazine, "I think ultimately the movie that you'll see is truly a product of the five of us all coming together in this weird way to tell this story."


Principal photography commenced in January 2017, under the working title Star Wars: Red Cup. In addition to Pinewood Studios, filming took place in Fuerteventura, Spain, the Dolomites in Italy, and at a secret location near London. One of the three prizes in the 2017 Force for Change fundraiser was an opportunity to appear in the film.

Ron Howard replaced Phil Lord and Christopher Miller as director of Solo: A Star Wars Story.

On June 20, 2017, Lucasfilm announced the departure of directors Lord and Miller from the project due to creative disagreements, stating that a new director would be named shortly. Entertainment Weekly reported that Lord and Miller favored an improvisational approach on set, which Lucasfilm insiders believed was diverting the film from the vision established by the Kasdans in their script and ultimately altering the story significantly. Lucasfilm believed that these issues could be resolved during reshoots, but Lord and Miller were reportedly resistant to making substantial changes to their approach. Consequently, Kennedy decided to remove Lord and Miller from the production. Co-writer Lawrence Kasadan later attributed it to tone: "You can have fun with the tone but you never make fun of the tone, in my world."

On June 22, Lucasfilm announced that Ron Howard would assume directorial duties for the film. Howard had previously worked on three Lucasfilm projects: 1973's American Graffiti, 1979's More American Graffiti, and 1988's Willow (which starred Star Wars veteran Warwick Davis, who also appeared in Solo.) Following the announcement, Howard expressed his lifelong fandom of Star Wars and his gratitude for the opportunity to contribute to the [Star Wars] universe. Michael Kenneth Williams was initially cast in the film but was unavailable for reshoots and was replaced by Paul Bettany. George Lucas visited the set at one point and assisted in directing a scene. On October 17, Howard confirmed that production had concluded and officially announced that the film would be titled Solo: A Star Wars Story. By March 30, 2018, the editing and score were finalized, and post-production concluded by April 22. John Powell composed the film's musical score, with John Williams contributing a new theme.

Promotion and Debut

Marketing Efforts

Harrison Ford first appeared as Han Solo in 1977.

A television advertisement aired during Super Bowl LII, followed by a full teaser trailer the next day and the unveiling of a series of character-themed teaser posters. A theatrical trailer and poster were released on April 8, with the former premiering during American Idol. Advance ticket sales began on May 3 and ranked second only to Infinity War among 2018 releases. The film premiered worldwide on May 10 and was screened at the Cannes Film Festival on May 15. It was widely released on May 25, marking the 41st anniversary of the release of A New Hope, which introduced Harrison Ford as Han Solo.

The film was featured in the February and April 2018 editions of Entertainment Weekly, the 300th issue of SFX, and the June 2018 issue of Empire. The cast and crew participated in various media appearances to promote the film, including The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Good Morning America, Jimmy Kimmel Live!, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, and The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. Donald Glover hosted the May 5 episode of Saturday Night Live. Various members of the cast and crew engaged in Q&A sessions on Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr.

Merchandise Offerings

Alden Ehrenreich as Han Solo

Lucasfilm established Solo licensing agreements with Denny's, Esurance, General Mills, Nissan, Solo Cup Company, and Symantec. Denny's broadcast a commercial featuring props, characters, and a set from the film. The French automaker Renault also aired an advertisement showcasing the film's train sequence. The Solo merchandise line was launched in stores on April 13. The video games Star Wars Battlefront II, Star Wars: Commander, Star Wars: Force Arena, Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, Star Wars Pinball, and Minecraft were updated with Solo-related content. Numerous LEGO sets were released as part of LEGO's broader LEGO Star Wars line, creating the LEGO Star Wars Solo subtheme.

Tie-in narratives to Solo included the novel Last Shot by Daniel José Older, the comic Star Wars: Lando - Double or Nothing, and the novel Most Wanted, which is set during Han and Qi'ra's time on Corellia and explores their desire to escape. Coinciding with the film's release, Solo: A Star Wars Story The Official Guide by Pablo Hidalgo was published, identifying many of the film's background elements and characters. Other promotional reference materials included The Official Movie Guide, Entertainment Weekly's The Ultimate Guide to Han Solo, Solo: A Star Wars Story Ultimate Sticker Collection, and Star Wars Insider's "Soldiers of the Empire" article. The book The Art of Solo: A Star Wars Story detailed the film's behind-the-scenes development from a concept art perspective. Solo: A Star Wars Story: The Ultimate Guide was later released as another behind-the-scenes text.

The release of the initial teaser posters led to a complaint from French artist Hachim Bahous, who alleged that the posters' design plagiarized a series of covers he created for Sony Music for French album releases. A side-by-side comparison revealed that the posters and covers shared nearly identical coloration for both the background and character/album names, as well as a similar font. On April 23, Ren Ventures, the trademark holder for the card game Sabacc, filed a lawsuit against Lucasfilm and Denny's Star Wars card game after Sabacc was featured in promotions for the film.

Release for Home Viewing

Solo was made available on digital streaming platforms on September 14 and on physical media and on-demand services on September 25.

Bonus content included:

  • Solo: The Director & Cast Roundtable — An intimate and entertaining discussion with director Ron Howard and the cast about the making of the film.
  • Team Chewie — A lighthearted behind-the-scenes look at bringing the beloved Wookiee to life.
  • Kasdan on Kasdan — Iconic Star Wars screenwriter Lawrence Kasdan and his son Jonathan share their experience writing the film's script together.
  • Remaking the Millennium Falcon — A look at the transformation of the galaxy's most famous ship, from Lando's pristine pride and joy to Han's stripped-down, modified freighter.
  • Escape from Corellia — A behind-the-scenes look at the making of the high-octane chase through the streets of Corellia.
  • The Train Heist — An exploration of the challenges and excitement of creating the action-packed sequence, including its remote location and spectacular effects.
  • Becoming a Droid: L3-37 — An introduction to the newest droid and the talented actor who brings her to life.
  • Scoundrels, Droids, Creatures and Cards: Welcome to Fort Ypso — An in-depth tour of the rough-and-tumble bar where strangers mingle and gamblers risk everything in the legendary card game, Sabacc.
  • Into the Maelstrom: The Kessel Run — Join Han and Chewie at the controls of the Millennium Falcon to see how this legendary moment in Star Wars history unfolds.
  • The Millennium Falcon: From Page to Park — An exclusive bonus feature (available as a digital code with the Target release) that explores the history of the galaxy's most famous ship, its origin and development, and its transformation into one of Disneyland's most anticipated expansions.
  • Deleted Scenes: Proxima's Den, Corellian Foot Chase, Han Solo: Imperial Cadet, The Battle of Mimban: Extended, Han Versus Chewie: Extended, Snowball Fight!, Meet Dryden: Extended, Coaxium Double-Cross

On the day of the digital streaming release, co-writer Jon Kasdan shared 52 behind-the-scenes details (in lieu of an audio commentary) on his Twitter account. He later joined Ray Park and the hosts of The Star Wars Show for a Facebook live preview of the film's bonus features.

Critical Response

Solo debuted with $103 million in North America and $68.2 million in international markets. Disney Chairman Alan Horn commented on the film's performance: "It's always a challenge because — and I say this with love and respect for media — the thing about these big movies is they get a lot of attention, whether positive or negative. So when they don't work, like Solo, the media says it's a failure. I think it was a pretty good movie. It didn't resonate as much as we'd hoped it would, but the press writes it up in a more negative way than I would."

The film received an Oscar nomination for "Best Visual Effects" and a Saturn nomination for "Best Science Fiction Film Release."


Poster Collection

Production Team

