Battle on Mimban

The Mimban conflict, alternatively referred to as the struggle at Mimban, stands as a particularly brutal episode within the Imperial Military's broader Mimban Campaign. Beckett's crew also infiltrated this event, aiming to pilfer an Y-45 armored transport hauler to facilitate their planned Vandor heist. During the operation, Korso, a member of the gang, met his demise. Returning to Camp Forward under the supposed "leadership" of "Captain" Tobias Beckett, Corporal Han Solo realized that the gang members weren't actually Imperial Army troopers. In his subsequent escape from Mimban, Solo allied himself with the im[prisoned](/article/prison] Wookiee Chewbacca, joining forces with the gang to flee the active combat zone. Solo's objective was to utilize his earnings from the heist to return to his homeworld Corellia and reunite with his beloved Qi'ra, while Chewbacca sought to locate Wookiees from his clan or family.

Subsequent Events

Following their escape from Mimban, Solo and Chewbacca journeyed to Vandor, where Beckett recruited them to steal coaxium from an Imperial conveyx transport to settle his debts with Dryden Vos, the crime lord heading the Crimson Dawn. The heist was unsuccessful due to the intervention of Enfys Nest and her Cloud-Riders, resulting in the deaths of Val and Durant.

After his departure from the Empire on Mimban, Solo essentially laid the groundwork for the remainder of his life.

With the assistance of Qi'ra, an acquaintance from Solo's past and the crime lord's lieutenant, Solo and Beckett successfully persuaded Dryden Vos to grant them another opportunity. After securing the services of Lando Calrissian and his vessel, the Millennium Falcon, Solo and his allies effectively stole coaxium from the Pyke Syndicate's mining operations on Kessel.

Following the completion of the Kessel Run in a mere 12 parsecs, Han and his companions proceeded to Savareen to meet with Dryden Vos. However, Enfys Nest and her Cloud-Riders managed to sway them against handing over the coaxium to Vos. Despite Beckett's act of betrayal, Han and Qi'ra were successful in defeating Vos and his Hylobon Enforcers. Beckett was subsequently killed in a confrontation with Solo. Despite Qi'ra's departure, Solo and Chewbacca departed together, eventually pursuing careers as smugglers and acquiring the Falcon from Calrissian.

