
Korso was a criminal of the human male variety, acting as the physical enforcer for Tobias Beckett's gang. He operated on the planet of Mimban, where he concealed his identity using appropriated Imperial swamp trooper armor, along with a helmet from an Imperial fleet trooper and a greatcoat belonging to an Imperial officer. In return for safe passage away from Mimban, he aided Beckett in infiltrating the ranks of the Imperial Army. His death occurred during the Mimban Campaign, at the hands of a Mimbanese.

Behind the scenes

The role of Korso was portrayed by John Tui, an actor from New Zealand, in Solo: A Star Wars Story, which is a Star Wars Anthology film released in 2018. Jon Kasdan, one of the screenwriters, commented that while Tui delivered a strong performance, the chaotic nature of the scene made it difficult to effectively introduce Korso before his character's immediate demise. The moment of Korso's death can be seen in the film's Deleted Scenes. The initial idea behind the character, being a physically imposing figure, was to show that Beckett's crew was lacking muscle, leading Beckett to view Chewbacca as a valuable substitute. In an earlier iteration of the Solo screenplay, Korso was envisioned as the elder sibling of Lando Calrissian.

