Auromae Iselo

Auromae Iselo was a male Melbu who worked as a bounty hunter. Possessing a robust moral compass, he grew dissatisfied with the number of political targets assigned to him by the Galactic Empire. This led him to pursue and bring to justice violent criminals, ultimately joining Enfys Nest's Cloud-Riders as a vigilante.


Joining the Cloud-Riders

The male Melbu named Auromae Iselo, originally from a world devastated at some point by the Galactic Empire, made his living as a bounty hunter during the reign of the Empire. His increasing frustration with the sheer volume of political bounties given to him by the Empire prompted him to abandon the corrupt system and become a vigilante instead. By 10 BBY, Iselo had aligned himself with the Cloud-Riders, a group led by the human Enfys Nest who stood in opposition to the Empire and its criminal collaborators.

In 10 BBY, Iselo was among the Cloud-Riders who went with Nest to the planet Savareen to locate a group of criminals. This group was led by the thief Tobias Beckett and was associated with the Crimson Dawn syndicate. These criminals had recently succeeded in stealing a substantial quantity of raw coaxium from the planet Kessel and were on Savareen to refine it before delivering it to Crimson Dawn's leader, Dryden Vos.


Auromae Iselo was a member of the Cloud-Riders

The Cloud-Riders, needing the coaxium for their fight against the Empire, confronted Beckett and his associates in a standoff. This took place outside a cantina located within a village on the Pnakotic Coast. Initially, Iselo and the other Cloud-Riders maintained their aim on the criminals while Nest addressed them. However, after a failed attempt at deception by the criminal Han Solo, who claimed thirty mercenaries were waiting to reinforce them, Nest removed her helmet, lowered her weapon, and entered the cantina for a drink, followed by the Melbu and his allies.

Inside the cantina, Nest elucidated the Cloud-Riders' struggle against the Empire and syndicates to Beckett's gang, imploring them to join forces against Vos. Everyone except Beckett was swayed by her words, and after the thief departed the village, Solo and the others collaborated with Iselo and the other Cloud-Riders to devise a trap for Vos and Beckett, whom they suspected of planning a betrayal.

Arid ambush

Iselo, along with several other Cloud-Riders including Nest, distributed their headwear to the village inhabitants. These villagers then acted as decoys, impersonating the Cloud-Riders while the real ones hid nearby. When Vos arrived aboard his yacht, the First Light, he sent his Hylobon Enforcers, led by Aemon Gremm, to attack the Cloud-Riders. He intended to reclaim the coaxium, as Beckett had informed him that Solo had betrayed him and sided with Nest. The real coaxium, however, was with Solo, who boarded the yacht with his allies to meet Vos.

After the Hylobon forces surrounded the villagers and reported their apparent victory to Vos, they realized the false Cloud-Riders did not possess the coaxium. At this point, Iselo and the true Cloud-Riders launched their attack on the enforcers. The Melbu charged on foot, engaging in combat, and ultimately stood over two defeated Hylobon with his blaster trained on them after the enforcers were overwhelmed.

With the Hylobon enforcers defeated and Vos left vulnerable, Solo and his companions ultimately killed Vos and Beckett, returning the coaxium to Nest. After the coaxium was secured on the Cloud-Riders' speeder bikes, Iselo and the others waited near the bikes as Nest exchanged a few final words with Solo. The group then mounted the bikes, waiting for Nest to initiate their departure, before taking off and leaving the village behind. The Cloud-Riders then traveled to meet with Saw Gerrera, the leader of the Partisans rebel movement, to whom they gave the coaxium to aid in his fight against the Empire.

Auromae Iselo wearing his face mask and cowl.

Personality and traits

Iselo possessed amber eyes and skin that was a mix of green and reddish-brown shades. While serving the Empire, Iselo found himself increasingly frustrated by the political nature of his assignments, as his strong sense of justice drove him to pursue and punish violent criminals instead.


Iselo wore red and black robes while riding with the Cloud-Riders. This included a red cowl that concealed his Melbu respirator horns. He also wore a silver mask to cover his face, along with a red and white belt and black boots. The Melbu carried a white blaster rifle and a tuft of hair from a loyal bantha he had once used as a mount.

Behind the scenes

Derek Arnold played Auromae Iselo in the 2018 Star Wars Anthology film Solo: A Star Wars Story. His identity was confirmed in the companion reference book, Solo: A Star Wars Story The Official Guide, authored by Pablo Hidalgo.

Auromae's design originated from a drawing by Louie Lunt Davies, the seven-year-old child of creature designer Jake Lunt Davies. His name is an anagram of their name. Jake had been collecting some of Louie's drawings since production began on the Star Wars sequel trilogy in 2014. Rian Johnson, the director of Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi, considered using Auromae in the film and Jake drew him in a casino outfit for the Canto Bight sequence, but his inclusion was ultimately cut.

According to Jake, Louis became really excited upon knowing that Iselo had been selected and more when he informed them that Iselo had been sculpted. Shortly afterwards, Jake emailed Lucasfilm Story Group's Pablo Hidalgo telling him the story and asking him if the character's could be somehow based off Louie's name and Hidalgo semi-anagrammed it into Auromae Iselo.

Iselo's costume was later repurposed in the 2019 television series The Mandalorian.

