Derek Arnold

Derek Arnold is both a puppeteer and an actor; his work includes performing as creatures and droids in Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens. Within The Force Awakens, he also took on the roles of Lanever Villecham, the Luggabeast (shared with Tom Wilton), and Vober Dand. Additionally, in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, the 2016 anthology film, he played Pao and the Bor Gullet. Arnold's return to the screen involved playing a younger version of Ki-Adi-Mundi in _The Acolyte's fourth episode.


  • Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - The Official Mission Debrief
  • " From Puppets to Pao " — Star Wars Insider 173 (also found reprinted in Aliens, Creatures, and Droids)
  • Star Wars Celebration LIVE! 2023 – DAY 2 is available on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (this content is now obsolete; backup link provided)
  • The Acolyte — " Day "
  • Find Derek Arnold on the Internet Movie Database
  • Derek Arnold (Vober Dand) by Dennis Pellegrom at Star Wars Interviews (this content is now obsolete; archived from the original on February 5, 2023)
  • Star Wars Derek Arnold Interview – Rogue One Pao on the Red Carpet News TV YouTube channel (backup link provided)
