Vober Dand, a male Tarsunt hailing from Suntilla, held the rank of controller within the Ground Logistics Division of the Resistance. Approximately three decades following the Battle of Endor, he found himself stationed at the Resistance's primary base of operations situated on the planet D'Qar, participating actively in the preparations for, and the subsequent execution of, the Resistance's attack against the First Order's formidable Starkiller Base.
During the evacuation of D'Qar, Dand was positioned aboard the Resistance flagship, the Raddus. While on board, Dand engaged in a disagreement with Captain Poe Dameron concerning the optimal method for reorganizing the fleet's remaining starfighters to effectively defend their vessel. He was also present when Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo assumed command of the Resistance forces, attentively listening to her inaugural address.
Dand emerged as one of the few Resistance members who lived through the Battle of Crait. Subsequently, he collaborated with his father, Ibdun Dand, who had enlisted following the Hosnian Cataclysm, as a member of the ground crew at the Resistance base located on Ajan Kloss in 35 ABY.
Following the victory of the Resistance and their allies over the Sith Eternal forces in the battle of Exegol, Dand joined his father and the Kessurian Wilsa Teshlo in celebratory festivities at the Resistance base.
Dand was known for his meticulous nature and strict adherence to protocol, showing zero tolerance for deviations. He was seen wearing a yellow GLD controller's coat, which featured the phrase "GLD Landing Officer" printed in Aurebesh. His attire also included brown trousers, boots, and a comlink headset. Dand had a physical appearance characterized by brown hair, black eyes, and gray skin.
Vober Dand's initial appearance occurred in the motion picture Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, which premiered in 2015. While he remained unidentified within the film itself, his name was revealed in Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary, authored by Pablo Hidalgo and released concurrently with the film. Derek Arnold played the character in the movie, though his name was not listed in the closing credits.