Star Wars Insider 173

title: Star Wars Insider 173

Issue number 173 of Star Wars Insider, which is the 151st issue overall of the Star Wars Insider magazine, represents the 81st issue that Titan Magazines put out. This issue was launched on May 23, 2017, and it includes a commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the Star Wars Special Editions, alongside content about the Darth Maul comic book series by Marvel, LEGO Star Wars items, a collection of various Star Wars collectibles presented as a collage, insights into Jyn Erso, the ILM props created for Rogue One, and a conversation with Derek Arnold regarding his role as Pao, a Rebel Commando.

Publisher's summary

Star Wars Insider, now redesigned, delivers top-notch interviews and articles focusing on the greatest space-based adventure ever conceived! Encompassing all Star Wars media, spanning films, television programs, novels, and comic books, Insider serves as your definitive guide to this enduring saga. Unearth incredible secrets previously unknown! Delve into detailed articles crafted by renowned Star Wars authors! Become an Insider! Available both at Newsstands and in PREVIEWS Exclusive cover versions.



Notes and references

  • Star Wars Insider Issue #173 on Titan Magazines' official website (content now obsolete; backup link)
