Day (episode)

The fourth episode of The Acolyte is entitled "Day". The script for the episode was a collaborative effort by Claire Kiechel and Kor Adana.

Official Description

As they pursue a cunning assassin, the Jedi are in a rush to reach their next target, leading them to a different world.


The Life of an Exile

Kelnacca, a Jedi who is a Wookiee, makes his way through the woods of Khofar to the place where he lives. Once inside, Kelnacca cuts up meat and mixes it with spices in a cooking pot. On one of the shelter's walls are three circular symbols that share a common center.

A Cordial Farewell

At the Jedi Temple located on Coruscant, Jecki Lon, who is a Padawan, is practicing with sticks alongside other Padawans under the guidance of Lakshay, a Jedi Master with a beard. Lakshay is teaching his students the fundamentals of fighting, emphasizing the importance of strong defense over offensive strikes. Osha Aniseya is observing the class from afar. When a signal indicates the end of the session, the master dismisses everyone. Before they leave, Lakshay requests that Daro and Rena demonstrate their initial fighting stances.

Osha talks with Lon, informing her that she is there to say goodbye and to express her gratitude for helping her locate her sister Mae-ho Aniseya and proving her innocence. Osha feels relieved upon discovering that her sister is still alive. Lon responds that she thought Osha would remain until they had captured her sister. Osha retorts that Mae is now the Jedi's concern and that she is not a Jedi. Lon winks playfully when Osha wonders if she will miss her. Lon states that Osha cares about Mae and is saddened by their years apart. Osha acknowledges that someone needs to find Mae. She intends to depart from Coruscant but promises to meet up with Lon the next time she visits.


Later, the Exile II, a starship featuring a twin-boom design with independent sections, touches down in an open area on Khofar. Mae and Qimir are seen unloading supplies from several containers that are rectangular. Mae is getting ready to leave, but Qimir advises her against going alone, despite understanding her eagerness to find the elusive Kelnacca. When Mae questions whether Qimir ventured into the forest at their master's command, Qimir responds that he risked his own life to assist her. Qimir reminds Mae that she needs him and offers her a drink. Qimir points out that Osha's survival does not alter her agreement with their master. Osha replies that they should get moving because they only have three hours of daylight left. The pair then proceed across a bridge leading into the woods.

A Secret Meeting of the Jedi

At the Jedi Temple, a group of Jedi dressed in white and gold robes are gathered around a hologram showing Mae in combat. Holden, a female Jedi Master, comments that Mae is quick but lacks power because her emotions influence her fighting style. Ki-Adi-Mundi notes Mae's skill, while Master Sol suggests that someone has trained her. When the female Jedi inquires about who it might be, Sol replies that Mae is unaware of her master's identity but is afraid of him. Holden questions whether they are dealing with a rogue Order or something even more sinister.

When a male Jedi cautions that Mae could pose a significant threat, Sol dismisses this, saying she lacks discipline. Master Vernestra Rwoh counters that Mae evaded him and killed two Jedi Masters. The hologram then displays images of Indara, Torbin, and Kelnacca, with the first two marked in red. Rwoh explains that Mae is targeting Sol and these three Jedi because they were stationed on her home planet of Brendok during her childhood. Rwoh believes that Mae was trained by a Jedi, based on her analysis of Mae's movements in the hologram.

When Ki-Adi-Mundi suggests informing the Jedi High Council, Rwoh advises against it, arguing that the High Council would be obligated to inform the Galactic Senate, which could lead to scandal and a loss of trust. Rwoh suggests that the Jedi handle the situation internally. She instructs Master Holden to remove Kelnacca from his post on Khofar and intercept Mae. When Holden asks what to do if Mae resists peacefully, Rwoh replies that they should anticipate violence. She concludes the meeting and leaves the room.

Master Sol follows Master Rwoh into the hallway and pleads with her. Rwoh questions why he did not disclose the possibility that Mae survived the incident on Brendok sixteen years ago. Sol explains that he witnessed Mae fall and assumed she had died. In front of the other Jedi, Sol begs Rwoh to allow him to take Mae into custody. Rwoh refuses, citing his emotional and personal connections to Osha and Mae. Sol argues that Mae's objective is not solely her own. Rwoh agrees, suggesting that Mae is part of a larger scheme orchestrated by her master, something designed to disrupt the balance. Sol warns that if Holden kills Mae, they will lose the opportunity to learn about her master. He asserts that Mae will not surrender without receiving something in return. Rwoh asks if they possess something she desires, to which Sol nods in affirmation.

The Pursuit

While trekking through the forest, Qimir and Mae discuss her master's directive to kill a Jedi without using a weapon. Qimir asks if this means she can engage in unarmed combat while using her lightsaber to disarm them. He questions whether that constitutes cheating, given that she failed to fulfill this order during her previous assassinations and attempts. Mae replies that she did not fail to kill Indara and Torben. Qimir counters that she killed them in her own way and did not strictly adhere to her master's instructions.

Mae asks Qimir what kind of agreement he made with the master. Qimir denies making any agreement with the master, claiming that he simply collects people. When Mae asks if he has seen his face, Qimir confirms that she knows he hasn't. They arrive at the edge of a towering forest, which Qimir identifies as a perimeter. Mae is upset that her sister Osha is with the Jedi and asks Qimir what she was like. Qimir says that Osha seemed unaware of her situation and was attached to a particular Jedi master. Qimir's expression darkens, prompting him to suggest that they continue their hike. The two assassins then continue their journey along a narrow ridge.

One More Task

While Osha is walking through a corridor in the Jedi Temple and conversing with Pip, Sol calls out to her, mentioning that Jecki had informed him of her departure. Osha apologizes for leaving without saying goodbye. Sol asks Osha to join him on his mission to find Mae. Osha asks if Sol is trying to recruit her back into the Jedi Order before concluding that he needs her help to find Mae. Sol confirms that he needs her help to find Mae, explaining that when he told Mae that Osha was still alive, her expression softened. Sol believes that Mae has the potential to change.

Sol explains that the Jedi will only permit him to search for Mae if Osha accompanies him. Sol says that he doesn't want to hurt Mae and believes that there is still goodness within her. Osha replies that Mae is a murderer. Sol counters that she is still her family. Mae reflects silently and agrees to come, but insists that she will not wear a civilian robe.

While traveling through hyperspace, Osha is dressed in a grey civilian outfit. Onboard the Jedi starship, Yord Fandar, a Jedi Knight, briefs Osha and several Jedi, including Lon. He explains that the Jedi Order stationed Master Kelnacca on Khofar, but they have not heard from him in over a year. Kelnacca has not responded to any of their communications. Pip attracts the attention of a small furry Tynnan. Annoyed, the droid sprays water at the furry alien. Osha apologizes before asking Lon about the alien's identity. Lon explains that the Tynnan's name is Bazil and that he is with them. When Fandar asks if Osha has any questions, Osha says that she doesn't have questions and says his briefing was comprehensive.

The Search for Kelnacca

The Jedi starship exits hyperspace and separates from its rear hyperdrive and engine unit. The Jedi ship descends into the forested world of Khofar. Amidst a fog, the Jedi starship lands on a grassy clearing. Later, Jecki Lon speaks to a humanoid alien through a translator droid, explaining that they are looking for a Wookiee Jedi. Sol and the other Jedi wait nearby. Fandar notices that Osha is carrying a blaster in her holster and requests that she return it, describing it as a property of the Jedi Order. Osha says it is hers, but Fandar insists.

Before the argument can escalate, Lon returns from her meeting and reports that the locals say that Kelnacca ventured into the forest and never returned. Sol looks into the far distance into a forest below the cliff. He tells the Jedi that he can sense that Kelnacca is inside the forest. When Osha asks how they can find him, Sol explains they have a tracker. Fandar hands a sample of clothing with Kelnacca's scent to Bazil. Bazil leads the Jedi through a narrow pathway down a hill into the forest.

During the walk, Osha asks if Fandar can understand what Bazil is saying. Fandar replies that he can, because he spent his free time learning a more nuanced alien language than the Shyriiwook most Padawans study. When Osha asks if Fandar is upset about having to join the mission, the Knight responds that he is only concerned with her safety. The two hang back as the other Jedi proceed. Osha tells Fandar that Sol believes that Mae can be saved. Fandar responds that Sol thinks that Mae will listen to her. Osha warns that if Mae is unwilling to listen, Fandar needs to be prepared to stop her. Osha says that she won't be able to kill her and says that she can't hesitate a second time. Fandar is sympathetic to Osha's concerns but thinks that Sol brought Osha here to face herself.

Deeper into the Forest

In another location, Mae and Qimir arrive at a gully at the end of their route. They discover that a massive tree is blocking their path. The pair bypass the structure, wading through ferns and plants to reach an opening beneath the tree. This leads them into a denser part of the forest. Meanwhile, Bazil guides the Jedi party through a section of the forest where the trees have large growths on their trunks. Bazil indicates that there is something rotten about these trees, as translated by Fandar. Master Sol advises the Jedi party to keep their voices down to avoid attracting attention.

Osha touches one of the growths until Lon tells her to move. After she moves, the growth is revealed to be a large scaly predator. She sees slime where the growth was and notices movement in the trees. Osha calls out to Sol. The Jedi look up and see a giant moth-like creature known as an umbramoth approaching her. Sol ignites his blue lightsaber and confronts the descending winged umbramoth. He slices through the creature with his lightsaber. Osha notices that the creature was drawn to his lightsaber. Sol says the umbramoth was drawn to the light and tells the Jedi party they have to keep moving. Osha and the Jedi party leave the forest section with the hibernating moths.

The Jedi then proceed through tunnels formed by the giant trees. Fandar leads the group, followed by Osha and Lorn. Osha says that she could sense the creature and regrets that it died during their encounter. Lon replies that it is an honor for something to transform into the Force. Lon notices that Osha has experienced more death than she has. Osha says she struggles to accept with death and the resentment from her separation from her sister. Lon reassures Osha that they are defined not by what they lose but rather what they survive. She touches Osha's arm and says she has gone through a lot.

Second Thoughts

A panoramic view of the mountains and surrounding forest is shown. Qimir leads Mae through the jungle, stating that Kelnacca's hut is ten minutes away. Mae sits on a rock, explaining that she needs to rest because she is fighting Kelnacca. She tells Qimir that her confrontation with Kelnacca is not a test, recalling the master's words that "your final lesson is one you teach yourself. You will kill a Jedi without a weapon." Mae struggles with the idea of having to kill someone unarmed, given the Jedi's teachings against attacking those who cannot defend themselves.

Qimir reassures her that her test is not impossible. As Mae drinks from her flask, she concludes that her test is impossible and fears that the Master will kill her for failing it. When Mae accuses Qimir of not caring for her, he offers to get her some water. He tells Mae she needs to rest since she is losing her nerve. After Qimir leaves, Mae looks at her surroundings and resumes her journey.

As dusk approaches, the Jedi realize that their Tynnan guide Bazil has vanished. Fandar complains about Bazil's reliability before updating Sol about the situation. Meanwhile, Qimir hears Mae's cries and rushes to help her. He triggers a booby trap and is caught in a rope trap, leaving him suspended by his leg from a tree. As Mae emerges from the trees, Qimir calls for help. Mae tells Qimir that she doesn't need to follow her master's commandment to kill a Jedi without a weapon because Osha being alive changes everything. Mae says that she is loyal to Osha and not Qimir's master.

When Qimir asks what she is doing, Mae replies that she intends to surrender herself to Kelnacca and the Jedi Order. Qimir says that the Jedi will imprison her. Mae says they won't after she tells them what she knows. When Qimir warns that the master will kill her, Mae says that he will have to find her first and doubts that he will be able to navigate through the jungle without a guide. Mae tells Qimir that he has outlived his usefulness to her.


Meanwhile, the Jedi reach a grove but find no sign of Bazil or Mae. Sol stares at some tropical foliage in the distance. When Osha asks, he says it is nothing. Osha asks why Sol did not let her confront Mae. Osha thinks she will be able to face Mae but Sol tells her that she is going to face her past. He says that once they have gotten Mae safely to the ship, he will explain everything.

Elsewhere, Mae spots Kelnacca's hut in the distance. As she approaches the hut, she trips over several pods, releasing an orange pollen. As the dust settles, she encounters the Tynnan guide Bazil. Mae greets Bazil, but he squeals in fear and shock, drawing the attention of the Jedi. Mae runs past Bazil and heads towards the hut. Sol leads the Jedi towards the location of Bazil's cries. Fandar tells Osha to wait from behind.

Mae enters Kelnacca's hut as the Jedi approach. Inside the hut, she finds the Wookiee Jedi slumped in front of a console. As she approaches Kelnacca, she finds him dead with a lightsaber gash across his chest. Mae realizes the master is here as night settles on the hut. As night falls, the Jedi surround the space between the two lanterns at front of Kelnacca's hut. Osha watches from behind.

The Mysterious Dark Figure

Sol demands that anyone inside the domicile come out with their hands raised in the name of the Galactic Republic and Jedi Order. Fandar demands that Mae surrender. Mae glances nervously through a hole in the door. Sol turns his back towards Osha as a dark shape settles behind his former Padawan. The other Jedi turn to face the stranger. Osha turns to gaze at a dark, cloaked figure wearing a helmet with a granulated jaw guard. As the stranger approaches Osha, Sol and Fandar demand that the figure stand down.

Mae watches nervously from inside the hut as the helmeted figure studies Osha and ignites its red lightsaber. In response, the Jedi ignite their lightsabers and charge at the stranger. The stranger uses his Force powers to flick Osha away with a single hand movement. He then hurls the Jedi away, stirring up a cloud of dust.

Cast and Crew

