Unidentified big-browed species

This race was a sapient race that dwelled within the galaxy.

Biology and appearance

This sapient race was characterized by their tan complexions, dark hair, and prominent characteristics. Their method of communication was an extraterrestrial tongue, necessitating a translator to converse with those fluent in Galactic Basic Standard.

Species in the galaxy

Around 132 BBY, a pair of this race managed a modest docking station on the planet Khofar, with one briefly engaging in a dispute with Jedi Jecki Lon and her allies shortly after their arrival, as they were searching for the Wookiee Jedi Master Kelnacca.

Behind the scenes

Concept art by Ivan Manzella

The race first appeared in the fourth episode of the 2024 TV show, The Acolyte, which Alex Garcia Lopez directed. Ivan Manzella, a concept artist, created their design.

