
A human Jedi Master known as Holden existed during the High Republic Era.


In the year 132 BBY, Holden took part in a compact council session convened by Master Vernestra Rwoh. The purpose of this meeting was to deliberate on the emergence of Mae-ho Aniseya, a Force-sensitive assassin. After the group examined holocam recordings presented by Master Sol depicting Mae in battle with him, Holden remarked that the assassin's combat skills were underdeveloped, as she over-relied on emotion to dictate her actions. Sol and Master Ki-Adi-Mundi countered that Mae had displayed a degree of proficiency, suggesting she had undergone training. This prompted Holden to inquire about her instructor, to which Sol responded that Mae was unaware of her Master's identity, a notion dismissed by Mundi.

Holden then proposed that Mae and her Master could be evidence of a dissident faction within the Order, or a more dire situation. Mundi asserted that Mae presented a significant threat to them. Sol countered that she lacked discipline, but Rwoh highlighted that Mae had successfully evaded him and murdered two Masters, Indara and Torbin, with Kelnacca still among the living. Rwoh also corrected Sol's assertion that Mae had specifically targeted the trio, clarifying that he was also on Mae's list. A common thread linked all four of them to Mae: they were all stationed on Mae's home planet during her childhood. Rwoh also found it peculiar that Mae had resurfaced after several years, having been trained by a Jedi. When Holden pressed her on this point, Rwoh affirmed that the hologram provided sufficient confirmation.

When Mundi suggested informing the High Council, Rwoh insisted on maintaining secrecy within the group. She reasoned that the Council would be obligated to notify the Senate, potentially triggering a scandal that could breed fear and distrust. Determining that more information was needed, Rwoh instructed Holden to retrieve Kelnacca from Khofar and intercept Mae there. When Holden inquired about the course of action if Mae resisted, Rwoh expressed her belief that such a scenario was unlikely and concluded the meeting.

However, Rwoh subsequently reversed her decision after Sol persuaded her to allow him to lead the mission instead of Holden. Holden overheard their exchange while escorting Mundi out of the room. Ultimately, Holden remained on Coruscant while Sol led his own team to Khofar.

Behind the scenes

Holden was conceived for the 2024 Disney+ live-action series, The Acolyte. Indra Ové played the character.

