
Lakshay, a human of the Jedi Order, achieved the rank of Jedi Master during the era known as the High Republic Era. In the year 132 BBY, he was responsible for the instruction of a group of Padawans as they participated in training exercises focused on lightsaber combat. This training took place within the Jedi Temple situated on the planet of Coruscant, where he requested that two students, Daro and Rena, remain after the session to demonstrate their initial fighting stances.


Master Lakshay trained Jedi Padawans such as Jecki Lon in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

During the High Republic Era, Lakshay, a human strong in the Force, was a respected member of the Jedi Order. By 132 BBY, he had attained the title of Jedi Master and was in charge of a class comprised of seven Padawans. These students were engaged in training exercises that concentrated on lightsaber combat, utilizing wooden bokken sabers within a designated training area of the Jedi Temple located on the planet Coruscant. As the group practiced, Lakshay moved among them, offering guidance on their movements. He advised the students to minimize their vulnerabilities and optimize their defenses through precise and subtle motions, emphasizing defense over immediate attack.

Upon the completion of their drills, signaled by a chime, Lakshay announced that the session had concluded. The Padawans, after storing their weapons, bowed in respect to the Jedi Master, who returned their bow. He then singled out two students, Daro and Rena, requesting that they stay behind to display their opening combat stances. Verosha Aniseya, a former Jedi who had observed Lakshay leading the class, intercepted the Padawan Jecki Lon as she was exiting the Jedi Master's classroom. The two engaged in conversation near the doorway while Lakshay worked individually with Daro and Rena.

Personality and traits

Lakshay possessed fair skin, red hair, and eyes of a hazel hue.


When instructing the Padawans, Lakshay was attired in white and gold Jedi temple robes, complemented by a brown belt. Affixed to this belt was his personal lightsaber, distinguished by its silver hilt.

Behind the scenes

The character of Lakshay is portrayed by Paul Bullion. His debut occurred in "Day," the fourth installment of the live-action television series titled The Acolyte. This episode was broadcast on June 18, 2024, via the Disney+ streaming platform. Before the episode's release, the character's existence was revealed in a trailer presented exclusively during the Lucasfilm Studio Showcase at Celebration Europe on April 7, 2023. Subsequently, Lakshay was identified in a promotional item associated with the show, distributed by Walt Disney Studios through Getty Images on April 25, 2024.

