Tynnan, a language utilized by Bazil, who belongs to the Tynnan species that originated on the planet called Tynna, was acquired by the human Yord Fandar during his time as a Jedi Padawan. Fandar viewed it as possessing greater subtlety compared to Shyriiwook, the language of the Wookiees. In 132 BBY, the Jedi engaged Bazil's services to aid in locating the reclusive Wookiee Jedi, Kelnacca, who was residing on the planet Khofar. The human Verosha Aniseya, lacking comprehension of Tynnan, inquired whether Fandar understood Bazil; he then explained to her that he had learned it as a Padawan. Subsequently, while the group was moving past inactive umbramoths, Bazil communicated in Tynnan that something was amiss within the forest, and Fandar provided a translation.