The M-68 landspeeder represented a model of landspeeder that was produced by Mobquet Swoops and Speeders. As a civilian vehicle, the M-68 gained popularity among speeder enthusiasts residing on Corellia, primarily because its repulsorlift generator could be readily modified and supercharged. It was offered in both a hard-top variant and a convertible version, featuring a duraplex windscreen.
A particularly potent speeder of this kind was pilfered from Kilmo by Han on Corellia, and he subsequently utilized it alongside Qi'ra during their endeavor to evade the White Worms, which resulted in a pursuit involving Moloch's A-A4B truckspeeder.

The M-68, a compact landspeeder intended for civilian use, was built by Mobquet Swoops and Speeders and marketed towards younger customers. Available as either a hardtop or an open-air vehicle, the M-68 was a high-performance machine. Power came from a 289-hirep repulsorlift generator working in conjunction with two propulsion thrusters. The speeder's bespoke cool-burning injectrine engines drew air through a large, exposed inlet on the front grille. Each thruster incorporated a variable exhaust nozzle, which adjusted to shape and direct the thrust, enabling a pilot to spin the speeder rapidly. The repulsorfield also aided in generating improved traction control, originating from transmitter banks positioned between the rear-mounted thrusters. To maintain optimal temperature, the speeder incorporated air vents on the forward engine's front and dorsal surfaces, including an exposed cooling fan located in front of the windshield to cool the repulsorlift generator.
The speeder provided seating for two occupants, a pilot and a passenger, situated behind its duraplex windshield. It featured a racing-style steering wheel with cut-out handles. A sleek spoiler positioned behind the seats reduced air drag and included an airspeed tracker and telemetry antenna. The vehicle's sides deviated from the chassis' sleek design, exposing side ducting, fuel lines, and speed-governor mechanisms.

Street racing aficionados regarded the M-68 as a classic, affectionately dubbing it a "street blaster bolt," especially among Corellian speeder enthusiasts. Its 289-hirep engine was easily modified and overcharged by those seeking thrills.
Kilmo possessed a souped-up, street-racing-grade M-68, which was brand new at the time of his attempted coaxium transaction with the scrumrat Han in Coronet City on Corellia. When the deal soured, Han absconded and discovered the speeder, its only defense being its security system. Han sought refuge beneath the speeder, and, swiftly recognizing its potential, he employed a simple hotwiring technique to steal it. He then hung his set of aurodium-plated chance cubes from the landspeeder's windshield for good fortune. Han drove it back to the Den of the White Worms, where he later fled with Qi'ra following an altercation with Lady Proxima. Moloch pursued them in his A-A4B truckspeeder, compelling them to abandon the M-68 when Han executed a maneuver that resulted in it becoming lodged between two buildings. He and Qi'ra then escaped on foot to the Coronet Spaceport.

The M-68 landspeeder made its initial appearance in the 2018 film, Solo: A Star Wars Story. As detailed in The Art of Solo: A Star Wars Story, the Dodge Charger automobile brand and the Chevrolet Malibu mid-size car model served as early inspirations for the landspeeder's design. The M-68 landspeeder shared engine components with Tayshin Maxa and Baroosh Pawk's Halberd-441 swoop bike, albeit with some modifications.
Lucasfilm's prop department constructed the vehicle, incorporating numerous "greebles," such as an aircraft's refueling hose. Its design resembled a sports car, contrasting with Moloch's speeder, which took inspiration from trucks.
The speeder chase at the film's beginning involved a combination of practical effects—utilizing a four-wheel-drive vehicle—and CGI. In addition, Skywalker Sound aimed to differentiate the speeders through real-world sounds, with some of the sound being recorded using homemade pulse-jet engines.