
The Halberd-441, alternatively known as the Arrogantus-X Skyblade-221 swoop bike, represented a swoop bike design produced by Caelli-Merced. Echoing other swoop bike designs, it essentially comprised an engine coupled with seating. A solitary pilot operated the Halberd-441, which also incorporated a sidecar for accommodating a passenger. Noteworthy users included Tayshin Maxa and Baroosh Pawk, both affiliated with the Cloud-Rider gang under the leadership of Enfys Nest.


During 10 BBY, Pawk and Maxa, along with their fellow Cloud-Riders, journeyed to the frigid world of Vandor aboard a Halberd-441 swoop bike. Their mission was to pilfer a shipment of the valuable hyperfuel coaxium from the forces of the Galactic Empire. Their intention was to utilize the stolen fuel to provide financial support to the resistance against the Empire and the Five Crime Syndicates. The gang launched an assault on the 20-T Railcrawler conveyex transport ICC-5537, which was transporting the coaxium through the Iridium Mountains en route to the Crispin Imperial Depository. However, they discovered that Tobias Beckett's group of criminals, who were working for Crimson Dawn, had already targeted the shipment.

Baroosh Pawk and Tayshin Maxa aboard their Halberd-441

The two factions engaged in a firefight, while Nest disembarked and boarded the train. Maxa maneuvered her swoop bike close to the Y-45 armored transport hauler piloted by Rio Durant, bringing it within reach of their adversary's starship, which enabled Pawk to jump onto it. Once her partner had dismounted, Maxa rejoined the other Cloud-Riders in their assault on the conveyex train and assisted in attaching grappling hooks to the transport car containing the coaxium. Subsequently, the opposing criminal gang used the Y-45 armored transport hauler to lift the car, suspending it between the two groups as they attempted to escape. As the groups approached a mountain, Han Solo, the hauler's new pilot, panicked and released the car, compelling the Cloud-Riders to do the same, resulting in the coaxium plummeting into the mountainside. To evade the resulting explosion, the Cloud-Riders were compelled to retreat from the planet without obtaining their objective. Maxa departed Vandor on the Halberd-441, leaving behind Pawk, who died during the conflict.

Behind the scenes

The shared engine part of the Halberd-441 and M-68 landspeeder

The swoop bike, Halberd-441, made its initial appearance in the 2018 movie Solo: A Star Wars Story, with its identification as the Caelli-Merced Halberd-441 confirmed in the companion reference book, Solo: A Star Wars Story The Official Guide. It was among several swoop bike models developed for the film and was internally designated by the production team as "The Sidecar" or "The Skiff." Notably, the Halberd-441 incorporated the same engine components as Han Solo's M-68 landspeeder, albeit with some modifications.

The swoop bike's designation is shared with Serji-X Arrogantus, the founder of the original Cloud-Riders as conceived by Marvel Comics in 1977.

