The Crispin Imperial Depository was a storage facility situated within the Iridium Mountains of the planet Vandor. Its purpose was to take in deliveries of various goods, notably the precious hyperfuel substance known as coaxium. The construction of the depository was intentionally done in a hard-to-access area, devoid of any airfield or hangar for aerial cargo reception; instead, arriving shipments were transported via 20-T Railcrawler conveyex transport. Defending the depository and the shipments it received were 11-3K viper probe droids along with a squad of range troopers commanded by Captain Denwade Banevans.
The initial appearance of the Crispin Imperial Depository was in the 2018 motion picture, Solo: A Star Wars Story. Its identification as the Imperial Depository first occurred in the companion reference material, Solo: A Star Wars Story The Official Guide, authored by Pablo Hidalgo. The later designation of Crispin Imperial Depository was provided in Solo: A Star Wars Story: Expanded Edition, the extended novelization of the film penned by Mur Lafferty.