
Syke was a human male who belonged to the White Worms gang, operating on the planet of Corellia. He and Rebolt were the preferred enforcers of Moloch, a senior Grindalid gang member, who fostered rivalry between them. While Rebolt was more skilled with the gang's Corellian hounds, Syke's softer approach with the animals allowed him to rapidly improve his own abilities.

During 13 BBY, Rebolt and Syke presented the young Han, a scrumrat, to Lady Proxima, the gang's leader, inside the Den of the White Worms. Han had failed in a negotiation, returning empty-handed. He and his friend Qi'ra escaped Proxima's wrath by exploiting her sensitivity to light. Moloch, along with Syke and Rebolt, pursued Solo in the gang's A-A4B landspeeder, eventually cornering him in a Coronet City spaceport. However, they only managed to capture Qi'ra, as Han sought refuge in an Imperial recruitment center.


Favored thug

Syke, born circa 31 BBY, was a human male from Corellia. He was a member of the White Worms gang located in Coronet City. He and Rebolt were the favored thugs of Moloch, a senior figure within the gang, who enjoyed watching them compete. Both Syke and Rebolt were responsible for the care of the Corellian hounds kept by the gang.

In the year 13 BBY, Rebolt and Syke located Han, a scrumrat, inside the Den of the White Worms in Coronet City after his failed negotiation. They brought him before Lady Proxima, the gang's leader, who was angered by his lack of success. Before Proxima could punish Han, he threw a rock, breaking a shutter and exposing Proxima to light. As a Grindalid, the light burned her, creating a distraction that allowed Han and Qi'ra to flee.

Chasing Han

Moloch instructed the White Worms to pursue them. Rebolt and Syke joined him in the gang's A-A4B landspeeder, accompanied by a pack of Corellian hounds. They quickly caught up to Han's stolen M-68 landspeeder, leading to a high-speed chase that ended when Han drove his landspeeder into an alley too narrow for the A-A4B.

Forced to continue on foot, Syke and Rebolt released the hounds and pursued Han and Qi'ra with Moloch into a spaceport. Initially unable to find their targets, they managed to seize Qi'ra as she attempted to pass through the spaceport's checkpoints. Han, already through, escaped by entering an Imperial recruitment center.

Personality and traits

Syke displayed a clear affection for the Corellian hounds he looked after. Although Rebolt was the superior handler in 13 BBY, Syke was rapidly improving. His favorite hound was Taomat, and he dreamed of using it to defeat Rebolt and secure Moloch's favor. Syke had tan skin, black [hair](/article/hair], and brown eyes.


Syke wore a black, brine-stained coat with protective padding, along with heavy, puncture-resistant gloves for handling the hounds, and a headband that filtered light. He wore black boots and pants, with the boots being waterproof. His rank in the White Worms also afforded him a breathing collar with atmospheric treatment tubes that hung over his chest.

Behind the scenes

Syke's first appearance was in the 2018 movie, Solo: A Star Wars Story. The character's identity was first revealed in the companion book Solo: A Star Wars Story The Official Guide, penned by Pablo Hidalgo.

