Trexler 906 Armored Marauder

The Trexler 906 Armored Marauder represented a heavily armored, box-shaped troop transport. Functioning as a more battle-ready version of the K79-S80 Imperial Troop Transport, it gained notoriety within the New Republic Era as a valuable asset on the black market. Notably, at least one Marauder saw service under the command of Moff Gideon's Imperial remnant. During a skirmish at Gideon's Imperial base on Nevarro, Greef Karga, Carasynthia Dune, and a Mythrol successfully absconded with one of these vehicles.


The engines of a Trexler 906 Armored Marauder coming online.

A grey, boxy troop transport, the Trexler 906 Armored Marauder was an evolution of the K79-S80 design. Due to its limited production run by the Empire, it was considered exceptionally rare. Encased in metal plating, it offered substantial protection against standard blaster weaponry, surpassing the K79-S80 in armor thickness. The vehicle accommodated a crew of three, including two pilots and a gunner, in addition to its transport capacity. The front showcased several block-shaped, open viewports for the drivers on its flat nose. At the rear, a power plant with two slender, vertical outlets emitted a blue glow upon activation, providing propulsion. Its repulsorlifts enabled it to hover above the terrain.

A dome-shaped dorsal twin laser turret, manned by a gunner with viewport access, was also positioned at the rear. This turret could engage both ground targets, such as speeder bikes, and aerial targets, such as fighters. The gunner could also target individual personnel, even those positioned on the Marauder itself. The turret's targeting computer, akin to those found on starships, ensured a high degree of accuracy. This targeting system displayed potential targets as white shapes on a red grid against a black backdrop. Upon target selection, its outline flashed red, accompanied by affirmative beeping sounds. Additional beeps signaled the presence of nearby targets.

The position of the gunner for the dorsal twin laser turret.

The gunner's rotating chair allowed for a full 360-degree rotation, enabling the turret to engage targets in any direction, firing red laser bolts. The transport also featured two laser guns and four laser cannons distributed throughout its structure, some located on the two trapezoidal protrusions near the rear. Overall, the Marauder's armament was considered superior to that of the K79-S80 transport.

Within the cockpit, the drivers had access to a variety of red and white controls and buttons, situated both on a dashboard in front of them and on the vehicle's ceiling. Despite being maintained by Gideon's Imperial remnant, individuals unaffiliated with this Imperial faction could easily operate and activate the vehicle. A tarp could be used to cover the Trexler 906 Armored Marauder, providing protection from the elements or concealing it from view.


Dune takes flight in the stolen Trexler 906 Armored Marauder.

During the New Republic Era, at least one Trexler 906 Armored Marauder, under the control of Gideon's Imperial remnant, was stationed at an Imperial base located on the planet Nevarro. When this base came under attack by Magistrate Greef Karga and his allies, Karga, [Carasynthia Dune](/article/carasynthia_dune], and a Mythrol commandeered this Marauder from a platform at the facility as a means of escape. Dune successfully initiated the transport, with Karga manning the gunner's position, and propelled it off the platform and into the canyon below the Imperial base. Despite facing fire from numerous stormtroopers, the vehicle remained unscathed.

The hijacked Marauder is chased by Imperial remnant forces.

A pursuit ensued, with several scout troopers riding 74-Z speeder bikes giving chase to the stolen troop transport. Two of the bikes collided and detonated; Karga eliminated a third using the dual laser turret. Dune then steered the Marauder into another speeder bike, crushing it against the cliff face and destroying it. The final scout [trooper](/article/trooper] managed to board the vehicle, armed with an explosive, but Karga swiftly rotated the turret to the front and fatally shot the trooper at point-blank range, resulting in his death.

Subsequently, four Outland TIE fighters pursued the Marauder through the ravine. Karga once again employed the laser turret, inflicting severe damage to the lead fighter's wing, causing it to crash. However, the fighter's burning cockpit impacted the rear of the Marauder, rendering the turret inoperable and forcing Karga to abandon his post. As the troop transport reached the open rock flats, the remaining three Outland fighters made strafing runs, but were promptly neutralized by Din Djarin upon his arrival in the Razor Crest.

Behind the scenes

Concept art of the Marauder chase for "Chapter 12: The Siege" of The Mandalorian television series.

In the concept art developed for "Chapter 12: The Siege," the fourth episode of second season of The Mandalorian television series, the Trexler 906 Armored Marauder chase depicted the vehicle with three external passenger or cargo compartments, making it resemble a K79-S80 troop transport. However, the front section of the vehicle largely maintained its original design.

