Jedi Masters Mace Windu together with Obi-Wan Kenobi embarked on a mission during the Clone Wars. This mission took them to Black Stall Station, which was the clandestine base of operations for the bounty hunter known as Cad Bane. The Jedi were in pursuit of the kidnapped Force-sensitive infants, as well as the holocron and kyber memory crystal that Bane had stolen previously. Bane had been apprehended on Naboo subsequent to his abduction of the aforementioned children. The stolen items contained a list of Force-sensitive children known to the Jedi Order, in addition to details regarding the identity of Bane's employer. Although Windu and Kenobi successfully recovered the holocron and memory crystal, Bane managed to flee, and the space station was obliterated. Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano successfully rescued the children after uncovering data on the fuel computer of Bane's ship, the Xanadu Blood, which guided them to a facility located on the planet Mustafar. Nevertheless, the destruction of the facility and Bane's successful evasion left the Jedi without any information about the true mastermind behind the scheme.