Quinlan Vos's lightsaberCanonLegendsInfinitiesQuinlan Vos, a Jedi Master, wielded a lightsaber that emitted a green blade throughout the Clone Wars conflict.AppearancesStar Wars: The Clone Wars — Hunt for Ziro (First appearance) (Unkown)Unkown Unknown Star Wars: The Clone Wars — Destiny (Vision to Yoda) (Unkown)Unkown Unknown Hyperspace Stories 9 (Unkown)Unkown Unknown Dark Disciple (and audiobook) (Unkown)Unkown Unknown Darth Vader (2017) 25 (Vision to Darth Vader) (Unkown)Unkown Unknown Star Wars Rebels webcomic (Appears through imagination) (Unkown)Unkown Unknown