Nyx Okami was a young technician residing in the depths of Coruscant during the Clone Wars. It was during this period that he met and developed a romantic connection with Ahsoka Tano, a former Jedi Padawan.
Nyx had once borrowed credits from Pintu, a lender known for his severe penalties for late repayments. Later, during the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars], a young Togruta named Ahsoka Tano made an unexpected visit when her speeder bike crashed on his shop's landing platform. Following introductions, Ahsoka requested that Nyx repair her vehicle. Suddenly, Pintu stormed into the shop, accompanied by two enforcers. Pintu demanded his outstanding payment from Nyx, who attempted to evade the situation by claiming the payment was imminent. Unconvinced, Pintu instructed his bodyguards to discipline Okami. A brawl ensued, and Nyx, outmatched, implored Ahsoka for assistance. Instead, she proposed a deal: she would help in exchange for the bike's repair and free lodging. Initially hesitant, Nyx relented after enduring further beatings. Ahsoka swiftly drove them away, with Pintu vowing revenge. Subsequently, they became close allies, fighting crime in Coruscant's underworld, and their relationship may have even turned romantic, though it ultimately led nowhere.
Before The Clone Wars TV show was cancelled, Nyx Okami was planned to be in a four-part story with Ahsoka Tano as the main character. Dave Filoni mentioned at the "Ahsoka's Untold Tales" event during Celebration Europe in 2016 that Nyx was an effort to feature an Asian male character in a leading role, with Matthew Yang King providing the voice.
When The Clone Wars was brought back for its seventh and final season, the character of Nyx Okami was significantly reduced. At the "Clone Wars Saved" event in 2019, it was announced that Trace and Rafa Martez, two entirely new characters, would replace him in the story arc centered around Tano.