Rafa's Laundry, a legitimate enterprise, could be found on the planet of Coruscant, specifically at Level 1313 within its underworld. This establishment provided services like washing, folding, dry cleaning, and drop-off options, operating continuously, 24 hours a day. Its mirrored signage, displaying the business's location and operational timeframe, also advertised a service called "kaashmi clean." Rafa Martez was the owner during the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Separatist Alliance; she acquired it via gambling. The laundromat served to improve the appearance of Coruscant Underworld's inhabitants. Nevertheless, the location also served as a disguise for Martez's illicit activities, one of which involved the Twi'lek named Lokann.
One piece of Aurebesh text displayed at Rafa's Laundry reads "CALRISSIAN FR[obscured]" – "SO FRESH SO [obscured]." This seems to allude to Lando Calrissian, who, similarly to Rafa Martez, is involved in gambling. A washing machine features a sticker that reads "LANDOMAT," which appears to be a play on words combining "Lando" and "laundromat."