Following the Starkiller Base conflict, known as the Battle of Starkiller Base, the Resistance assembled on D'Qar to conduct a funeral for the smuggler known as Han Solo.
During the events that transpired at the Battle of Starkiller Base, Han Solo made an attempt to sway Kylo Ren, his son, away from the influence of the First Order and the seductive pull of the dark side of the Force. He endeavored to persuade him that Supreme Leader Snoke was merely exploiting him for his inherent power. Ren, however, rejected this plea and tragically ran his lightsaber through Solo, inflicting a fatal wound. In his final breaths, Solo gazed into the eyes of his son, touched his face, and then plummeted down a chasm towards the very core of Starkiller Base, meeting his death. Shortly thereafter, Poe Dameron, a Resistance pilot, successfully destroyed the thermal oscillator, triggering a cascading series of explosions that engulfed the entire planet. Within a matter of minutes, the planet underwent a catastrophic implosion, followed by an explosion that resulted in the formation of a dwarf star, which was subsequently given the moniker "Solo."
The solemn memorial commenced in the early hours amidst the ongoing evacuation of D'Qar. Despite recognizing that dedicating time to honor a fallen hero might seem ill-timed amidst the chaos, Leia Organa believed it would serve as an opportunity to galvanize the troops with the resilient spirit reminiscent of the old rebel alliance from the days of the Galactic Civil War. She was aware that Solo himself would have likely disapproved of such a ceremony, given his aversion to memorials and speeches, as a man disinterested in politics and skeptical of grand causes. Among the attendees at the funeral who paid their respects were Admiral Gial Ackbar, the protocol droid C-3PO, Lieutenant Kaydel Ko Connix, Commander Larma D'Acy, General Caluan Ematt, and Nien Nunb, a Resistance pilot.
During her eulogy, Organa spoke of Solo's character, emphasizing his inherent disdain for bullies, injustice, and cruelty, which motivated him to consistently oppose them throughout his life. She cited examples from his early years on Corellia to his participation in the battles of Yavin and Endor, culminating in his final act of defiance on Starkiller. Organa recounted discovering only a pair of golden dice as a personal memento aboard the Millennium Falcon. She also brought up the time Solo assisted in the liberateion of Kashyyyk. Furthermore, Organa used the occasion to read aloud the names of the pilots who perished during the Starkiller mission, including Ello Asty, Furillo, and Red One.
As the other Resistance members resumed the evacuation efforts and returned to their designated posts, Organa placed a wooden figurine, which Solo had carved the night prior to the Battle of Endor, alongside other symbolic items amidst the roots of a tree, thus concluding the funeral proceedings.
Even after the conclusion of Solo's funeral service, moments of remembrance continued to occur. When Rey, who was Force-sensitive, sought to persuade Luke Skywalker, Organa's brother, Solo's brother-in-law, and a Jedi Master, to train her on Ahch-To, Skywalker, who had severed his connection to the Force, inquired about Solo, prompting Rey and Chewbacca to recount the events that unfolded at Starkiller Base. Subsequently, while Organa reflected on Solo's memory aboard the Raddus, Luke similarly mourned his loss at his hut, lamenting the death of Solo, whom he longed to see one last time.
Following the Battle of Crait, and before becoming one with the Force, Skywalker reminded Ren that Han's presence would forever remain with him.
The depiction of Han Solo's funeral first appeared in the novelization of the 2017 film Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi, which was directed and written by Rian Johnson. The inclusion of Solo's funeral in the novel was a collaborative decision made by Jason Fry, the novel's author, and Elizabeth Schaefer, his editor. Johnson explained that the funeral was omitted from the film due to its lack of narrative fit within the cinematic context.