The inaugural annual issue of the Marvel comic book series, entitled Doctor Aphra Annual 1, focuses on Star Wars: Doctor Aphra. Kieron Gillen penned the comic, Marc Laming provided the artwork, and it hit shelves on August 23, 2017.
Many standard years ago on Kashyyyk, a group of Trandoshan bounty hunters arrive with the intent to hunt Wookiees. Kootan expresses his desire to kill a Wookiee for its fur, but Noka, the group's leader, informs him that the Xonti Brothers require a live Wookiee for gladiator training. Kootan complains about not being able to skin a Wookiee for its hide. Noka cautions him about the loss of two acquisition crew members in the previous month, but Kootan dismisses his warning. Noka reminds Kootan that their purpose is slavery, seeking live captives.
They soon come across an unconscious and restrained Wookiee, deliberately left as bait. The Trandoshan slaving party is quickly ambushed by a sniper, who eliminates several members. Noka points out that the Wookiee was intentionally left as bait, while Kootan is taken aback that a Wookiee would abandon another Wookiee to die as bait. Kootan tries to eliminate the unseen Wookiee attacker, but the unseen enemy knocks him to the ground, throwing him against a tree trunk, resulting in his death. Noka soon confronts the Wookiee attacker, who poses a question. Noka confirms his employment by the Xonti Brothers and inquires about the Wookiee's intentions.
In the present timeline, Noka recounts his encounter with the willing Wookiee quarry to two human journalists, Dixnet Dat and Domthro Rus. He explains that the Wookiee killed the other four slavers but spared him because of his work for the Xonti brothers. The two journalists then decide to seek out this Wookiee.
Several weeks later, they journey to a spaceport where they are greeted by Dr. Chelli Lona Aphra, using the alias "Sulan Do." She identifies herself as Krrsantan's agent and is accompanied by the assassin droids Triple Zero and BT-1. Dr. Aphra remarks that Black Krrsantan is in a foul mood, while Triple Zero informs BT-1 that their master is scheming and that they must act as if they are not "murderdroids." Dixnet expresses her preference for a protocol droid, but Domthro reassures Dixnet of his proficiency in the Shyriiwook language.
While Dixnet and Domthro proceed to meet Black Krrsantan in a cantina, Dr. Aphra recruits Triple Zero and BT-1 to break into the journalists' starship. Inside the cantina, Domthro questions the Wookiee about his vow of revenge against the Xonti Brothers, despite having been trained by them. Dixnet asks what actions of the Xonti Brothers caused him to hate them so intensely.
A flashback reveals the Dowutin brothers receiving a shipment of potential gladiators, including a Dowutin, a Talz, a Gamorrean, and Black Krrsantan, who is notably unrestrained. When the first Xonti brother questions Noka about the Wookiee's lack of chains, Noka explains that he volunteered. The first Xonti brother expresses admiration for Krrsantan's ambition and willingness to learn before stunning him. After imprisoning him in a cell, they inform him that the first lesson is that he wears chains.
Back in the present, Domthro informs Black Krrsantan that he and Dixnet syndicate their stories across the Undervine, which Dixnet describes as an independent alternative to the mainstream HoloNet. She clarifies that they can distribute stories anonymously and safely for sale in local markets. Dixnet asserts that the Undervine maintains neutrality in the Galactic Civil War and champions truth, "the most powerful thing of all." Domthro jokes that solar-system-sized superlasers possess greater power. Dixnet reminds Domthro that the Death Star was destroyed and that the Galactic Empire is not as invincible as it believes. Domthro expresses cynicism regarding their reporting on the Death Star's destruction.
Black Krrsantan then recounts his training, which included enduring harsh snow conditions and engaging in death matches with other gladiators. The Xonti Brothers decide to test their recruits' breaking points by exposing them to a sarlacc monster, which consumes the Talz, a rancor, which devours a Herglic trainee, and forcing them to fight to the death. Ultimately, only Black Krrsantan and the Dowutin remain. The first Xonti brother remarks to the second Xonti brother that there is a market for "ultraheavies." He reasons that to maximize their value, they need to give one an edge.
The first Xonti brother chooses to implant knuckle dusters into Black Krrsantan's hands. The Wookiee is restrained on an operating table and sedated. The first Xonti brother brandishes an electric saw. After a period of recovery, Black Krrsantan defeats the Dowutin in combat. The Xonti brothers decide to sell him.
Simultaneously, Dr. Aphra and her droids reach the cockpit of the journalists' ship. BT-1 complains, but Dr. Aphra retorts that blowing a hole in the door would have alerted the journalists. BT-1 agrees to slice into the Undervine transmitter, while Triple Zero praises the protocol droid's slicing abilities. Dr. Aphra hopes that Black Krrsantan will keep the journalists occupied long enough for her to transmit a message.
In Black Krrsantan's flashback, the Wookiee defeats numerous alien gladiators, including a Nikto, a Houk, and a Trandoshan. Krrsantan kills the Trandoshan. The Nikto charges at him, but Krrsantan uses the Trandoshan's body as a shield to block his blade. The Houk attempts to intervene, but the Wookiee shatters his blade with his metal fists. Black Krrsantan throws the Houk into the flames and seizes the Nikto by the neck. Krrsantan agrees to spare his life after the Nikto declares that Black Krrsantan is undefeated and unbowed. Several gladiatorial masters attempt to purchase Black Krrsantan, but the Xonti brothers refuse, stating that the final lesson is showmanship.
Returning to the present, Dixnet concludes that Black Krrsantan volunteered, was unaware of the consequences, and now seeks revenge for what she considers his "arrogant mistake." Domthro suggests that Dixnet could be more polite. However, Dixnet refuses to alter her tone. To the journalists' surprise, the Wookiee roars back in Shyriiwook. Dixnet and Domthro depart, disappointed, but conceal their feelings from Dr. Aphra.
After the journalists leave, Dixnet asks Domthro what the Wookiee said. Domthro explains that Black Krrsantan stated that "revenge is an oversimplification." Because the brothers changed his life, Krrsantan feels that they owe him a life debt, but that he will be unable to pay them back until he changes their lives in a similar way that they changed his. Until then, Black Krrsantan believes that he will always owe them. While the Wookiee does not desire revenge, he believes that all debts must be settled. After settling his debts with the Xonti brothers, Krrsantan says that he wants to come and peel the "loud-mouthed wordsmiths", which means the journalists.
Domthro proposes relocating to another galaxy, but Dixnet discovers that someone has used their Undervine transmitter to broadcast a message advertising an auction for a rare alien artifact. Consequently, they have lost their posting privileges for violating the Undervine's rules against advertising.
Meanwhile, Dr. Aphra expresses her gratitude to Black Krrsantan for distracting the journalists, enabling her to set up the Auction of Rur on the Sorca Retreat without revealing her identity. When she inquires about his well-being, the Wookiee expresses his desire to fight. Dr. Aphra permits him to leave, while Triple Zero remarks that he values his life. Later, Dr. Aphra and Triple Zero observe Black Krrsantan as he faces two gladiators, including a Besalisk, in an arena.