Star Wars: Doctor Aphra issue number 8 marks the conclusion of the Star Wars: The Screaming Citadel crossover event, which spanned both the main Star Wars comic series and the Doctor Aphra title, specifically issues from Marvel Comics. It is also the eighth installment of the Star Wars: Doctor Aphra comic series. Crafted by the writer Kieron Gillen with illustrations by Andrea Broccardo, Doctor Aphra #8 hit shelves on June 28 of 2017.
- It's a wild ride featuring Jedi, symbiotes, Rebels, Murderbots, Smugglers, and Archaeologists! It's got everything! __
- The question is, can anyone emerge unscathed from the terrors lurking within the Screaming Citadel? [1]
Luke Skywalker, now under the influence of an Abersyn symbiote, declares himself the new King of the hive, proclaiming the Queen of Ktath'atan as his queen. She vehemently refuses to relinquish her authority, asserting her continued reign. The symbiote-controlled Skywalker demands her submission and attacks her with his lightsaber.
Seeing an opportunity with their Queen's attention diverted, her lieutenants, Varroa and Vespinax, plot to seize control of the hive, enlisting Han Solo in their scheme. Once the minions are out of the throne room, Dr. Aphra discreetly hands Skywalker the Rur crystal to enhance his chances in the psychic battle. Meanwhile, Solo instructs the Queen's guards to eliminate the rebels, droids, and the Wookiee Krrsantan. Princess Leia Organa manages to break through Han's trance, urging him to resist the infection. Varroa and Vespinax then order the guards to target Han and his allies. In response, Han commands Leia and Sana Starros to return fire and unleashes Black Krrsantan upon the guards.
Within the throne room, Skywalker and the Queen are locked in a psychic battle using the Force. Eternal Rur, communicating through the Rur crystal, attempts to sway Skywalker, presenting himself as an ally against the Queen. However, Skywalker remains wary of the artificial intelligence. Eternal Rur identifies himself and reveals that Dr Aphra orchestrated his projection into Luke's mind.
Offering his assistance in the psychic duel, he informs Luke that he has been compromised by an alien parasite. Eternal Rur suggests that Skywalker seize control of his symbiote, using it to eliminate the Queen and take over the hive. Skywalker, however, refuses Eternal Rur's alliance, stating that the entity is not a Jedi and rejecting his assistance. At that moment, the Queen's symbiote destroys Luke's symbiote.
Believing she has triumphed, the Queen is surprised when Skywalker separates himself from the symbiote using the Force. Skywalker then strikes down the Queen with his lightsaber, ending her life and neutralizing her threat. Dr. Aphra watches in stunned silence as the Queen falls.
Meanwhile, Solo's guards are overwhelmed by Varroa and Vespinax, who are vying for control of the hive. Suddenly, Solo, Varroa, Vespinax, and the guards all sense the Queen's demise through the symbiote hive mind. Leia realizes that Skywalker has defeated the Queen and swiftly eliminates Varoa. Before Vespinax can escape, Black Krrsantan intervenes and ends her life.
The guards declare Han Solo as their new ruler, but he declines, understanding the responsibilities involved. Instead, he commands the hive mind to release the guards and the former Queen's subjects, setting them free. As the guards and Black Krrsantan celebrate, Starros sarcastically wonders how they will cope with the aftermath. When Solo suggests redoing the Kessel Run, Leia instructs Triple Zero to sedate him.
Skywalker then reappears with Dr. Aphra and expresses regret for the chaos he has caused. Leia responds with a hug. When Triple Zero offers his services, Leia asks him to remove the parasite from Solo. Dr. Aphra then directs Beetee to destroy the symbiote laboratory to eliminate the parasite threat. Dr. Aphra, with her expertise on symbiotes, advises them to notify the Galactic Empire, as they would take the symbiote threat seriously.
Solo is irritated that Triple Zero injected him with a fast-acting neurotoxin. Triple Zero retorts that Leia should have specified a painkiller. Princess Leia is relieved that Solo is alive, while Solo laments his overconfidence. Leia expresses her gratitude to her friends. Meanwhile, Dr. Aphra and Sana Starros reconcile, with Starros thanking Aphra for returning for her and their companions.
However, Skywalker is angered by Dr. Aphra's betrayal. Dr. Aphra attempts to atone by offering him access to the Rur crystal. Skywalker rejects her offer, stating that the Rur crystal is not a Jedi artifact. Skywalker resigns himself to the difficulty of finding information about the Jedi. Dr. Aphra apologizes, but Skywalker refuses to trust her, disliking those who use "shortcuts to get what they want." He instructs Aphra to stay away from him and his friends.
Dr. Aphra leaves Ktath'atn on the Ark Angel II, accompanied by Triple Zero, Beetee, and Black Krrsantan. Rejected by Skywalker, she dismisses him as a "judgmental piece of blond Tatooine bantha dung." Triple Zero observes that Skywalker, despite his traumatic experience, remains a positive and delightful individual dedicated to improving the lives of all sentient beings. He criticizes Dr. Aphra for underestimating Skywalker's significance, suggesting that Luke reminds her of her own shortcomings. Offended, Dr. Aphra leaves the cockpit, instructing Krrsantan to take over the controls. Triple Zero remains unaware that he has upset Dr. Aphra.
Meanwhile, aboard the Millennium Falcon, Skywalker is upset that Dr. Aphra's droids lobotomized Essfour and questions how the two could have been friends. Starros admits she does not have a satisfactory answer. Princess Leia tries to remain optimistic, reminding the rebels that they saved the day, liberated people, and should be grateful. Solo jokingly asks if he could receive another medal as a souvenir.
Returning to the Screaming Citadel, two humans explore the ruined tower. The male human suggests they leave, but the female believes they could find valuable items to sell among the debris. The female discovers the deceased Queen's body and a surviving Abersyn symbiote, which infects her. The girl cries out Skywalker's name.
The male human notices that his female companion now has a scar across her face, red markings on her cheeks, and her eyes have turned white. The female simply states that she made a miscalculation and that they must leave quickly because their destiny lies elsewhere.