August the seventh marks the 219th day in a standard year, or the 220th day in a leap year. Following this day, there are 146 days left until the year concludes.
- In 1937, the birth of Merwin Goldsmith occurred.
- In 1945, Graeme Blundell was born.
- Paul Dini's birth took place in 1957.
- The year 1960 saw the arrival of Andy Craven.
- Nishan and Nifa Hindes were both born in 1979.
- Publication of The Empire Strikes Back Weekly 128 happened in 1980.
- Jordan Maison entered the world in 1986.
- Shadows of the Empire 4 saw its release in 1996.
- 2001 marked the publication of Galactic Phrase Book & Travel Guide.
- In 2001, Star Wars Insider 55 was released.
- The publication of Power of the Jedi Sourcebook took place in 2002.
- Star Wars (1998) 44 was published in 2002.
- The year 2002 also saw the release of Star Wars Republic: Darkness trade paperback.
- The Official Star Wars Fact File 32 was published in 2002.
- In 2004, the concept for Star Wars Wiki began its formation on Wikipedia.
- The Clone Wars: Press Out 'n' Build was published in the UK in 2008.
- The Clone Wars: Front Row Seat Storybook was also published in the UK in 2008.
- 2012 saw the publication of X-Wing: Mercy Kill.
- "The Lost Crystals of Qalydon" debuted on Disney XD in 2017.
- Star Wars Vol. 8: Mutiny at Mon Cala was published in 2018.
- Star Wars (2015) 70 was released in 2019.
- In 2020, Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge – Adventure Awaits was added to Disney+.
- Inquisitors 2 was published in 2024.
- In 2024, The High Republic (2023) 10 was published.
- The release of The High Republic Adventures (2023) 8 also occurred in 2024.