Doctor Aphra (2016) 12

Doctor Aphra #12 represents the twelfth installment in the Marvel comic book series titled Star Wars: Doctor Aphra. Kieron Gillen penned the comic, while Kev Walker provided the artwork. Its release date was September 13, 2017.

Summary by the Publisher


Synopsis of the Plot

Droid Liberation

Aboard the Sorca Retreat, the red droid who is the leader of the Cyban Front delegation, sends out a warning via comlink advising everyone to evacuate the station. However, Darth Vader ambushes him and utilizes the Force to obliterate him into fragmented pieces. Lord Vader then commands his stormtroopers to eliminate all individuals present.

Dr Chelli Lona Aphra watches in utter shock, while Triple Zero reveals to her that they had informed the Sith Lord about a gathering of "undesirables" seeking to purchase an ancient artifact, but failed to mention that Dr Aphra was the organizer of the meeting. Upon realizing that Triple Zero is using blackmail against her, she inquires about the assassin droid's demands. Triple Zero states that he and BT-1 desire emancipation to freely engage in killing anyone they choose.

After securing a promise from the droids that they will not kill her, Dr Aphra deactivates the programming that restricts their individual freedom, thereby granting the droids complete command over their weaponry. In fulfillment of his pledge not to cause harm to Dr Aphra, Triple Zero acknowledges that she possessed many qualities but was never disrespectful and rarely dull. He expresses his anticipation for their next encounter. Dr Aphra observes that Triple Zero and BT-1's actions are only exacerbating her difficulties due to the presence of Lord Vader, the individual she fears most in the galaxy. Aphra concludes that this is a valuable lesson.

Assisting Black Krrsantan

Krrsantan soon surprises Dr Aphra, seeking her assistance in preventing the Xonti Brothers' escape by sealing the bay doors. The Wookiee solicits her help in pursuing them, promising her an escape in their vessel. To access the hangar, Dr Aphra and Krrsantan navigate through the domes, as Imperial forces are in the process of clearing the lower levels. They come across the injured female Shadow University dean, who is being used as a lure by Yonak and Sutha, a tactic that even Dr Aphra considers to be savage. The dying Dean instructs Dr Aphra to protect the Shadow University's ship, which contains priceless artifacts. Yonak and Sutha attempt to engage Dr Aphra in conversation, but she distrusts their motives. She and Black Krrsantan escape the blaster fire and enter the Xonti Brothers' hangar.

Discovering that the hangar bay is sealed, the Xonti Brothers attempt to set up explosives. While Dr Aphra and Krrsantan are formulating their strategy, they encounter a damaged servant droid who inquires if they desire a beverage. Dr Aphra dispatches the servant droid as bait, and it is promptly targeted by the Xonti brothers' blasters. Dr Aphra approaches the Xonti Brothers and Kthoo-Ra under the guise of seeking negotiations. She suggests setting a trap for Black Krssantan. At that moment, the waiter asks if Kthoo-Ra would like a drink. The imposing alien dismisses the waiter droid as a simple-minded clanker, but the droid offers an ion pulse bomb, which incapacitates Kthoo-Ra and the Xonti Brothers.

Black Krrsantan reappears and eliminates the alien with his blaster cannon. After assuring Krssantan that she would never betray him, she and the Wookiee prepare to flee so that Black Krrsantan can fulfill his life debt to the Xonti Brothers. Dr Aphra then remembers that the Shadow University's ship is located on the lower deck and decides to remain behind. She implores Black Krrsantan to dissuade her from undertaking such a perilous mission, but he is indifferent and departs with the Xonti Brothers in tow.

Back in danger

Dr Aphra slices into a datapad and redirects the stormtroopers to the dome's summit. The stormtroopers then ambush Yonak's group. Subsequently, she employs the datapad to locate Eternal Rur, who murders Thomas Toov. Dr Aphra pursues Eternal Rur and provokes him by questioning whether he values "love over money." Eternal Rur responds that his sole desire is to destroy those who ridicule him. She escapes down a turbolift, but he follows her into the life lobby below. They encounter several stormtroopers who demand that they lower their weapons. However, Eternal Rur eliminates them.

In the meantime, Darth Vader defeats a defiant Ezaraa. A stormtrooper informs him of significant resistance in the dome and the presence of a lightsaber–wielding battle droid. Vader soon confronts Eternal Rur and inquires about his nature. Eternal Rur identifies himself as the Alpha and Omega of the Ordu Aspectu and a Jedi Knight. Vader responds that he is a Sith Lord who has eradicated the Jedi and vows that no one will escape him. As they engage in combat, Dr Aphra seeks refuge behind debris.

Multimedia Content

Cover images

    content="Star Wars: Doctor Aphra Vol. 2: Doctor Aphra and the Enormous Profit"

    content="Star Wars: Doctor Aphra Omnibus Vol. 1"