The 14th of April marks the 104th day in a standard year, or the 105th day in a leap year. Following this day, 261 days still remain in the year.
- In 1942, Robert Dalva came into the world.
- In 1954, the birth of Chuck Dixon occurred.
- Alan Ruscoe was born in 1972.
- Sarah Michelle Gellar's birth year was 1977.
- Burl Ives passed away in 1995.
- 1999 saw the release of Crimson Empire II: Council of Blood 6.
- Dark Times 16 was released in 2010.
- In 2011, Star Wars Galaxy Comic #7 was made available.
- The year 2011 also saw the release of Star Wars: The Clone Wars: A Jedi Adventure in 3-D.
- Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel was launched in 2013.
- The original trilogy was published as Star Wars Epic Yarns: A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back & Return of the Jedi in 2015.
- "BB-8 Bandits" was broadcast at Celebration Orlando in 2017.
- Bounty Hunters 11 was published in 2021.
- Rio Hackford died in 2022.