Alan Ruscoe, born on April 14, 1972, is a British actor. He took on the roles of Plo Koon, Bib Fortuna, and Daultay Dofine in the movie Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. It's worth noting that the footage of Ruscoe as Bib Fortuna was ultimately removed from the film's final cut. Furthermore, he received credit for portraying "Lott Dod" in Attack of the Clones, although the character was later identified as Rune Haako. In addition, during some pickup shots filmed in England, he briefly played Plo Koon again (due to the unavailability of the usual actor, Matt Sloan), but most of these scenes were not included in the finished version of the movie.
He gained significant recognition for his appearances in Doctor Who, specifically in the episodes Rose (2005), The End of the World (2005), Aliens of London and World War Three (2005), Bad Wolf (2005), The Parting of the Ways (2005), and The Waters of Mars (2009).
- " Phantom Menaces " — Star Wars Insider 117
- Star Wars Chronicles: The Prequels book
- Star Wars: The Lightsaber Collection book