"Escape from Coruscant" marks the eleventh installment in the second season of the animated series, LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures.
Within the Imperial Palace located on Coruscant, an increasingly impatient Emperor Palpatine berates his Royal Guards, demanding confirmation of the arrival of both Darth Vader and Rowan Freemaker. Palpatine criticizes the guards for their inaction, stating they merely stand around and are red. Moments later, the [blast doors](/article/blast_door] open, revealing Lord Vader escorting a chained Rowan. Vader instructs Rowan to acknowledge his new master.
The Emperor insists Rowan surrender the Kyber Saber to him. Rowan retorts that he doesn't possess the Kyber Saber, questioning if that is the reason the Emperor has been pursuing him throughout the galaxy. When the Emperor demands to know its whereabouts, Rowan reveals that the Kyber Saber now resides at the bottom of a lava pit. The Emperor expresses his fury upon learning that Rowan has discarded the galaxy's most powerful weapon.
Upon Rowan's request to leave, the Emperor retaliates with Force lightning, unleashing his anger by flinging furniture across his throne room and causing the two Royal Guards to collide. After regaining his composure, Lord Vader assures his master that Rowan still holds value due to his ability to assist in gathering kyber crystals. This appeases the Emperor, who decides to exploit Rowan's abilities to power the second Death Star. The Emperor dismisses his guards, intending to deal with Rowan personally. Rowan asserts that he is unafraid, but the Emperor issues a menacing denial.
Kordi Freemaker, Zander Freemaker, and Roger enter the command center of the Home One, bearing news of Rowan's capture. General Hera Syndulla instructs Zander and Kordi to speak in turn, as she struggles to understand them. They inform the rebel leadership of Darth Vader's capture of their brother, Rowan. When Admiral Ackbar has difficulty hearing them, Roger clarifies that Vader has captured Rowan and is transporting him to Coruscant.
Zander requests permission to lead a rescue operation, while Kordi asks for a complement of 20 X-wing starfighters, three ion cannons, a ground team, a container of organic bantha jelly, and the use of the Arrowhead. Mon Mothma declines to grant them the Arrowhead due to its strategic significance to the Alliance. Admiral Ackbar expresses his regret in denying their request. When Kordi questions their concern for Rowan, General Hera Syndulla assures her of their care. Admiral Ackbar explains that they lack the necessary resources to launch an attack on Coruscant.
Kordi implores them to allow the use of the Arrowhead for their rescue mission, but Mothma remains unwilling to sacrifice everything Rowan has fought for. Kordi and Zander are visibly upset. At that moment, rebel personnel deliver news that Bothan spies have confirmed the Empire's construction of a second Death Star. Admiral Ackbar and General Syndulla depart to address the crisis, while Mon Mothma directs their senior leadership teams to combat operations.
Amidst the rebels' frantic activity, the Freemakers proceed down the hallway. Zander expresses his frustration that their concerns are being ignored due to the preoccupation with the second Death Star. Kordi informs Zander and Roger that they will be rebelling against the Rebellion.
Concurrently, the Emperor revels in his triumph as Rowan is confined within a containment field. He anticipates extracting information and inquires about M-OC's whereabouts from Vader. Vader reports that M-OC assisted in locating the boy but was destroyed in the process. However, on Qalydon, M-OC undergoes reconstruction. Despite the supposed loss of M-OC, the Emperor is ecstatic and demands that Rowan reveal the location of the kyber crystals. Rowan remains obstinate and uncooperative.
The Emperor then unveils an IT-O Interrogation Unit which projects a hologram propaganda video showcasing moments from Palpatine's life, including his tenure as Senator of Naboo, his meeting with Queen Padmé Amidala, Sidious's duel with Mace Windu, and Palpatine's address during his Proclamation of the New Order. Sidious boasts of employing deception, manipulation, terror, and the dark side to achieve his objectives. Rowan expresses his boredom with the video, questioning Palpatine's sincerity. Vader confirms its validity.
Subsequently, the Emperor attempts to lure Rowan to the dark side by offering a Sith lightsaber, dark robes, and a limited edition caf mug. However, Rowan has fallen asleep, finding the Emperor's presentation tedious. Vader informs the Emperor that Rowan dozed off during his explanation of the Rule of Two. After lamenting the late Count Dooku's failure to grasp the Rule of Two, the Emperor decides to adopt a different approach, instructing the IT-O droid to initiate interrogation mode. Rowan mistakes it for another presentation, but the Emperor clarifies that he will extract the location of the kyber crystals as the droid approaches Rowan with a needle.
Aboard the Home One, the other Freemakers discover the unattended Arrowhead and resolve to commandeer it to rescue Rowan. Kordi and Zander successfully approach the starship, but Roger inadvertently bumps into an astromech droid. The Freemakers are intercepted by Lieutenant Valeria, who inquires about their activities, exclaiming "what in the Five Fire Rings of Fornax" Kordi and Zander fabricate a story, claiming that Admiral Ackbar assigned them to cleaning duties aboard the Arrowhead.
Upon Zander's cue, Roger detaches his left arm and attempts to sneak up on Valeria from behind. However, Valeria discerns their plan to launch the Arrowhead to rescue their brother. Roger tries to incapacitate Valeria, but she evades him and seizes his arm. To their astonishment, Valeria sympathizes with the Freemakers, stating that she would have done the same. She returns Roger's arm, telling them that she never saw them, and departs.
Before their departure, Kordi cautions that the rebels would revoke their promotions. Zander acknowledges the possibility of never flying again, while Kordi recognizes the potential loss of their standing within the Rebel Alliance. However, Roger reminds them of Rowan's words: "what's the point of saving the galaxy if the people you love aren't in it." Kordi realizes Roger's wisdom and instructs Zander to engage the controls. The Arrowhead departs from the Home One. Upon being informed of the Arrowhead's departure, Admiral Ackbar sighs and mutters "Freemakers."
As the Arrowhead emerges from hyperspace above Coruscant, it encounters three Imperial Star Destroyers, which deploy TIE fighters to intercept the rebel ship. Kordi and Zander eagerly engage in a dogfight, deploying the embersteel Blade. The Arrowhead tears through the Imperial TIE defenses, obliterating numerous starfighters.
Three Imperial officers at the Imperial palace watch the aerial battle in dismay. The colonel expresses confidence that the Emperor will be alerted to the approaching enemy spacecraft, but the lieutenant counters that he issued explicit instructions not to be disturbed. They dispatch the ensign to alert the Emperor. However, the Emperor retaliates with Force lightning for disrupting his interrogation. The officers decide to send a Red Guard.
Back in the throne room, the Emperor and Lord Vader opt to employ a mind probe on Roger, after destroying multiple Interrogation Units. The Emperor expresses frustration at Rowan's resistance and incinerates the IT-O Interrogation Units with Force lightning. Lord Vader tells Rowan he is strong with the Force but boasts he is stronger.
Meanwhile in space, the Arrowhead bisects one Star Destroyer, causing its frontal section to collide with another. After Roger declares that they have eliminated the last of them, Zander decides that it is time to retrieve their younger brother. As the Arrowhead descends into Coruscant's atmosphere, M-OC returns aboard the Tracker I. He is intrigued by the Arrowhead's power.
Within the Imperial Palace, Lord Vader interrogates Rowan about the source of the kyber crystal used to construct the Arrowhead and demands its location. Rowan refuses to cooperate. Lord Vader then projects a star map and asks which region Roan found the kyber crystals, listing the Deep Core, Colonies, and the Outer Rim. Sensing Rowan's thoughts, Vader deduces that Rowan found the crystal in the Outer Rim. He senses Rowan's fear of failure and tries to probe into his mind. Rowan resists, but the Emperor taunts Rowan that nobody is going to save him and that it is only a matter of time before his destiny is fulfilled.
Two Royal Guards attempt to enter the throne room with news of the Arrowhead, but the Emperor repels them with Force lightning. The lieutenant then suggests dispatching stormtroopers. Meanwhile, the Arrowhead approaches the Imperial Palace with TIEs in pursuit. Roger points out that they haven't deactivated the shields to let Zander down and asks how it is going to work with those TIEs. Zander gets an idea and then dives behind the TIEs and rips them apart. Kordi says there will be more but that it will buy them enough time.
The Freemakers approach a landing pad which is guarded by several stormtroopers. Kordi convinces Roger to take control and to fly the Arrowhead to the top spire. Kordi and Zander open the canopy and jump out. Zander is afraid but jumps onto the main spire. More TIEs approach but Roger uses the Arrowhead to rip them apart. Meanwhile, Kordi and Zander infiltrate the Imperial Palace through the maintenance hatch.
The officers send several stormtroopers to warn the Emperor but he blasts them aside with Force lightning. The officers give up trying to warn the Emperor and walk away, opining that they did their best. Meanwhile, Vader plays on Rowan's fears and demands the location of the kyber crystals. Despite Rowan's resistance, Vader locates the kyber crystals in Sector F19. He taunts Rowan that his resolve is weakening and that there is no one to save him including his rebel friends and family.
Lord Vader tells Rowan that he is alone and that he is weak and his fears betray him. Vader extracts the location of the kyber crystal planet, telling Rowan his failure is complete. The Emperor cackles with laughter. Lord Vader tells the Hutt crime lord Graballa by hologram to take his mining team twelve parsecs past Terminus where he will find the kyber crystals. Graballa says that is far away and asks if Vader can reimburse him for fuel. However, Vader Force chokes Graballa and he complies.
Having extracted the information, the Emperor orders two stormtroopers to take Rowan into the dungeons and promises to get rid of him once they have acquired the kyber crystals. Two stormtroopers drag a broken Rowan away. Meanwhile, Kordi and Zander ambush two Royal Guards and steal their robes.
Elsewhere, Roger dogfights above the Imperial Palace, destroying three more TIE fighters with the Arrowhead. Roger initially panics when he sees M-OC's Tracker I but believes the Arrowhead is invincible and pursues M-OC's starfighter. Realizing that there is only one course of action, M-OC pauses the Tracker I in mid-air. The Arrowhead smashes through the Tracker 1 with its Embersteel Blade, seemingly destroying the hunter droid and his starfighter. Roger boasts about beating the shiny new droid.
Back at the Imperial Palace, the disguised Kordi and Zander tells the stormtroopers guarding Rowan that the Emperor has issued new orders for Rowan to be thrown into the garbage compactor. The stormtroopers grumble that is the first time any of the Royal Guards have spoken. Rowan is delighted that his siblings have come to rescue him and hugs them. Kordi contacts Roger for a rendezvous. Roger wants to tell them about his victory over M-OC but Kordi is in a hurry.
Roger meets them at the top spire of the Imperial Palace. He is about to tell them of his victory over M-OC when the hunter droid surprises him. It turns out that M-OC survived the clash with the Arrowhead by clinging to the ship's hull. He tells them that he waited for them to lower their shields before tearing Roger apart and throwing him over the battlements of the Imperial Palace. The Freemakers cry in horror as M-OC seizes the Arrowhead as a fitting prize for his Emperor.
M-OC then fires on the top pinnacle, causing the Freemakers to fall down the battlements. Rowan saves his siblings by using the Force to suspend them in mid-air. Rowan asks Roger if he is okay. Roger replies that just because he's a droid doesn't mean that he is okay.
At the Imperial Palace, the Emperor and Lord Vader celebrate their victory when they receive a hologram transmission from M-OC. M-OC tells them that he has rebuilt himself and seize the Arrowhead, which he flies outside the throne room's window. M-OC offers it as amends for his previous errors. The Emperor forgives M-OC and tells Vader that M-OC gets things done. When Lord Vader counters that he found enough kyber crystals to power the Death Star, the Emperor belittles him.
As stormtroopers prepare for a clean-up at the Imperial Palace, Zander asks what they should do since the Empire has captured the Arrowhead. Despite their losses, Kordi tells her older brother it could have been worse. Rowan tells them that he gave the Empire the location of the kyber crystals and blames himself for the loss of the Arrowhead and the second Death Star being fast-tracked. Though Rowan thinks the rebels are going to lose because of his actions, Kordi disagrees and tells him that they still have a chance of winning if they warn them.
Using the Force, Rowan builds a TIE fighter out of the starship wreckage. Zander and Rowan think things are bad because they handed everything to the Empire. Roger reassures them that at least they are safe. Back at the Imperial Palace, Lord Vader reports that the Freemakers are escaping but the Emperor is not worried since he has sent M-OC to eliminate the Freemakers so that they never interfere with his plans. Palpatine laughs.