Darth Vader (2017) 7

Darth Vader #7 represents the seventh installment of the canon comic book series titled Star Wars: Darth Vader (2017). Charles Soule penned the story, Giuseppe Camuncoli provided the illustrations, and Marvel Comics released it on November 1, 2017. The issue presents "The Dying Light Part I," a narrative where Darth Vader embarks on the hunt to locate Jedi Master Jocasta Nu.

Summary by the Publisher

LEGACY'S END IS HERE! Vader assumes command of the Emperor's clandestine Inquisitorius Program, setting his sights on a surprisingly dangerous Jedi survivor.

Synopsis of the Story

Serving Under the Same Master

Darth Vader is shown training the Inquisitorius in lightsaber combat within Coruscant's The Works area. His training methods are brutal, leading to serious injuries for the Inquisitors, including limb and eye loss. After severing the Sixth Brother's left arm, Vader insists that he continue fighting despite his injury. The Grand Inquisitor steps in, voicing concerns about Vader's harsh training. As the Sixth Brother struggles to leave, Vader retorts that he's teaching them about loss, a lesson they'll never forget.

Medical droids are seen tending to wounded Inquisitors, including the Ninth Sister, the Fifth Brother, and the Sixth Brother, in a medbay. Vader expresses his belief that the Inquisitorius is not prepared to track down and eliminate survivors of the Great Jedi Purge. The Grand Inquisitor disagrees, pointing out that the Inquisitors are former Jedi. Vader criticizes the Jedi Order's defensive fighting style, which emphasizes minimizing bloodshed, blaming it for the flaws in the Inquisitors' tactics.

The Grand Inquisitor and Darth Vader enter the holo-map room

Upon entering a meeting room with a holo-map at its center, the Grand Inquisitor reminds Vader that the Emperor chose him for this role and trusts in his abilities. Vader remains indifferent, demanding that the Grand Inquisitor implement his training methods, warning that any Inquisitors who fail to improve will be eliminated. The Grand Inquisitor acknowledges Vader's disdain for them but reminds him of their mission to hunt down the Jedi, assigned by the Emperor. He reminds the Sith apprentice that since Vader is in command, their failure will reflect on him, not the Grand Inquisitor. Vader concedes his dislike for the Inquisitorius but expresses faith in the possibility of change through the Force.

Vader, examining the map, announces the start of the hunt for Jedi Purge survivors. The Grand Inquisitor reminds him that the Emperor has already provided a list of high-priority targets, including Yoda, Quinlan Vos, the deceased Kirak Infil'a, Jocasta Nu, and Ahsoka Tano. Jocasta Nu, the Jedi archivist, is highlighted as a target of particular importance for reasons yet unknown. The Grand Inquisitor questions how she survived, but Vader cautions him against questioning the Emperor's will. He vows to carry out the Emperor's wishes for her destruction.

Jedi in Hiding

Master Nu, in her secret location, uses a holocron to send a message to Jedi in hiding, emphasizing their responsibility. Gar, a dark-skinned human man wearing spectacles, enters the cave, expressing concern that her holocron recordings are exhausting her. Nu assures him that she only needs to record one more, thanking him for bringing her tea. When Gar inquires about the holocron's content, Nu explains that it contains her final thoughts on the Jedi Order's purpose and the light it brings to the galaxy.

She instructs Gar to place the holocrons with the others, as she has more work to do. Gar worries about her overexerting herself, but Nu insists that her work is not finished, as she holds the secrets of the Jedi Archives. Before Gar leaves, she asks him for more tea.

At the former Jedi Temple, the Grand Inquisitor reveals his hatred for Master Nu to Darth Vader, resenting her for restricting his access to the Jedi Archives. He believes Nu thought education was only for the elite and discriminated against the warriors who risked their lives for the Jedi Order. The Inquisitor promises to examine everything in the Jedi Archives. Lord Vader reminds him that his task is to search the Archives for clues about surviving Jedi, including their personal information and family ties, warning him against failure. The Inquisitor assures him that he has been waiting for this opportunity his entire life.

After recording her last holocron, Master Nu enters a waterfall, revealing a hangar with a Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptor and her astromech droid, Beetoo. Gar invites Master Nu to share a meal, but he realizes she plans to leave. Gar begs her not to return to the Jedi Archives and to remain in hiding. Nu explains that she has not built an archive here, but a school. She says she must leave to retrieve something, fearing the consequences of leaving it where it is, despite the mission's danger. When Gar asks about the importance of this item, Master Nu explains that the school she is building needs students.

Vader's New Objective

Back on Coruscant, Lord Vader informs the Emperor that he has initiated an intense training program for the Inquisitors. Lord Vader inquires about the Emperor's interest in Master Jocasta Nu. The Emperor explains that Nu, as the archivist, possesses knowledge of every Force-strong location in the galaxy, including shrines, energy wells, and ancient temples. He reveals that Nu is the guardian of a "great treasure" hidden within the Jedi Archives that he desires. The Emperor commands Vader to retrieve this treasure by capturing Master Nu alive and bringing her to him.

When Lord Vader asks why he did not inform the Inquisitors, the Emperor explains his concern that Master Nu might fall into the hands of non-Sith who could use it against them. While the Grand Inquisitor and the others should be aware of Master Nu, he believes they should not be informed of her importance since they are not Sith. The Emperor senses that Master Nu is trying to change the destiny of the galaxy and orders Vader to stop her scheme, emphasizing that he must save her life.

Meanwhile, Master Nu lands her Jedi starfighter at a Coruscant hangar. She instructs her droid Beetoo to stay with the ship, telling it that it knows what to do if discovered. Although she hopes it won't come to that, the situation is dire, and Master Nu sees no other option. Before leaving, she attaches lightsaber to her belt. On her way to the Jedi Temple, Nu uses a Jedi mind trick to convince several Coruscant Guards that they did not see her. She then enters the Temple through a hidden entrance.

Continuity Notes

The issue features a list in Aurebesh of presumed Order 66 survivors, with two names obscured by text bubbles. Heather Antos, the comic's assistant editor, shared an unlettered version of the list on Twitter, revealing the names "Naia Taver" and "Kule Xandar." Matt Martin of the Lucasfilm Story Group clarified in subsequent tweets that the covered names, along with "Kayce Beradun," were merely Easter eggs and not intended to be taken literally. The name Kule Xandar was created as a reference to the planet Xandar from the Marvel Studios film Guardians of the Galaxy.

Within the narrative, Jocasta Nu records a holocron containing a message to rebuild the [Jedi Order](/article/jedi_order]. This holocron initially appeared in the 2015 comic book Star Wars (2015) 9, where Luke Skywalker hears the message.

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