"Zero Hour" marks the conclusion of the third season of Star Wars Rebels, the animated television program. This special event, comprising two episodes and lasting one hour, was initially broadcast on Disney XD on March 25, 2017. It encompasses the season's twenty-first and twenty-second installments, and overall, it represents the series' fifty-eighth and fifty-ninth episodes.

The episode commences with the arrival of Grand Admiral Thrawn's Sentinel-class landing craft at the Imperial headquarters located on Lothal. Governor Arihnda Pryce and Admiral Kassius Konstantine extend a welcome to the shuttle. Accompanied by a pair of death troopers, Thrawn exits the shuttle and informs Governor Pryce about the urgency of the news he carries. Little do they know, Agent Kallus, operating as the rebel agent known as Fulcrum, observes them from an elevated position.
As Thrawn and the Imperials proceed from the hangar, Kallus employs a mouse droid to discreetly monitor their dialogue. Inside an office, Thrawn ensures privacy by closing the blinds. When Admiral Konstantine questions the necessity of such measures, Thrawn cautions both Konstantine and Pryce about the presence of a traitor within their ranks. Thrawn emphasizes that the information he is about to disclose must not fall into Rebel hands. Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin joins the discussion via hologram, expressing his expectation that Thrawn's revelation justifies the delay. Kallus's mouse droid, positioned within the ventilation duct, relays the conversation to him.
He informs Tarkin about the Phoenix Cell Rebels' plan to initiate an assault. Tarkin initially expresses disbelief, but Thrawn asserts that all prior events have been preparatory, with the true operation about to commence. When Tarkin inquires about the Rebels' target, Thrawn reveals their intention to attack the TIE Defender factory situated on Lothal. Thrawn's intelligence indicates that General Jan Dodonna's fleet is en route to reinforce the forces led by Commander Jun Sato and Captain Hera Syndulla. Kallus, while eavesdropping, expresses surprise upon learning of the rebels' plan to attack Lothal.
Upon Tarkin's inquiry about the Rebel fleet's staging location, Thrawn admits that he has not yet determined their precise coordinates. Governor Pryce notes that a coordinated attack involving multiple Rebel cells is unprecedented. Thrawn responds that he has been anticipating this moment to eradicate the Rebellion. Kallus, overhearing this, is filled with dread. Tarkin instructs Thrawn to capture the Rebel leadership. When Thrawn suggests that capturing prisoners may not be feasible given the nature of the impending battle, Tarkin expresses confidence in Thrawn's ability to succeed, emphasizing the importance of capturing the Rebel commanders to make an example of them. Kallus prepares to depart.

At Chopper Base, Ezra Bridger is impressed by Hera Syndulla's success in uniting the Rebel forces for an assault on Lothal. Ezra expresses gratitude to Kanan Jarrus, Garazeb Orrelios, Sabine Wren, and, with some reluctance, Chopper. However, Kanan attributes the accomplishment entirely to Ezra. He acknowledges that he and Hera recognized Ezra's unique qualities and admits that he sometimes fell short in teaching Ezra everything. In response, Ezra assures his master that he did the best he could. When Kanan expresses doubt about his ability to further instruct Ezra due to his limited Jedi training, Ezra reassures Kanan that his master imparted valuable life lessons and taught him how to be a better person.
Subsequently, Hera informs Ezra and Kanan of the imminent arrival of General Dodonna and the Massassi Group. Ezra recognizes the name, and Kanan reminds him that Dodonna provided the Y-wings they acquired from Reklam Station. Kanan regards General Dodonna as the leader of one of the most substantial Rebel cells and anticipates his assistance in dismantling the Imperial factories on Lothal. Above the planet Atollon, Commander Sato is stationed on the bridge of the Phoenix Nest as General Dodonna's fleet, consisting of EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigates and CR90 corvettes, emerges from hyperspace. Sato establishes communication with Dodonna's flagship, the Vanguard, extending a welcome to Atollon. General Dodonna intends to strike a blow against the Empire and demonstrate to the galaxy the capabilities of the Rebellion.

Meanwhile, on Lothal, Kallus rides a speeder bike to the tower that once served as Ezra Bridger's residence. Inside, Kallus activates a transmitter that projects Fulcrum's symbol. Kallus attempts to transmit an urgent message but discovers that his signals are being jammed. Thrawn surprises Kallus with the coded phrase "by the light of Lothal's moons," and inquires whether Kallus prefers to be addressed as "Fulcrum" instead. Displaying a jammer, Thrawn informs Kallus that his Rebel allies will not receive his warning.
Kallus lunges at Thrawn, but the Grand Admiral delivers a punch. After a brief scuffle, Thrawn throws Kallus to the ground. Thrawn commends Kallus on his fighting skills but notes that he is familiar with the limitations of Imperial Academy training. Kallus hurls a stormtrooper helmet at Thrawn, and the Grand Admiral catches it, providing Kallus with an opportunity to knock Thrawn to the ground and stomp on his jammer, asserting that the Grand Admiral talks excessively. Following a second exchange, Thrawn kicks him onto the balcony, where Kallus is apprehended by two death troopers. Thrawn remarks that Kallus possesses the heart of a Rebel, to which Kallus responds that he takes it as a compliment. The death troopers escort Kallus back inside the tower.
Inside the tower, Thrawn informs Kallus, suspended from a ceiling beam by a pair of binders, that his transmission to the rebels has provided him with the final piece of the puzzle. Thrawn presents a holographic chart illustrating the trajectory of General Dodonna's fleet and the trajectory of Kallus's Fulcrum transmission. Thrawn observes that, taken individually, they are insignificant. Kallus attempts to interject, asserting that there is no planet there and that the rebels are more intelligent than Thrawn gives them credit for.
Thrawn admonishes Kallus for neglecting the study of art, emphasizing its potential for revealing insights to those who know where to look. While the Atollon system is absent from Imperial charts, Thrawn points out its presence in the art of the ancient people of the Lothal sector. Thrawn identifies Atollon as the location of the rebel base and instructs Admiral Konstantine to deploy the fleet to those coordinates, promising that he and Kallus will join them later.

At Chopper Base, Hera informs Ezra, Kanan, Ryder Azadi, Commander Sato, and General Dodonna via hologram that they have received an urgent transmission from Fulcrum. The rebels receive Fulcrum's warning that "Thrawn knows about-" before the transmission abruptly ends. When Kanan inquires about the message's meaning, Ezra suggests that the Grand Admiral is aware of the upcoming attack on Lothal. Ryder reports that the majority of the Imperial fleet has departed the Lothal system. Hera realizes that Thrawn knows of their presence on Atollon and orders all ships to assume battle stations.
When General Dodonna questions the certainty of this, Ezra recalls a previous incident when the Empire ambushed them on Garel. Meanwhile, a member of Commander Sato's crew reports that five Imperial Star Destroyers have entered the Atollon system. Commander Sato orders the Phoenix fleet to adopt Defense Formation Aurek One. Sato advises them to alert Rebel Command, just as Ryder's hologram disappears. Noticing Ryder's sudden departure, Hera deduces that the Empire is jamming their long-range transmissions.
Dodonna advises them to abort the mission, while Hera orders the evacuation of all ground personnel and issues a Code K-one-zero alert. General Dodonna instructs the fleet to jump into hyperspace and regroup at rally point Nova. When Commander Sato objects, citing the presence of personnel on the surface, Dodonna argues that the Empire will decimate them if they delay. Sato permits Dodonna's fleet to depart first, offering to provide cover. Dodonna orders the other frigates to jump into hyperspace, but one is abruptly pulled out of hyperspace. To the rebels' dismay, it is revealed that the Empire has deployed Interdictor vessels to the engagement. Sato quickly realizes that the rebels are trapped.
Meanwhile, a crew member aboard the interdictor cruiser informs Admiral Konstantine that the gravity wells are engaged. Konstantine then orders the forward batteries to open fire, destroying the Nebulon-B frigate that attempted to jump into hyperspace, just as Thrawn arrives from hyperspace aboard his command ship, the Chimaera. When Governor Pryce inquires about Tarkin's directive to capture prisoners, Thrawn observes that General Dodonna is a courageous individual and would not have been on the first vessel to flee. Consequently, he concludes that the ship's crew is inconsequential. A captive Kallus is also present, restrained by two death troopers.
Thrawn then contacts the rebel commanders via hologram, informing them that they are severely outnumbered and that the Rebellion is coming to an end. Hera vows that they will never surrender, but Thrawn calmly replies that he is not accepting surrenders at this time. Thrawn expresses his desire for them to experience failure and utter defeat, emphasizing that he is the one responsible, before terminating the communication.

Examining the holographic battle order, Hera acknowledges their disadvantage in numbers but pledges to ensure the rebel fleet's safety. When Commander Sato inquires about how they should breach the blockade, Hera reasons that Thrawn believes this to be the entirety of the Rebel fleet. Therefore, they must create an opening large enough for a single ship to pass through. Once the ship breaches the Imperial jamming field, Hera asserts that they can summon reinforcements to attack the Imperial flanks.
Dodonna supports Hera's plan, as it will enable them to divide the Imperial forces and escape. Sato believes that the Ghost has the best chance and promises to clear a path for them. Hera intends to remain and instructs Ezra and Kanan to take the late Darth Maul's Gauntlet starfighter into hyperspace. Ezra and Kanan insist on staying, but Hera argues that the two Jedi have the greatest likelihood of escaping and obtaining assistance. Hera orders Chopper to accompany the Jedi. Before they can depart, Kanan informs Hera that he must first warn someone in the wilderness. Hera initially refuses, but Kanan persuades her to trust him. Ezra is skeptical about the wisdom of Kanan warning their friend, and Kanan assures him that he is persuasive. When Hera inquires about whom they are discussing, Kanan replies that she would not believe him if he told her. Hera reluctantly assigns Ezra the mission, and Kanan wishes his Padawan good luck. Ezra hopes that the Force will be with him.

Meanwhile, Zeb asks Rex if he has any regrets about joining the rebellion. Rex replies that it is preferable to slinging joopas, despite his fondness for their taste. The Ghost departs Chopper Base accompanied by the Gauntlet starfighter. In space, Commander Sato orders Phoenix Nest to launch its complement of A-wing and Y-wing starfighters against the Imperial fleet. He instructs the fleet to assume spearhead formation and orders the frigates and corvettes to protect the transports. Dodonna confirms his compliance with Sato's orders.
Aboard the Chimaera, Thrawn recognizes Sato's deployment of a Danaan strategy, an approach he anticipates from the most skilled commander to emerge from the Mykapo system. Thrawn orders his fleet to reinforce the center and deploy their TIE fighters into the fray. He then instructs Admiral Konstantine, via hologram, to maintain his interdictor cruiser's position until further notice. When Konstantine questions Thrawn's decision not to attack with overwhelming force, Thrawn counters that he has studied the rebels' tendency to defy convention and act unpredictably. Thrawn adds that they will be prepared as long as Konstantine follows his instructions precisely.
When Kallus attempts to taunt Thrawn about competing for glory with Konstantine, the Grand Admiral retorts that his sole interest lies in achieving results for his Emperor. Meanwhile, the Ghost and the Gauntlet travel alongside the A-wings of Green Squadron. Hera instructs the A-wings to keep the fighters occupied and clear a path for the Gauntlet. Wedge Antilles, piloting an A-wing, acknowledges the orders. During the ensuing dogfight, Rex operates the Ghost's top turret.
The Y-wings bombard a Star Destroyer with proton bombs. Green Squadron initiates a second sortie, but the rebel fighters are intercepted by TIE fighters. Ezra and Chopper, aboard the Gauntlet, witness a CR90 corvette explode before them. Observing the rebel losses, Ezra hopes that Kanan is having better luck.

Meanwhile, Kanan rides his speeder bike past several large rocks to the krykna nest that serves as the dwelling of his friend Bendu. The Bendu expresses his displeasure with Kanan for bringing war to his tranquil world, asserting that he will not participate. Kanan pleads with Bendu, but he retorts that he remains neutral and takes no sides. When Kanan asks if he is abandoning them to die and warns that the Empire will kill him, Bendu responds that he is beyond Kanan's concerns and wars, describing himself as "unseen, unknowable like a rock in the river."
When Bendu suggests that there was a reason why this world was so difficult for the rebels to locate, Kanan replies that perhaps they were meant to find Atollon and him. Bendu questions the purpose and points out that he predates Kanan and will remain long after. Kanan attempts to reason with Bendu by recounting his past attempts to remain neutral and disregard the galaxy, but he eventually realized that he could not ignore the harm inflicted upon innocents. Kanan argues that some causes are worth fighting for.
Back in space, Hera instructs her starfighters to protect their cruisers from the TIEs. Hera then learns that General Dodonna's Massassi group requires assistance and proceeds to aid them. Zeb laments the overwhelming number of ships to protect, just as two Rebel cruisers explode nearby. Thrawn's TIE fighters are inflicting significant damage, and the red-painted P2 Sphyrna-class Hammerhead corvette is their next target. In desperation, Commander Sato orders all ships to charge the blockade. During the charge, another Nebulon-B frigate is destroyed, the Vanguard is hammered by TIEs, and a Dornean gunship explodes. Dodonna observes the carnage with stunned horror, while Sato learns of the destruction of the Orion.
Meanwhile, Thrawn orders his capital ships to maintain their position, compelling the rebel cruisers to approach them. Aboard the Gauntlet, Chopper informs Ezra that the Imperials are cutting them off. Another CR90 corvette explodes, while a stricken Y-wing is shot down before it can collide with a Star Destroyer's hull. Ezra informs Hera that he cannot break through as long as the interdictor cruiser remains in place. As Sato listens over the com, Hera instructs Ezra to remain vigilant and promises to find an opening.

Ezra urges them to expedite their efforts, as Sato witnesses yet another CR90 corvette explode. Sato, having made a decision, instructs Commander Bridger to proceed to heading 221 and prepare to jump. He then orders his crew to abandon ship and head for Atollon. The two pilots declare their intention to remain, and he orders them to man their stations. The Phoenix Nest then advances toward the Imperial fleet. Zeb informs Hera that Sato is evacuating the carrier.
Meanwhile, Admiral Konstantine, observing the unfolding situation, sees the Rebel command ship breaking formation and orders his interdictor to intercept it. When his subordinate points out that Grand Admiral Thrawn ordered them to maintain their position, Konstantine angrily reiterates his order and declares that he will not be denied the glory of this kill. Konstantine's interdictor cruiser breaks formation to intercept the Phoenix Nest. Thrawn orders Konstantine to return to his assigned coordinates immediately, but Konstantine retorts that he has endured enough of the Grand Admiral's games.
When Ezra asks Hera what Sato is doing, she replies that he is drawing the interdictor cruiser out of formation and tells Ezra to prepare to jump. Meanwhile, Konstantine orders his crew to engage the interdictor's gravity well projectors. Konstantine smirks as Phoenix Nest comes under Imperial fire. Sato then orders his pilots to alter course and charge the interdictor. Konstantine, panicking, orders his interdictor to perform evasive maneuvers, but it is too late: Sato closes his eyes just before the Phoenix Nest rams Konstantine's interdictor, resulting in the destruction of both ships.
Hera and Thrawn observe as the two ships explode. Kallus also watches, with a mixture of shock and admiration for Commander Sato's sacrifice. At Hera's command, Ezra takes the Gauntlet into hyperspace. When one of Thrawn's crew reports that a rebel ship has escaped, Thrawn expresses concern that Konstantine's folly may have undermined his efforts. Thrawn orders his forces to continue the attack and force the remaining rebels to the ground.

TIEs destroy General Dodonna's frigate Vanguard, and as its escape pods are launched, Hera orders all remaining rebel forces to return to Chopper Base. A triumphant Thrawn and defiant Kallus watch the rebel retreat. Back on Atollon, Kanan continues to reason with Bendu, informing him that his friends are dying. When Bendu replies that all things are destined to die, Kanan argues, "not like this, crushed by overwhelming evil." Kanan pleads with Bendu to fight, but the Bendu remains steadfast in his refusal to engage in what he considers petty conflicts. When Kanan accuses the Bendu of cowardice, he becomes enraged and summons a storm. Before vanishing, he suggests that it may be the will of the Force that all Jedi perish and that he is merely fulfilling the Force's will. Kanan is left alone.
Meanwhile, in hyperspace, Ezra appeals to Mon Mothma for reinforcements. However, Mothma is unable to provide assistance, fearing that doing so would play into Thrawn's plans and destroy everything they have worked to establish. Ezra realizes that Thrawn orchestrated everything. Mothma concedes that Senator Bail Organa was correct: it is still premature for open warfare with the Empire. She promises to negotiate fair treatment for the prisoners. Ezra counters that Thrawn may not take prisoners. Mothma commends Ezra for his courage and wishes him the Force's blessings. When Chopper suggests returning, Ezra insists that they will find help, specifically from Sabine Wren.

Back at Chopper Base, Hera scrutinizes a holographic representation of Thrawn's armada and concludes that the Grand Admiral is gearing up for an orbital bombardment. Zeb and Rex, operating Sabine's custom deflector shield generator, inform Hera that they are readying it for activation. Rex expresses concern about potential device failure, mentioning the lack of testing while Sabine was present. Hera acknowledges the risk but expresses confidence in its functionality due to Sabine's involvement. Following Hera's command, Zeb powers up the prototype shield generator, creating a protective barrier around Chopper Base. Both Zeb and Rex breathe a sigh of relief as the device proves operational.
Hera gets in touch with Kanan, who is riding his speeder bike back to Chopper Base. She alerts Kanan to Thrawn's impending orbital bombardment, and when he says he's moving as fast as possible, she urges him to increase his speed. Hera pledges to be prepared for Thrawn's assault. In orbit, Governor Pryce informs Thrawn that their capital ships are in position and the blockade is secure. Inquiring about the rebel ships, Thrawn learns that the remaining vessels have retreated to the surface, seeking shelter under a localized shield generator. Thrawn, deciding to test their resilience, initiates the orbital bombardment.
The Chimaera and its allied vessels unleash a barrage upon Chopper Base. Hera advises Kanan to seek cover, as his speeder narrowly avoids multiple turbolaser strikes. The Imperial bombardment commences, straining the shield generator as Zeb and Rex struggle to maintain its operation. Kanan's speeder bike is destroyed during the bombardment, while Rex reports that the shields are overheating. Thrawn, Pryce, and the captive Kallus observe the unfolding bombardment. Hera appears desperate.
Eventually, Thrawn deems the rebels have endured enough and orders the fleet to halt the bombardment. Zeb and Rex celebrate the shield's endurance, to which Hera replies that Thrawn was merely weakening them. Hera contacts Kanan, who suggests that Thrawn actually intends to eliminate them this time. Hera desperately asks her love to return safely. Outside, Kanan detects approaching storm clouds.
In the meantime, Ezra and Chopper arrive at the planet Krownest, entering its atmosphere. Two Fang fighters escort their ship, granting permission to land at the Wren Stronghold. Inside the throne room, Ezra and Chopper are greeted by Sabine, [Fenn Rau](/article/fenn_rau], and [Ursa Wren](/article/ursa_wren]. Sabine questions Ezra's reason for visiting. Chopper informs Sabine of their escape, and when Sabine asks for details, Ezra explains that Thrawn ambushed them on Atollon.
He passionately requests assistance from [Clan Wren](/article/clan_wren]. However, Rau informs Ezra that his arrival is ill-timed. Ursa explains that Clan Wren is embroiled in a civil war against Clan Saxon, supported by the Empire. Clan Wren's forces are overextended in defending their territory. Ezra pleads with Ursa to listen, and she agrees.

Onboard the Chimaera, Thrawn delegates command of the fleet to Governor Pryce as he prepares to lead the ground assault. Kallus chuckles, reminding Thrawn that he has been in a similar position before, and that these rebels are adept at snatching victory from the jaws of defeat. Thrawn retorts that he and Kallus are different, a fact the rebels are about to discover. At the rebel command center, Zeb reports the shield generator's battered state, doubting its ability to withstand another attack. Hera anticipates that it won't have to, as Thrawn will deploy ground forces to handle the "dirty work."
Analyzing the battle plan, General Dodonna suggests that Thrawn will attack through a narrow canyon. Rex proposes mining the approaches. Hera approves Rex and Dodonna's strategy, assigning Rex and Zeb to lead a squad guarding the pass. AP-5 reports that scanners have detected Imperial transports in the western quadrant. Hera realizes that Thrawn is launching his initial assault wave.

Back on Krownest, the rebels and Clan Wren examine a holographic projection of the Imperial fleet above Atollon. Sabine points out that the Rebels' primary issue is the presence of a second interdictor cruiser preventing the remaining Rebel ships from escaping. Rau advises Ezra to accept his losses and be grateful for his escape. Ezra counters that his friends are trapped and require assistance. Tristan Wren apologizes that Clan Wren lacks the resources to assist, as they struggle to maintain their own defense.
Ezra declares his readiness to depart if the Mandalorians are unable to provide aid. Chopper confirms his agreement, and Ezra bids Sabine farewell. Sabine insists on accompanying Ezra. When Tristan argues that Ezra's mission is impossible, Sabine retorts that she never expected to reunite with her family and witness Clan Wren free from Saxon's control. Sabine adds that her friends make the impossible achievable. She believes that if Ezra thinks they can make a difference, they can succeed.
Ursa adds that Bridger and his friends returned her daughter to her, a debt she feels obligated to repay. While Ursa cannot leave Clan Wren defenseless, she permits Sabine to take a few ships and any willing warriors. Sabine expresses her gratitude to her mother. When Rau notes their limited forces, Sabine directs Chopper to display a holographic image of the second interdictor cruiser, emphasizing that they don't require an army.

Returning to Atollon, Zeb and Rex await Thrawn's ground forces in the pass. Zeb expresses hope that Rex's plan will succeed, and Rex agrees. Using their macrobinoculars, Rex and Zeb spot a column of AT-DP walkers. Rex triggers detonators, destroying five of the walkers, leaving the last one for Zeb, who eliminates it with a rocket launcher. Thrawn, observing the battle from his shuttle, declares that the rebels have revealed their "meager defenses" and vows to crush them.
Thrawn instructs his snipers to target the enemy mines and orders the heavy AT-AT walkers to advance. Zeb and Rex attempt to detonate the remaining explosives, but they prove ineffective against the massive walkers. Zeb jokes that they should have Sabine invent a shield generator that can't be walked through. Rex replies that he hopes they survive long enough to tell her, before they retreat. The AT-ATs begin firing on the rebels as the A-wings launch their attack. After clearing the mines, stormtroopers charge into the fray.
In the air, Wedge instructs Hobbie to follow him in his A-wing. However, Thrawn orders his air groups to eliminate that "annoyance." TIE fighters engage the rebel A-wings, forcing them to retreat. Meanwhile, Rex and Zeb engage in a game of cat and mouse with an AT-AT. Kanan, arriving on foot, uses his lightsaber to slice through the two right legs of the walker, causing it to topple and crush two approaching stormtroopers.

Zeb expresses his relief at Kanan's arrival, mentioning that Hera said he was bringing assistance. Kanan admits his uncertainty about that. The rebels seek refuge in a cave, and Kanan pauses at the entrance, listening to the approaching storm. Shortly after Kanan enters the caves, Thrawn's shuttle lands outside. Thrawn and six death troopers disembark, and stormtroopers advance into the cave. Thrawn orders the armored division to destroy any rebel ships attempting to flee Chopper Base and to deploy all ground troops to storm the base. He also issues orders to capture any rebel officers if possible.
Rebel troops exchange fire with Thrawn's stormtroopers, while Hera instructs General Dodonna to prepare their remaining ships for takeoff. When Dodonna inquires about the blockade, Hera responds that she is only leaving aboard the Ghost. Kanan, Rex, and Zeb evade Thrawn's death troopers beneath the coral mesa.

Concurrently, Ezra's Gauntlet ship and the Fang fighters emerge from hyperspace behind the Imperial fleet. Ezra instructs Chopper to jam the Imperial transmissions, while Fenn Rau orders the Mandalorian fighters to engage Thrawn's ships. Onboard the Chimaera, Governor Pryce learns about the arrival of rebel reinforcements from a technician. She identifies the Mandalorian ships as Sabine's forces and dispatches TIE fighters to intercept them. She also orders the capital ships to reposition and reinforce the fighters.
Amidst the dogfight, the Gauntlet approaches the interdictor cruiser, and Ezra instructs Chopper to contact Hera. Meanwhile, Kanan, Zeb, and Rex arrive just as Thrawn's walkers begin destroying Chopper Base. When Hera inquires about his friend, Kanan reassures her not to worry because he believes Bendu will arrive. Ezra then contacts Hera to inform her that he has brought help and that they will eliminate the interdictor. Kanan believes this may be their only chance and orders the rebels to evacuate.
Back in space, Ezra's Gauntlet starship is pursued by TIEs. He attempts to contact Hera, but receives no response. Sabine urges Ezra to focus on their mission while Hera evacuates the others. Chopper sets a course for the interdictor cruiser. Using deployment racks, Ezra, Sabine, Tristan, and several Mandalorian warriors jump onto the interdictor's hull, Ezra wearing a spacesuit equipped with thrusters. Sabine orders the Mandalorians to destroy the gravity wells and prepare to activate their jetpacks. Ezra complains about not having a jetpack, and Sabine points out that his spacesuit has small thrusters.
Meanwhile, a comms officer informs Governor Pryce that the enemy has deployed a strike force onto the hull of the interdictor. A captive Kallus observes as Pryce orders her forces to repel the "rabble." The Mandalorians fire their blasters at the gravity wells, but the Empire sends Jumptroopers to intercept them.

Kanan's orders prove timely, as the shield generator explodes after being struck by stormtroopers. Kanan remarks to Hera that the family is reunited, and Hera expresses hope that they can remain that way. The rebels, along with General Dodonna and AP-5, head towards the airfield as other rebel ships begin taking off. A Hammerhead and a CR90 succeed, but one of the AT-ATs shoots down a GR-75 medium transport, which crashes and burns. The rebels then find themselves surrounded by Thrawn's death troopers. Thrawn confronts Hera, demanding her surrender. He threatens to execute her friends, starting with the Jedi, if she refuses. Kanan ignites his lightsaber in response.
Thrawn's troops encircle the Rebels as he reiterates his demand. Hera tells him that he already knows her answer as storm clouds engulf Chopper Base. Thrawn, noticing Kanan's unease with the storm, asks if he fears it, and the blind Jedi retorts that he should fear it as well. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning narrowly misses the Grand Admiral. Kanan instructs everyone to hold on tight. When Thrawn questions the "Jedi devilry," the Bendu's glowing eyes appear in the clouds, announcing his presence. When Zeb and Hera demand to know what is happening, Kanan replies that his friend has arrived. Bendu declares that he brings death, and destroys two AT-ATs with lightning strikes. The Bendu also begins to destroy the coral mesa housing Chopper Base. Everyone, regardless of allegiance, runs for cover.
The Bendu commands the rebels and Thrawn to leave this place because he is the light, the dark, and the Bendu. He strikes one of Thrawn's death troopers with lightning. Kanan advises that they heed the Bendu's words, and the Rebels board the Ghost. The remaining Rebel ships take off. Bendu calls out to Kanan and strikes the Ghost with lightning. When Hera asks Kanan if this is his friend, he admits to angering Bendu. Hera retorts that she can relate to that. The Bendu strikes down one of the Rebel A-wings as the convoy flees into space. Meanwhile, the Bendu orders Thrawn to depart, and the Grand Admiral orders his troops to concentrate their fire on the center of the storm. The AT-ATs begin firing at the two eyes in the clouds. The Bendu strikes down one of the walkers before disappearing from the clouds.

Back in space, Ezra, Sabine, and the Mandalorians clash with Imperial Jumptroopers. Hera contacts Ezra, informing him that they are heading for the blockade and inquiring if they have destroyed the interdictor yet. Ezra responds that they are working on it, while Mandalorian Fang fighters destroy two TIEs attempting to target Ezra. Ezra and the Mandalorians succeed in destroying the gravity wells, escaping aboard the Gauntlet before the interdictor cruiser explodes.
Witnessing the cruiser's destruction, Governor Pryce is enraged. Kallus seizes the opportunity to mock her for mismanaging Thrawn's fleet. Incensed, Pryce orders her crew to eject Kallus from the airlock. Two stormtroopers escort Kallus into a turbolift, and he smiles as the door closes. Meanwhile, Hera leads the remaining rebel ships towards the Imperial blockade. Ezra informs her that they eliminated the second interdictor and to meet him at Point 87. The Ghost fights its way through the Imperial blockade.
Aboard the Chimaera, the turbolift door opens to reveal Kallus removing his restraints, with his stormtrooper guards unconscious behind him. He then escapes aboard an escape pod. Kallus transmits his coordinates to the crew of the Ghost, and Hera detects his escape pod on her scope and picks it up. After rendezvousing with Ezra's ship, Hera orders the Rebel ships to follow her, and Wedge replies that he's got her back. The rebels break through the Imperial blockade while an unhappy Pryce watches. Kallus, Rex, and Dodonna join the Spectres at the helm of the Ghost as what remains of the rebel fleet jumps into hyperspace.
Back on Atollon, Thrawn and his stormtroopers surround the fallen Bendu. When Thrawn asks Bendu what kind of creature he is, the enigmatic being replies that he is beyond Thrawn's ability to destroy. Thrawn disagrees, and the Bendu prophesies that he foresees Thrawn's defeat as "many arms surrounding [him] in a cold embrace." Undeterred, Thrawn personally attempts to kill Bendu by shooting him with his blaster, but the powerful Force Wielder is quick enough to vanish before that can happen. Thrawn and his troops hear the Bendu's laughter echoing around them, unnerving the Grand Admiral.

In space, the Ghost travels with the decimated rebel fleet, consisting of two Hammerheads, the CR90 corvette Liberator, and a handful of starfighters. Via hologram, Ursa apologizes for the rebels' losses, but Hera thanks Clan Wren for offering assistance in their time of need. Sabine tells Hera that she wishes to return the favor because her mother needs their help. Hera allows Sabine to go, but apologizes that she must transport the survivors to Rebel Command on Yavin 4. As medics tend to the wounded, Kallus thanks Kanan for taking him in. The Jedi reciprocates by thanking Kallus for risking everything, patting him on the shoulder.
In the cockpit, AP-5 recommends a second hyperspace jump before heading to Yavin. Rex suggests doing three if they want to conceal their trail, and Chopper confirms his agreement. Kanan heads to the nose gun and thanks Ezra for helping Sabine save the day. When Ezra points out their losses, Kanan expresses empathy but adds that he has learned to perceive defeat differently. Kanan believes that there is a future where they are all free but states that it is their responsibility to make it happen. The rebel fleet then jumps into hyperspace.