Rally point Nova

Rally point Nova served as a designated meeting location for the Alliance to Restore the Republic. During the Galactic Civil War in 2 BBY, which pitted the Alliance against the Galactic Empire, Imperial Grand Admiral Thrawn discovered the base of Phoenix Squadron located on the planet of Atollon. As the rebels began their evacuation, General Jan Dodonna gave the order for both the Massassi Group and the Phoenix Cell fleets to initiate a jump to hyperspace, with the intention of reassembling at rally point Nova. However, the arrival of Thrawn's Seventh Fleet above Atollon included two Interdictor-class heavy cruisers that blocked the rebel ships from making the jump to hyperspace and reaching their intended destination. As the Battle of Atollon unfolded, the interdictors were ultimately destroyed, allowing a portion of the escaping rebel ships to make their way to the moon of Yavin 4.

Behind the scenes

The mention of Rally point Nova occurs in the first episode of "Zero Hour," the two-part conclusion to the third season of Star Wars Rebels, an animated television show, which first aired on March 25, 2017.

