The Fang-class Protectorate fighter, also referred to as the Fang fighter, Protectorate fighter, or the Protector Fang Fighter, represented a pinnacle of starfighter design. It was jointly produced by the SoroSuub Corporation and MandalMotors for use by the Mandalorian Protectors.

Engineered with speed and maneuverability as primary concerns, Fang fighters were purpose-built starships intended for aerial and space engagements. Its unique design, featuring a slim profile and rotating wings enabling vectored-thrust control, allowed the fighter to achieve exceptional agility in combat situations.
Conceived and brought to life by MandalMotors with collaboration from SoroSuub Corporation, the Fang fighter's frame was both elegant and aggressive. Its silhouette was defined by sharp angles and a distinctive cranked-delta platform, making it instantly recognizable. The main body of the fighter presented as a compact, elongated hexagon, topped by a low-profile canopy that shielded the centrally located cockpit. A single, large, high-output ion engine dominated the rear of the starfighter. Attached to the fuselage were two articulated S-foil wings, each capable of independent rotation and elevation, and each equipped with its own substantial ion engine. The Fang fighter also boasted a sophisticated vectored thrust system, cutting-edge flight controls, and automated vernier thrusters for precise maneuvering.

Designed to accommodate a sole pilot, Fang fighters provided minimal space for passengers. They carried enough supplies to sustain the pilot for one to three standard days. The craft was equipped with an array of short-range sensors, a class 2 hyperdrive for interstellar travel, and an integrated navigation computer. The majority of the starfighter's weaponry was integrated into its S-foil wings, consisting of two forward-facing laser cannons. A retractable torpedo launcher, positioned just ahead of the cockpit on the underside of the fighter, held a single proton torpedo, granting the vessel tactical versatility. This concealed launcher allowed pilots to unleash a surprise attack before their targets could react. Fang fighters generally carried a price tag ranging from 120,000 to 185,000 credits.
The Fang fighter excelled in starfighter combat, leveraging its narrow profile and pivoting wing technology to achieve unparalleled agility. This made it particularly effective in executing aggressive head-on assaults, such as the Concordia Face Off maneuver. The Fang fighter's design was intended to improve upon the successes of the Kom'rk-class fighter/transport, often considered its predecessor.
During the final years of the Galactic Republic, MandalMotors and SoroSuub Corporation produced the Fang fighter. It saw extensive use within the ranks of the Mandalorian Protectors of Concord Dawn, who became the primary purchasers of the fighter. This widespread adoption led to the Fang fighter being commonly known as the "Protectorate fighter." Highly regarded by the elite pilots of the Concord Dawn Protectorate, Fang fighters were a frequent sight throughout the Concord Dawn system and the broader Mandalore sector.

All Mandalorian Protector Fang pilots received personalized training from Fenn Rau, the leader of Skull Squadron during the Clone Wars and later the leader of the Protectors during the Age of the Empire. In the hands of these Mandalorians, the ships became exceptionally deadly weapons. While most Mandalorians maintained neutrality during the Clone Wars, Skull Squadron sided with the Republic, participating in the Third Battle of Mygeeto alongside Republic forces led by Jedi Master Depa Billaba and her apprentice, Caleb Dume. During the Imperial Era, Protectors flying Fang fighters encountered and swiftly eliminated a unit of Phoenix Cell's RZ-1 A-wing interceptors. Following Rau's capture, the Mandalorian Protectors reluctantly granted passage to the Phoenix Cell through their territory, which ultimately led to the arrival of the Imperial Super Commandos of Clan Saxon, who carried out a massacre. Subsequently, Rau himself joined forces with the rebellion.
Later, a civil war erupted within Mandalorian society, pitting Clan Wren, House Kryze, and House Vizsla against Clan Saxon and the Galactic Empire. Clan Wren deployed a squadron of Fang fighters to assist the Rebel Alliance during the Battle of Atollon against the Galactic Empire, proving crucial to the Alliance's survival.
Some Fang fighters were sold on the open market, with several former Protectorate fighters falling into the hands of Black Sun, a criminal syndicate that then resold these rare vessels to collectors and mercenary pilots. Eventually, Kad Solus and Teroch each acquired two Fang fighters.

Sometime after the Battle of Yavin, the Fang fighter became a standard asset within the Rebel Alliance's starfighter corps. They acquired these fighters for use as powerful anti-vehicle air support during the Galactic Civil War. They saw significant action during the Battle for Tatooine and other operations launched by the Tatooine rebel cell. Following the forced abandonment of Mandalore during the Great Purge of Mandalore, Fang fighters became part of the Mandalorian fleet assembled by Bo-Katan Kryze during the New Republic Era with the goal to retake Mandalore. Around 9 ABY, after Kryze reclaimed control of her fleet, she directed its combined forces to unite with the Children of the Watch-aligned Mandalorian clan on Nevarro, where the combined tribes convened before the fleet's departure to Mandalore.
In 35 ABY, a number of Fang-class fighters were included in a fleet organized by Lando Calrissian to aid the Resistance during the battle against the Sith Eternal forces above Exegol. At least two Fang fighters sustained hits from Darth Sidious' Force lightning, temporarily disabling them until they regained power after Sidious was distracted and ultimately defeated by the Jedi Rey.
The Fang fighter debuted concurrently in "The Protector of Concord Dawn," the thirteenth episode of the animated television series Star Wars Rebels' second season, and in the comic Kanan 10. Both the episode and the comic were released on January 27, 2016.
In a December 2016 update for the mobile game Star Wars: Commander, players gained the ability to deploy Fang fighters in their bases.