Star Wars Insider 171

Star Wars Insider number 171, the 149th edition of the Star Wars Insider periodical, marks the seventy-ninth publication handled by Titan Magazines. Hitting shelves on February 28, 2017, this issue serves as a tribute dedicated to Carrie Fisher. Securing a subscription with this particular issue includes a complimentary Star Wars: The Black Series titanium vehicle.

Publisher's summary

The revamped and visually striking edition of Star Wars Insider has arrived! Be sure to explore this thrilling fresh chapter within the official magazine chronicling the Star Wars saga!

Inside, you'll discover exciting new features, a comprehensive guide spotlighting noteworthy Star Wars collectibles released this month, exclusive behind-the-scenes insights into the newest Star Wars film, Rogue One, along with surprises that are sure to captivate you!




  • Looking back at memorable issues of the legendary magazine as Star Wars Insider reaches 200, on (backup link)

Notes and references

  • Star Wars Insider Issue #171 is found on Titan Magazines' official website (content is no longer current; backup link)
