Darth Vader (2017) 2

Darth Vader 2 represents the second installment of the canon comic book series titled Star Wars: Darth Vader (2017). Charles Soule penned the story, Giuseppe Camuncoli provided the illustrations, and Marvel Comics released it on June 21, 2017.

Summary by the Publisher

Accompany Vader as he embraces a novel path — the way of Darth Sidious and his newly established Empire…the way of the dark side.

Synopsis of the Story

Brighthome Outpost

At the Jedi outpost named Brighthome, two former clone troopers now serving as Imperial stormtroopers, identified as Ding and Kicker, express their tedium with their current assignment involving the cataloging of Jedi relics and equipment at the station. Their commanding officer instructs them to maintain focus, noting that an unidentified spacecraft has just emerged from hyperspace nearby and is approaching.

Four ARC-170 fighters are quickly launched, issuing a warning to the approaching vessel that it has entered restricted airspace and will be engaged if it proceeds. Aboard his starship, Darth Vader's droid suggests transmitting their docking authorization code to the station to resolve the situation, but Vader declines, instructing the droid to activate the weapon systems. As the ARC fighters commence firing, Vader swiftly eliminates two of them. The remaining fighters position themselves behind him. The droid proposes activating the rear cannons, but Vader dismisses the need, sensing the fear and suffering of his pursuers as he destroys them.

Aboard the station, the troopers witness the destruction of the fighters and the mysterious ship's deactivation of the station's security protocols as it begins to dock. They advance toward the hangar deck and initiate firing as Vader forcefully breaches the door. Struck in the shoulder, Vader employs the Force to retrieve a green lightsaber from the wall, proceeding to eliminate the majority of the troopers. The commander directs Ding and Kicker to retreat and regroup, but is killed before completing the order.

Locating a Jedi

Within Brighthome's control center, Vader's droid utilizes their access codes to access the station's archives, which contain a backup of the Jedi Archives from Coruscant, encompassing all Jedi assignments prior to Order 66. Vader instructs the droid to search the records for any Jedi who undertook the Barash vow—a form of atonement in which a Jedi abstains from Order-related activities, disconnecting from all but the Force—before the Great Jedi Purge. The droid reports that 14,000 Jedi have taken the vow since the inception of the Jedi Order, and reviewing all their names would require months. Vader clarifies that he requires a living Jedi to acquire their kyber crystal, and as the droid resumes its search, an explosive device is launched, but Vader uses the Force to prevent its detonation. Ding and Kicker speculate about the potential rewards from the Emperor for capturing a Jedi—Vader corrects them, stating that he is not a Jedi and possesses no limitations, using a force choke to kill the troopers, then allowing the explosive to detonate.

Aboard his starship, the droid announces the discovery of a Jedi who meets Vader's criteria, having taken the Barash vow and commenced his pilgrimage before Anakin Skywalker entered the Jedi Temple: Master Kirak Infil'a. The Jedi records indicate that Infil'a had been inactive in Jedi affairs for many years, and even prior to that, had not engaged in diplomacy, training, or research—his sole purpose within the Order was combat.

On the river moon of Al'doleem, Kirak Infil'a levitates and meditates, with two prominent scars crossing his chest.


Different Editions

  • UPC 759606086665; June 21 , 2017 ; Marvel Comics [1] 00211; Cover A; Jim Cheung, Matthew Wilson 00221; Cover B; Mike Del Mundo 00212; Cover C; Jim Cheung, Matthew Wilson

