The third installment in the canon comic book series, entitled Star Wars: Darth Vader (2017), is Darth Vader 3. Charles Soule penned the story, Giuseppe Camuncoli provided the illustrations, and Marvel Comics released it to the public on July 12, 2017.
On Al'doleem, a River Moon situated in the Mid Rim, Jedi Master Kirak Infil'a is in deep meditation within the Force while simultaneously setting up traps for four Padawans. Subsequently, Infil'a engages in a training exercise with the droid Arex, who points out the impracticality of fighting while setting traps. Infil'a retorts that worthwhile goals are rarely achieved easily. Arex, having interacted with many Jedi, finds Infil'a's philosophy simplistic. He cautions the Jedi Master that his chosen path is difficult and potentially fatal, suggesting that a simpler path would prolong his life, albeit perhaps not as a Jedi.
Infil'a knocks Arex back and argues that being a Jedi is his true nature, making any pretense otherwise difficult. As he continues setting traps, Infil'a emphasizes that it would be impossible. Sensing a dark presence through the Force, Infil'a instructs Arex to prepare the defenses of Mount Pasvaal.
On Vader's starship, Darth Vader's droid emits a proximity alert, notifying Darth Vader of incoming objects from Quadrant Two. When Vader inquires if they are missiles, the droid is interrupted as the ship collides with a circular object, causing it to break apart. Following the impact, the droid reports damage to the primary and secondary thrusters, along with compromised deflector shields. The droid suggests landing, but Vader dismisses the idea, fearing it would provide an opportunity for escape.
To prevent losing the ship, the droid persuades Lord Vader to land within a canyon. After landing, Lord Vader declares that he has lost nothing, as he can still sense the Jedi's presence. The droid immediately begins repairs, estimating a duration of two standard days. The droid advises Lord Vader to wait, but the Sith apprentice is determined to confront the Jedi, who is anticipating his arrival.
After traversing the canyon, Lord Vader encounters a wall that suddenly rises from the ground. Master Infil'a senses the overwhelming presence of the dark side emanating from Lord Vader. Both attempt to connect through the Force, but Master Infil'a halts hostilities. Having sensed the deaths of numerous Jedi via the Force, he questions Lord Vader's involvement, which the Sith confirms. When Master Infil'a asks if Vader's purpose is to kill him, the Sith apprentice affirms it.
Master Infil'a reveals that he undertook the Barash Vow as penance for his past actions, committing to live in solitude within the Force until his true path as a Jedi became clear. The Barash Vow entails living apart from the Jedi Order and refraining from acting on its behalf, regardless of the circumstances. Infil'a realizes that Vader was aware of his Barash Vow. Declaring the Barash Vow complete due to the demise of his Jedi brethren, he vows to resist to the end.
Master Infil'a identifies the mountain as Mount Passvaal, a sacred site designed to test all Jedi who venture there. The challenges increase in difficulty with altitude. Infil'a challenges Lord Vader to meet him at the summit before ordering Arex to open the sluice gate. The canyon is rapidly flooded, nearly sweeping Lord Vader away. The Sith apprentice employs the Force to part the floodwaters and ascends a stone bridge.
Lord Vader is ambushed by several raptorans, but the Sith apprentice uses the Force to obliterate them. Observing the battle via video, Arex inquires if Master Infil'a wants to destroy the bridge. Master Infil'a contemplates the nature of Darth Vader. Arex notes that Sith typically wield lightsabers with red blades, but their opponent does not. Based on Vader's Force abilities, he deduces that the intruder is a dark sider who is dangerous and will overcome the raptorans. Master Infil'a rejects Arex's suggestion and decides to allow the "creature" to pass.
As Vader decimates the raptorans with the Force, Arex anticipates that the Sith Lord will soon reach the spikewind and proposes activating the traps. However, Master Infil'a instructs him to deactivate all traps. Arex warns that Lord Vader will reach them shortly, to which Infil'a responds that this is his intention.
As the Sith apprentice ascends the final stairs to the summit, Master Infil'a taunts him. Lord Vader uses the Force to hurl rocks at Infil'a. The loyal Arex charges at Lord Vader, vowing to destroy him. However, the Sith uses the Force to levitate him and then sever his lightsaber arm before throwing the droid down the mountain.
Lord Vader uses Arex's weapon to engage Master Infil'a, who realizes that the Sith apprentice intends not only to kill him but also to acquire his lightsaber. Mocking Lord Vader's weakness, he forces him to the edge of the summit and severs the lower half of his prosthetic left leg. With Vader kneeling, Infil'a vows to seek out his master and destroy him, promising to restore the light of the Jedi to the galaxy. Using the Force, Master Infil'a throws Lord Vader down the mountain.
- UPC 759606086665; July 12 , 2017 ; Marvel Comics [1] 00311; Cover A; Olivier Coipel 00321; Cover B; Giuseppe Camuncoli 00312; Cover C; Olivier Coipel