
After the Clone Wars, a clone designated "Kicker" served the Galactic Empire as a stormtrooper. Previously, he had been a clone trooper within the ranks of the Galactic Republic. His assignment involved removing Jedi artifacts from a Jedi outpost situated in the Mid Rim. This outpost was subsequently attacked by the Sith Lord known as Darth Vader. During his defense of the outpost against the Sith Lord, Kicker met his death by being Force-choked.


The clones "Kicker" and "Ding" were killed by Darth Vader during his attack on the Brighthome.

The individual known as "Kicker" originated as a clone trooper, grown on the planet of Kamino. His genetic source was the DNA of Jango Fett, a bounty hunter whose genetic code served as the template for the Grand Army of the Republic. Later, he transitioned into the role of a stormtrooper during the initial days of the Galactic Empire. During the Great Jedi Purge, Kicker was stationed at the Mid Rim Jedi space station called Brighthome, where he and the contingent of clones were assigned the task of cataloging the Jedi artifacts stored there. When the newly appointed Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader, launched an attack on Brighthome, Kicker, along with several other clone stormtroopers, including "Ding," their commanding officer, and four ARC-170 starfighters, were present.

Despite being allied forces, Vader opted to assault the Imperial clone contingent, first eliminating the starfighter complement before entering Brighthome. Mistaking Vader for a surviving Jedi, the troopers engaged him upon his breaching of the sealed doors. This confrontation resulted in the demise of all troopers, including Kicker, who was ultimately [Force-choked](/article/force_choke] to death.

Personality and traits

Kicker, being a clone, was a human with a height of 1.83 [meters](/article/meter]. He expressed irritation when his comrade, Ding, activated a [lightsaber](/article/lightsaber] and impersonated a Jedi, and he voiced his displeasure at the Empire's elite troops being relegated to inventory tasks instead of active combat. Despite the seemingly trivial nature of his assignment, Kicker possessed a strong sense of duty and considered the mission to clear out the outpost to be important.


Kicker's Phase II clone trooper armor

During his time as a stormtrooper in the early Galactic Empire, Kicker was equipped with standard-issue Phase II clone trooper armor, which lacked any distinguishing markings or colors. He wielded a blaster while defending the outpost against Darth Vader's attack.

Behind the scenes

Kicker's first appearance occurred in Darth Vader (2017) 2, a 2017 canon comic book authored by Charles Soule and illustrated by Giuseppe Camuncoli. Notably, in certain panels of the comic, the speech bubbles attributed to Ding and Kicker are erroneously interchanged.

