Following the events of the Clone Wars and the execution of Order 66 in 19 BBY, a military unit composed of clone stormtroopers was stationed at Brighthome, which had previously functioned as a Jedi space station. However, the entire military unit was eliminated upon the arrival of the Sith Lord Darth Vader at the station. Instead of simply providing the correct access codes, Vader chose to eradicate all of the soldiers.
Positioned on Brighthome, a space station formerly belonging to the Jedi Order, the clones were stationed in the Mid-Rim and consisted of numerous clone stormtroopers along with a small group of four Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 starfighters. A clone officer was in charge of the military unit.
After the establishment of the Galactic Empire and the immediate aftermath of Order 66, a military unit of clone troopers, now functioning as Imperial stormtroopers, was deployed to Brighthome, a former Jedi outpost in the Mid-Rim. The troopers received orders to gather any Jedi artifacts located at the space station and prepare them for transport back to Coruscant. While troopers Ding and Kicker were discussing the trivial nature of their assignment and their role as soldiers within the Empire, their commanding officer rebuked them and informed them of an incoming ship.
Aboard the vessel was Darth Vader, the newly appointed Sith Lord, who ignored the warnings issued by the military unit's Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 starfighter squadron. Although Vader's personal droid suggested transmitting the proper clearance codes to the clones, Vader made the decision to eliminate the entire military unit. Following a brief aerial battle in which he destroyed the starfighters, Vader docked in the space station's hangar and engaged the stormtroopers stationed there. Wielding a Jedi Lightsaber and The Force, Vader decimated the military unit before accessing Brighthome's databank to find the locations of any surviving Jedi. Suddenly, Ding and Kicker, who had survived the initial attack, ambushed Vader. Vader used The Force to seize the two troopers, broke their necks, and then fled the station with his personal droid as a thermal detonator detonated, causing damage to a section of the station.