Jedi of the Republic – Mace Windu 5

Star Wars: Jedi of the Republic – Mace Windu #5 marks the conclusion of the canon comic book miniseries titled Star Wars: Jedi of the Republic – Mace Windu. Marvel Comics released it on December 27, 2017, with writing by Matt Owens and illustrations by Denys Cowan.

Synopsis from the Publisher

After uprooting the rebellion from within their own ranks, Master Windu and his fellow Jedi prepare for their ultimate confrontation with AD-W4 [sic] and his army of droids!

Detailed Plot

On the planet Hissrich, Jedi Master Kit Fisto is in combat with Separatist battle droids at their base. As he defeats them, he speaks of the Wooriid, a large amphibious creature from his home world of Glee Anselm. He describes it as a slow carnivore with powerful jaws, explaining that some creatures try to scavenge from its teeth, unaware that the neurotoxins in its skin will paralyze them. Fisto declares that he embodies the fangs of this beast and that it’s too late for the droids to escape.

Inside the base, Mace Windu offers reassurance to a hesitant Rissa Mino regarding her assigned task, wishing her well with the Force before they separate. In the command center, the mercenary droid AD-W4 directs his forces to load the cargo for off-world transport, but Mace Windu intervenes and attacks with his lightsaber. However, AD-W4 blocks the attack with his electrostaff. During the ensuing weapon lock, AD-W4 taunts Windu, suggesting that his role as a general and a weapon allows him to vent his anger. Mace, angered by being called a hypocrite, pushes AD-W4 away and gains the upper hand, impaling him through the chest and pinning him down. Standing over his defeated foe, Mace warns AD-W4 against mocking or underestimating what he doesn't comprehend. Nearby, Kit Fisto's ego nearly overwhelms him as he becomes surrounded by battle droids, but Rissa Mino arrives to assist him in the fight against the Separatist forces. Suddenly, a Separatist ship carrying the harvested energy plants launches from the base, but AD-W4's apparent victory is short-lived as the ship explodes in the sky – the result of Rissa’s mission. Defeated, AD-W4, questioning Mace about his belief in the afterlife due to his religious nature, uses a propulsion system to launch his head into the air in an attempt to escape. Mace, however, uses the Force to crush AD-W4's head, ensuring his permanent destruction.

After the battle, back on Coruscant, Mace Windu briefs the Jedi Council. They respond by dispatching troops to Hissrich to handle any remaining droids and to support the local population through replanting and reconstruction efforts. Yoda mentions that they have collected flora samples for study, prompting a restrained Prosset Dibs to criticize the decision, leading to a formal inquiry into his actions. He is accused of assaulting a Jedi Master and General of the Republic army, as well as heresy and insubordination. When asked to defend himself, Dibs asserts his innocence, claiming that the Council, as self-proclaimed arbiters of the Force, are the ones who owe an explanation. He accuses them of abusing their power and manipulating those under their guidance for their own purposes. He declares that he sees their true nature and severs his ties, offering no defense. When he challenges the Council to decide his fate, Yoda observes that his mind is already made up. Ki-Adi Mundi announces that Dibs has been found guilty of insubordination and treason. While Dibs seems to welcome the death penalty, Mace defends him, arguing that he is a victim of the war's terrible effects. He believes Dibs' confusion and anger are valid emotions and should not be held against him. Mace proposes that Dibs be confined to work in the library, hoping he will rediscover what he has lost. The trial concludes, but Dibs warns Windu that they are making a fool of him, and that Windu is making an even bigger one of himself, as his arrogance will lead to his downfall.

Later, Rissa Mino speaks with Windu, questioning whether his decision regarding Dibs was the right one. Mace explains that they cannot afford to lose someone with Prosset's abilities, especially as the Jedi are facing their greatest challenge. He acknowledges that Dibs' feelings are misguided but understandable, and he hopes that Dibs will come around in time, as they will need his help to face the future. When Rissa asks what is coming, Mace speaks of trials and hardships unlike any the Jedi have faced before. He longs for a swift and peaceful resolution to the war but fears that it may not be possible. When she asks what they must do, he tells her that they must trust in the Force and the path it has laid out for them, as they have been trained to do their entire lives. They must defend the people of the galaxy and do what any Jedi would do when confronted by evil – fight.

Different Versions

  • UPC 759606087617; December 27 , 2017 ; Marvel Comics [1] 00511; Cover A; Rod Reis[1] 00521; Cover B; John Tyler Christopher 00531; Cover C; Salvador Larroca, Angel Unzueta

Matters of Continuity

Matt Martin from the Lucasfilm Story Group has stated that the presence of Yarael Poof on the Jedi High Council is an error. The Council's composition should have been consistent with Jedi of the Republic – Mace Windu 1.

