Darth Maul #3 represents the third installment of the canon comic book miniseries titled Star Wars: Darth Maul. Cullen Bunn penned the story, Luke Ross provided the illustrations, and Marvel Comics released it on April 26, 2017.
Darth Maul stands before the imprisoned padawan, Eldra Kaitis, within her holding cell. Kaitis repeats her question of his identity, and Maul responds by activating his lightsaber and striking at the energy barrier that separates them. At that precise moment, his probe droids alert him to an approaching presence, causing him to deactivate his lightsaber and conceal it behind his back just as Xev Xrexus arrives, accompanied by her droideka bodyguards. Xev questions his presence in a restricted area, and Maul explains that he was eager to catch a glimpse of the padawan. Xev informs him that this is unfair to her other clients and demands to know his identity, to which Maul responds by introducing himself as 'Seris Madreth', a representative of the Haddrex Consortium. Xev scoffs at Maul's description of the Haddrex Gang as a 'consortium' and rebukes him once more. Maul proposes that they overlook his transgression and forget about it, to which Xev agrees, but only on the condition that she will vaporize him if he repeats the offense.
Maul makes his way back to the ship, where FE-B3 informs the group that their financial resources are insufficient to place a successful bid for Kaitis. The droid explains that the Haddrex Gang had initially planned to raid the auction and rob the other attendees before Maul and his group eliminated them and commandeered their ship. Cad Bane argues that a raid would be too dangerous for Maul, emphasizing that the Sith desires a clean getaway. Maul concurs and alludes to a contingency plan. Troo-tril-tek threatens FE-B3, demanding that it perform additional calculations to identify the guest most likely to emerge as the victor.
Upon re-entering the auction hall, Maul senses the overwhelming anger and hatred that courses through him. He suppresses the impulse to massacre everyone present, reflecting that his master would severely punish him for his recklessness in being there. However, he also recognizes that his patience and strategic approach make him more like his master than he would prefer to admit. Xev initiates the auction, and various underworld factions place their bids. Simultaneously, in a cargo bay, FE-B3 questions Troo-tril-tek about the group's continued need for his services, but is promptly silenced. Bane, Aurra Sing, and Vorhdeilo proceed toward a Shekelesh-class freight gunship. As the bids reach the 2 million credit mark, the bounty hunters infiltrate the ship and silently dispatch its Moogan crew members. Back at the auction, Maul observes as another Moogan, Jee Kra, secures ownership of Kaitis with a winning bid of 2.5 million. Troo-tril-tek forces FE-B3 onto the gunship and loads several boxes onto the vessel. Their actions are observed from the shadows by some of Xev's associates, who agree to inform their boss that the group has taken the bait.
Kra and his bodyguards return to their ship with Kaitis and her lightsaber. To their surprise, they find Maul and his group awaiting them, and Maul rebukes Kra for believing he could simply leave with the padawan. As the blast doors close behind him and his entourage, Kra begins to inquire about Maul's identity, but Maul interrupts him by throwing his robe. Utilizing the Force, Maul manipulates the robe to constrict around Kra's face, suffocating him, while the Sith engages his guards in combat, employing punches and kicks. As Kra succumbs to suffocation, Kaitis witnesses Maul's actions and realizes that he is Force-sensitive. Once Maul has eliminated the remaining Moogans, Kaitis confronts him, revealing her knowledge of his true nature. Maul denies her claims and instructs Bane to pilot the ship away from Xev's hideout as swiftly as possible.
Maul escorts Kaitis to a secluded holding area where they can converse privately. There, Kaitis declares that he is a Sith. Maul refutes this assertion and accuses Kaitis of fearing him, to which Kaitis responds that he is the one who is afraid, as he operates in the shadows. Kaitis challenges Maul, stating that if he intends to kill her, he should remove her restraints and allow her to fight him with her lightsaber. When the padawan suggests that they are evenly matched, Maul dismisses the notion, asserting that no Jedi can rival his skills. He assures her that she will have the opportunity to duel him, after which he will exact his revenge.
Meanwhile, Bane and Sing successfully navigate the ship into space. Sing questions Bane's relaxed demeanor, given his previous reservations about Maul. Bane acknowledges his doubts but states that there is nothing he can do about them at the moment, and that they should focus on severing ties with Maul in the near future. Sing inquires whether this means they will have to kill him, to which Bane responds that no job is ever easy. In the hold, FE-B3, Troo-tril-tek, and Vorhdeilo are occupied with clearing away the bodies. Suddenly, Maul's probe droids alert them to a countdown, and Troo-tril-tek discovers a bomb planted on the ship. The bomb detonates, causing the ship to plummet toward the surface of the moon of Drazkel. Xev observes the unfolding events from an observation deck as her aide informs her that the ship was disabled according to her instructions. She instructs the aide to notify the guests that the hunt is about to commence and that they can participate for a fee of 350,000 credits.
- UPC 759606083725; April 26 , 2017 ; Marvel Comics [1] 00311; Cover A; Rafael Pinto Albuquerque 00321; Cover B; David López 00331; Cover C; Declan Shalvey 00341; Cover D; Jorge Molina 00312; Cover E; Rafael Pinto Albuquerque