Darth Maul #4 represents the fourth installment of the canon comic book miniseries titled Star Wars: Darth Maul. Cullen Bunn served as the writer, Luke Ross provided the illustrations, and Marvel Comics released it on June 21, 2017.
The Jedi Padawan, Eldra, has been captured by Darth Maul and his team of bounty hunters! However, Xev Xrexus is determined to reclaim her prize and will not surrender without resistance. A new bounty has been issued, offering a reward so substantial for defeating Maul and capturing the Padawan that individuals are willing to risk their lives. Furthermore, Eldra herself is prepared to fight back.
Cad Bane, Aurra Sing, and Vorhdeilo are positioned near the remnants of their Shekelesh-class freight gunship. They observe as Eldra Kaitis, the padawan with restrained arms, and Darth Maul emerge unharmed. Xev Xrexus informs her assembled guests that the vessel has suffered a crash. She points out that many of them initially sought the padawan's demise and suggests turning the situation into a game; for a fee, guests can venture onto the planet's surface to pursue the fugitives. Returning to the moon of Drazkel, Bane informs Maul that he anticipates additional compensation for the hazards encountered, beyond his standard rate. Concurrently, Sing observes that the explosive device was designed to direct its force outward, minimizing harm to those aboard. As aerial vehicles materialize overhead, the group comes to the realization that they are about to become prey.
Maul comes to the conclusion that they must separate; he and Kaitis will serve as a distraction, drawing the majority of the hunters away, while Bane, Sing, and Vorhdeilo will attempt to seize control of one of the hunters' ships. Bane questions Maul's belief that they won't simply abandon him and the padawan to their fate; Maul responds that he anticipates Bane's desire to collect his hazard pay. As Maul and Kaitis vanish, Vorhdeilo inquires about the whereabouts of Troo-tril-tek, and Sing speculates that he was incinerated in the explosion. However, amidst the debris, a severely injured Troo-tril-tek is laboriously attempting to escape. Upon spotting a damaged FE-B3, he pleads with the droid for assistance. FE-B3 retorts sarcastically that he would gladly help, but his visual sensors are no longer functional.
Maul and Kaitis, accompanied by Maul's probe droids, proceed away from the crash location. As he progresses, Maul discerns that his motivation stems not from a thirst for revenge, but rather from a sense of exhilaration. As their pursuers approach, Kaitis requests that Maul release her bonds and provide her with her lightsaber so that she can assist him in combat. Maul complies, and as they activate their weapons, they are ambushed by Pykes. Working together, they effortlessly repel the assault, and Maul is not only impressed by Kaitis's skill but also detects a lack of fear within her. His probe droids aid him in eliminating the Pykes, and he observes that she is meticulously studying his every action, attempting to assess his capabilities. After eliminating the last of the Pykes, he notices anger in her expression and expresses his approval.
In a parallel scenario, a contingent of Trandoshans are monitoring a set of tracks, presuming they belong to the padawan. Bane emerges to reveal himself, and the leader of the Trandoshans instructs his subordinates to stand down, declaring that he will engage Bane in a one-on-one duel. At that moment, Vorhdeilo ambushes him, stabbing him from behind, while Sing eliminates additional Trandoshans with her rifle. Bane activates his rocket boots and swiftly dispatches the remaining Trandoshans, informing them that he would have prevailed in the duel but simply chose not to adhere to the principles of fair combat.
As Maul and Kaitis navigate a cliff face, the padawan voices her disbelief regarding the resurgence of the Sith and inquires as to why Maul has chosen to reveal himself now. Maul simply states that his existence will remain a secret. Kaitis counters that she could have easily abandoned him during the battle, to which he responds that Jedi do not succumb to fear. Kaitis questions why they cannot simply conclude their duel immediately, but Maul insists that it is a sacred ritual that should not be disrupted by the hunters. Kaitis deduces that this is the reason he diverted the bounty hunters and taunts Maul by suggesting that he is concealing himself from someone—that he is afraid.
Subsequently, as Maul and Kaitis fend off groups of IG-86 sentinel droids, Kyuzo, and Weequay pirates, Maul discerns that the padawan harbors anger within her. He observes that in another era, she might have been tempted by the Dark Side and become an ally; however, he realizes that he has deprived her of this choice. After eliminating the last of their adversaries, Kaitis informs Maul that he is not compelled to continue down his dark path. Maul retorts that she cannot genuinely believe that, and she concedes that she merely wishes to offer him a chance before defeating him in combat. Maul sarcastically inquires whether she is extending to him the same opportunity that her Jedi predecessors extended to the Sith, and she relents. They confront each other and ignite their lightsabers.
- UPC 759606083725; June 21 , 2017 ; Marvel Comics [1] 00411; Cover A; Rafael Albuquerque 00421; Cover B; Elsa Charretier 00431; Cover C; Francesco Francavilla 00441; Cover D; David Nakayama 00451; Cover E; Chip Zdarsky