"The Occupation" represents the fifth installment of the fourth season of Star Wars Rebels, the animated television program. This episode made its debut on October 30, 2017 via the Disney XD channel. Notably, it also marks the sixty-fourth episode within the entirety of the series.
The Ghost crew, along with Ezra, journey back to Lothal, only to discover that the Imperial presence has intensified, taking a far more sinister turn.

The Ghost emerges from hyperspace above Yavin, and Hera Syndulla instructs Sabine Wren to transmit the necessary clearance codes to Yavin 4. Ezra Bridger, previously dozing, is abruptly awakened by a Force vision, causing him to fall from his seat while exclaiming "No!" Upon inquiry from the others regarding his distress, he recounts his vision of Jho and hearing Ryder Azadi on Lothal, expressing concern for their well-being. Kanan Jarrus observes that Ezra has been experiencing such episodes frequently of late, attributing them to his anxiety concerning Lothal, suggesting they may be inconsequential. Ezra counters, asserting that these occurrences have become less frequent and do not typically happen during briefings. He also emphasizes that his people were assured support. Hera reminds Ezra of Thrawn's ambush on their fleet, prompting him to retreat into sullen silence, while Sabine empathizes with him.
Upon the Ghost's arrival at the Great Temple, they are greeted by Erskin Semaj, who informs Ezra that Mon Mothma wishes to meet with him and the others. Inside the main briefing room, Mothma presents a message received from Ryder two days prior, wherein the former governor reports intelligence from his spies in the capital indicating the Empire's testing of a new type of TIE Defender. The message abruptly ends before Ryder can elaborate on the fighter's rumored capabilities. Mothma, having personally witnessed the dangers posed by the TIE Defender previously, emphasizes the importance of investigating this information, acknowledging Lothal's significance to Ezra. She requests volunteers for the mission, and Ezra promptly inquires about their departure time. Hera reminds him that all of the Spectres will be participating. Mothma reluctantly agrees, noting their effectiveness as a team. She cautions them that due to the Empire's complete lockdown of Lothal, there is no assurance that the Alliance will be able to provide extraction. Ezra acknowledges this, affirming his commitment to aiding his people, indicating his intention to remain there.

Subsequently, as the Ghost meets with the Broken Horn in the vast expanse of space, Alexsandr Kallus enters the cockpit, remarking on the untrustworthiness of Cikatro Vizago, whom he considers a criminal. Sabine, exiting the cockpit, reminds Kallus that similar sentiments were once expressed about him. Ezra adds that Vizago has legitimate business interests on Lothal. Kallus questions Ezra's source of information, to which he replies, "Hondo," prompting Hera to sigh in exasperation. Ezra assures her that Vizago will facilitate their passage through the blockade, driven by financial incentives. He meets Vizago at the airlock, where Vizago immediately inquires if Ezra "has them," prompting Ezra to invite the crime lord to inspect the cargo. Ezra reveals the Ghost's cargo hold, filled with crates of puffer pigs. Vizago, pleased with the arrangement, remarks that Lando Calrissian amassed a fortune with his own, and that the Mining Guild will offer a generous sum for them. As the crates are being loaded onto the Broken Horn, Rex questions Garazeb Orrelios about his lack of assistance. Zeb explains that he is prohibited from helping due to his appearance frightening the animals. Rex responds that Zeb's face is at least unique, and the Lasat inquires if this is a form of clone humor as Rex ascends the ladder. In the cockpit, Hera informs Rex that he is in command of the Ghost in her absence. As she departs, Kallus, mistakenly assuming that Hera was addressing him, settles into the pilot's seat, reminiscing about the trouble the Ghost caused him during his time with the Empire. Rex corrects Kallus, clarifying Hera's intended recipient, and Kallus retorts that he has commanded Star Destroyers. The veteran clone responds that Kallus has answered his own question, leading the former Imperial to relocate to the copilot's seat, allowing Rex to occupy the pilot's seat. The Broken Horn then separates from the Ghost.
The Spectres, disguised in civilian attire, are aboard the bridge of the Broken Horn when Chopper enters. The astromech droid expresses his disapproval of Zeb and Ezra's hats, prompting Sabine to playfully threaten to repaint him. The starship emerges from hyperspace above Lothal, and the Spectres are taken aback by the planet's extensive pollution. Ezra is particularly affected, lamenting the planet's apparent decline. Vizago informs him that Lothal is not as he remembers it, and advises him to prepare himself. The starship is contacted by an Arquitens-class cruiser, and Vizago transmits his clearance codes. One of the cruiser's pilots informs the commanding officer of an anomaly in the thermal scan, indicating the presence of multiple unregistered lifeforms aboard. The officer deduces that they have encountered a smuggler and orders an alert to be issued to an Imperial Security Bureau patrol. He grants the Broken Horn permission to land.
The Broken Horn navigates through a layer of pollution in Lothal's atmosphere, and Ezra is dismayed to observe that the plains have been scorched. Two TIE fighters swoop in to escort the ship, prompting Hera to inquire about the frequency of such occurrences. Vizago initially claims that it is occasional, but quickly admits that it has never happened to him before. Upon landing at Jhothal, a gravity lock is engaged on the ship, and a search party approaches. Hera speculates that they were scanned upon entry, and Ezra asserts that if the Empire fails to locate them, they will find nothing, urging Vizago to stall them. The Spectres quickly exit the cockpit. The boarding party, consisting of stormtroopers and an officer, enters the cockpit to find Vizago, who feigns ignorance. Hiding in the hold among the crates, which have been opened to release the pigs, Sabine questions the wisdom of their plan, to which Ezra expresses confidence in its success. The Spectres herd the puffer pigs out of the hold, and Zeb, positioned in the corridor, is instructed to frighten them. He jokingly remarks that he must put on his "useful face," and frowns at the animals, causing them to inflate. The Imperials, having apprehended Vizago, are caught off guard by the sudden influx of inflated pigs, and as the Spectres slip past, Ezra instructs the crime lord to accompany them. Vizago, in binders, prepares to leave, but turns back to retrieve one last, uninflated pig, becoming ensnared when the animal inflates.

The Spectres stealthily enter the occupied town, which is heavily patrolled by Imperials. Realizing Vizago's absence, Ezra assumes he returned for the pig. Kanan suggests that the crime lord is adept at extricating himself from difficult situations. Ezra proposes visiting Old Jho's Pit Stop to contact Ryder, to which Zeb ominously replies, "If he's still there." Hera decides that they will divide: Ezra, Sabine, and Chopper will proceed to the cantina, while she, Kanan, and Zeb will seek transportation. Spotting a wanted poster featuring an outdated image of himself, Ezra questions why the Empire persists in using it, as he no longer resembles it, prompting Sabine to remark that it is advantageous. They pass a large viewscreen broadcasting Imperial propaganda, which then displays Sabine's wanted poster. Across the street, they observe two civilians being detained by a patrol for violating curfew. As Ezra, Sabine, and Chopper approach the cantina's entrance, Ezra expresses optimism that Jho is unharmed, believing that the people would not tolerate otherwise. Sabine, hearing the Imperial anthem emanating from within, questions his certainty. Ezra responds affirmatively, recalling the Pit Stop as a place where the Empire was clearly unwelcome. The two rebels, pausing in the doorway, are greeted by Imperial officers and stormtroopers, the Imperial HoloNews playing, and an unfamiliar bartender, leading Sabine to quip that circumstances have evidently changed. They turn to leave, only to find Chopper, outside, being questioned by a stormtrooper regarding the whereabouts of two citizens he witnessed nearby. Sabine inquires about their next course of action, and Ezra decides that they will order drinks.
Sabine discreetly questions Ezra's intention to provoke their demise, to which he responds that leaving without ordering would arouse suspicion, and that it is unlikely anyone will recognize them, as they approach the bar. Spotting a hologram of an Imperial pilot, Sabine brings it to Ezra's attention, suggesting he might recognize him. Ezra identifies the pilot in the picture as Baron Valen Rudor, whom the Spectres had encountered on several occasions in the past. The bartender is revealed to be Rudor, who is flattered by the recognition. Ezra and Sabine feign admiration at meeting Rudor, and Sabine inquires about his role as a cantina owner. He explains that the Empire recently granted him control of the bar as a reward. Rudor observes that they rarely receive civilian patrons in the bar anymore and, vaguely recognizing Ezra from their past encounters, notes that he looks familiar. Ezra responds, truthfully, that he used to frequent the cantina when it was operated by Old Jho. A red-haired patron sitting in a booth by the wall lowers his drink and frowns upon hearing the name. Rudor states that they must not have heard, and explains that there was an Imperial raid on a suspected rebel cell a few days prior, and that Jho was apprehended by the ISB while attempting to aid the rebels in their escape. Ezra assumes that Jho was captured, and Rudor smugly declares that he was captured and executed.
Meanwhile, Hera and Kanan walk along the street, and she remarks that it resembles a ghost town due to the prevailing fear. Kanan responds that everyone has reason to be afraid, and then overhears a stormtrooper patrol. He seizes Hera's wrist and pulls her into a narrow alleyway, where they observe the troopers passing by. Kanan notes that it has been a while since they have been alone together, and Hera responds that it was typically in situations such as this. He expresses his wish to see her, and Hera reaches up and removes his visor, reminding him that he could always see her. They lean in for a kiss, only to be interrupted by Hera's comlink beeping. Zeb reports that he has located the rebels' speeders, and Hera inquires about the quantity. He responds that he believes he has found all of them, but they have been confiscated by the Empire, noting that it is "kinda convenient." Hera asks about the presence of stormtroopers, and Zeb clarifies that he said convenient, not perfect. In the alley, Hera informs Kanan that they must depart. As he begins to follow her, Kanan sighs.

In the Pit Stop, Rudor laments the fate of Old Jho, acknowledging his popularity within the community, but asserting that traitors must face consequences. Sabine, noticing Ezra's struggle to conceal his anger, informs Rudor that they must leave and escorts Ezra away from the bar, urging him to maintain control. Rudor, suspicious, instructs the stormtroopers to detain Ezra and Sabine. At that moment, the red-haired young man intervenes, recognizing Ezra as "Oleg" and stating that he has been searching for him. He suggests that Ezra neglected to pay for his drinks. Ezra and Sabine feign an argument over credits, each assuming the other possessed them, and the redhead offers to cover the bill, instructing Rudor to keep the change. Rudor remarks that it is very generous, and says that he didn't catch the redhead's name. The redhead responds that that's okay, and tells Ezra that everyone's waiting to see him.
Outside the cantina, Ezra asks their rescuer for his identity, and the young man responds that it has been a while. Ezra quickly recognizes him as Jai Kell, and remarks that it has been a long time since their days at the Imperial Academy. Jai agrees, explaining that he has been frequenting the Pit Stop on Ryder's orders for the past several days, watching for the Spectres. He retrieves a transmitter to call for a pickup, and Ezra informs Jai that the Spectres have it covered. An explosion occurs, and Hera, Kanan, and Zeb arrive in a speeder, instructing the others to board. However, the rebels are approached by two tanks, forcing them to flee, abandoning the speeder as it is destroyed by Imperial fire. Hera states that they require an exit strategy, and Jai leads them back inside the cantina. In the entrance, they are compelled to evade death trooper DT-L21 and his stormtroopers exiting, and Ezra claims that there are rebels outside who just detonated a speeder. The death trooper shoves Ezra aside as he rushes past.
The rebels proceed inside the deserted cantina, and Zeb destroys the door control to delay the Imperials. Jai guides the Spectres to a sewer entrance, explaining that Jho maintained a network of tunnels beneath the town, which Ryder had once mentioned to him. Hera instructs Chopper to scan the infrastructure to locate an exit, and the droid descends into the hole. The rebels enter the sewer, but Zeb is hesitant, inquiring if there is an alternative route. An explosion is heard at the door, and Hera quips that Zeb could always inquire with the Imperials. Zeb enters the sewer last, grumbling about the odor. Once the Imperials re-enter the bar, DT-L21 asks Rudor if he was aware that the sewer entrance was unsealed, and the baron denies any knowledge. The death trooper commander orders troops, and several probe droids, into the sewers to locate the rebels. Jai is unfamiliar with the route, and the rebels soon become disoriented. He recalls that the tunnels lead to a large junction outside of town. Ezra remarks, "So much for our disguises," as the Spectres retrieve their weapons from the crates Chopper has been carrying on a rig. The probe droids catch up, and the rebels engage them in combat. Kanan, noting that one droid is transmitting their position, decides that they must separate. He, Hera, Chopper, and Jai head in one direction, while Ezra, Sabine, and Zeb flee in the opposite direction.

Eventually, Kanan, Hera, Chopper, and Jai arrive at a ladder leading to an entrance. Kanan questions if this is their destination, and Jai offers to climb up and investigate. The hatch opens, and the rebels quickly conceal themselves as several stormtroopers shine lights down into the sewer. Kanan is forced to step into the light while destroying an approaching probe droid, and the rebels flee as the stormtroopers, reporting the sighting of rebels, enter the tunnel. Chopper notices a starbird painted on the tunnel wall, indicating the hatch, and attempts to alert the others, but quickly flees upon seeing stormtroopers descending. Running through the tunnels, Sabine, Ezra, and Zeb are pursued by a probe droid. As Zeb destroys that one, the third probe appears, and Ezra eliminates it. Zeb asks if Ezra knows the way, speculating that Ezra grew up in a sewer. Ezra points out that he is from the city and is unfamiliar with the country sewers. Zeb asks what the difference is, and Ezra retorts that everything is different. He states that Saw Gerrera was right, and Lothal is lost. Sabine tells Ezra to disregard Saw's words, reminding him that he said as long as the rebels are together, they haven't lost. She then notices something, which she calls Ezra and Zeb's attention to: a painting of her starbird symbol. Ezra points out that Ryder knows that the bird is Sabine's symbol, and deduces that he left it as a trail for the rebels to follow. The three head in the direction that the bird is pointing. DT-L21 is informed that the rebels have destroyed all of the probe droids, and he orders all troops sent to the rebels' last known coordinates and a squad sent to the junction outside of town. He follows a squad of stormtroopers into the tunnel.
Eventually, the trail leads them to a larger tunnel, and they can't find any more starbirds. Running to the other end, they are forced to retreat when stormtroopers appear. They attempt to head back the way they came, only for Hera, Kanan, Chopper, and Jai to emerge, pursued by more stormtroopers. Hera reveals that they were following the symbols as well, and Zeb notes that they seem to have followed them into a trap. As the rebels are surrounded, Chopper, in the center of the large tunnel, looks up to see another hatch, with the starbird painted on it, and draws the others' attention to it. Hera states that someone needs to get up there, and Ezra leaps up onto the ladder. Climbing, he slashes the control panel with his lightsaber, lowering the ladder, and drops back to the ground. Sabine leads the way up, followed by Zeb, Hera, Jai, Kanan, and Ezra. Chopper is carried by Zeb. Kanan and Ezra sever the ladder to prevent the stormtroopers from pursuing.
Sabine bangs on the hatch, but it won't open, and tells Hera when she asks that Ezra destroyed the control panel. Shortly, the hatch does open, and Ryder Azadi appears and greets them. The rebels climb out, shutting the hatch behind them. They evacuate into Ryder's U-wing, copiloted by Marida Sumar. Ezra thanks Ryder for his help, and he says that it's the least he could do. Ryder asks where the rest of their forces are, so they can deal with the new TIE Defender, and Ezra apologetically tells him that they were all that was sent. Zeb pessimistically notes that since Lothal is in a complete lockdown, he doesn't see how they are going to do this. However, Ezra finds the bright side in all of this, noting that rebellions always start small, with only a few people. Ryder wonders if they'll feel that way when they see the Empire's new fighter, and the U-wing departs.