Rogue One Adaptation 5

Rogue One Adaptation #5 represents the fifth issue, and second-to-last, in the official canon comic book limited series titled Star Wars: Rogue One Adaptation. This miniseries is an adaptation of the 2016 film that shares its name. Jody Houser penned the script for this particular issue, with illustrations provided by Emilio Laiso. It was released to the public on August 2, 2017 through Marvel Comics.

Publisher's summary

The Star Wars saga moves forward! Jyn Erso and her companions, the small band of rebels known as Rogue One, have made their way to Scarif! However, significant peril awaits them as they attempt to secure the Death Star plans - including scenes that have not been previously depicted!



  • UPC 759606086641; Published on August 2 , 2017 ; by Marvel Comics [1] with the code 00511; Featuring Cover A; Art by Phil Noto

