The Storms of Taul

title: The Storms of Taul

"The Storms of Taul: is the fifth installment within LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures's second season. Its premiere occurred on August 2, 2017, via Disney XD.

Official Description

The paths of the Freemakers and Hondo converge once more, leading to their entrapment on Taul alongside M-OC...

Plot Synopsis

Agent Derlin's Infiltration

Major Bren Derlin, a spy for the Rebel Alliance, finds himself pursued by stormtroopers on Level 8 of an Imperial Star Destroyer, amidst the blaring of klaxons. Derlin cleverly incapacitates his Imperial pursuers using an exhaust cover. Upon exiting the room, he is confronted by an even larger group of stormtroopers. Their leader assures him of safety upon surrender, but Derlin remains skeptical. He then barricades himself within another chamber.

The stormtroopers breach the chamber using a battering ram, but Derlin escapes by activating the airlock. Assuming Derlin has been ejected into space, the stormtroopers seal the airlock. However, he is concealed within a cargo container, from which he later escapes aboard an escape pod. After his departure from the Star Destroyer, Derlin contacts Admiral Gial Ackbar, relaying that he has acquired intelligence regarding the Imperial fleet's movements, but requires extraction. He informs Ackbar of his location: a junk field near the planet Taul. Ackbar then dispatches the Freemakers to rescue Derlin.

A Rescue Operation

In the meantime, Rowan Freemaker is in the process of assembling the Arrowhead under the tutelage of Quarrie, a Mon Calamari starship engineer. Quarrie points out the necessity of a proton suspension housing to secure the kyber crystal. When Rowan inquires about acquiring one, Quarrie mentions that only a Corellian Defender, a ship favored by scoundrels and pirates during the Old Republic era, is large enough to accommodate it. Rowan becomes enthusiastic and suggests consulting with Maz Kanata.

Despite Quarrie's warnings, Rowan inadvertently severs the chains securing several heavy objects with his MIG welder. This triggers a chain reaction, resulting in Roger, the B1-series battle droid, crashing into a generator. After Roger sustains damage, Rowan apologizes and guides him to a recharge chamber on the StarScavenger, while Quarrie addresses the resulting mess.

At Home One's hangar bay, Zander Freemaker assures Kordi Freemaker of their ability to easily extract Derlin. Rowan leads Roger to his recharge station. Discovering that Zander and Kordi have been tasked with extracting Major Derlin, Rowan decides to join them. During their journey through hyperspace aboard the StarScavenger, Rowan proposes a visit to Takodana to consult with Maz Kanata. Kordi expresses her reluctance to deviate from their mission. Rowan successfully persuades Zander, who agrees to travel there upon realizing Takodana is along the route to the junk field.

During their voyage, Kordi informs Major Derlin that she and her crew are en route to retrieve him. She clarifies that they cannot extract him from Imperial territory but will contact him upon reaching the junk field. Derlin is recovering in the Empire's comfortable escape pods.

M-OC's Pursuit

At the Imperial Palace located on Coruscant, Emperor Palpatine communicates with M-OC via hologram, requesting an update on his pursuit to capture Rowan and retrieve the Kyber Saber. M-OC informs Palpatine that he is monitoring various communication channels while simultaneously developing detailed profiles of his targets. Pleased, Palpatine suggests Darth Vader should learn from M-OC. He urges M-OC to maintain his progress. In private, the Emperor remarks to Vader that M-OC lacks a sense of sarcasm.

Return to Takodana

The Freemakers strike a deal with Hondo Ohnaka

The StarScavenger executes a smooth landing outside Maz Kanata's castle on Takodana. Rowan praises Zander for the skillful landing. The Freemakers enter Maz Kanata's castle and are greeted in the cantina by Maz, who reminds them of her previous instruction to not return until they were older. Rowan responds that he is now old enough to grow a mustache. Maz examines Rowan with her goggles and disagrees. When she asks about their purpose, Rowan explains that they are seeking a part from an old ship known as a Corellian Defender. Maz acknowledges its rarity and offers assistance.

Before Kordi can urge the Freemakers to depart, Hondo Ohnaka, a pirate, overhears their conversation and volunteers to aid them in locating a Corellian Defender. However, the Freemakers remain wary of him due to their previous encounter involving the theft of Varactyl eggs. Hondo manages to convince Zander of his helpfulness by describing the Corellian Defender's features, including four landing struts, twin HS667 cannons, and a retractable moon roof. Rowan is convinced, despite Zander pointing out that the moon roof is exclusive to the Corellian Defender S model. Maz cautions the Freemakers to be wary of accepting truths from those they distrust. Hondo feigns ignorance.

In exchange for his assistance, Hondo requests transportation off-world from the Freemakers. Hondo is soon confronted by Awan Zek, an irate bounty hunter, accusing Hondo of cheating during a game of sabacc. Hondo denies the accusation but inadvertently drops his cards, revealing his guilt. The Freemakers and Hondo conceal themselves from Zek and his Rodian companions behind a table. Rowan employs the Force to propel the table at the bounty hunters. Hondo is impressed by the boy's Force abilities and follows them out of the castle.

As the bounty hunters pursue them, Rowan uses the Force to slam the door shut. The Freemakers and Hondo escape aboard the StarScavenger. Awan Zek expresses his frustration to his Rodian colleagues for allowing Hondo to escape. The orange Rodian informs Zek that the Empire has placed a bounty on Rowan. Aswan contacts an Imperial Star Destroyer and informs them that Rowan Freemaker is heading to Taul. Aswan's message is intercepted by M-OC, who then travels to Taul in the Tracker I.

Journey to Taul

Aboard the StarScavenger, Hondo inquires about Rowan's status as a Jedi and encourages him to reach for the stars. Hondo states that he owes the Freemakers a debt for saving him. Rowan desires to travel to Taul to locate the Corellian Defender, but Kordi is distrustful of Hondo. Rowan explains that Taul is located before the junk field. He asserts that they will have ample time due to Zander's piloting skills. Zander decides to proceed to Taul first, and Hondo thanks Rowan for his persuasive abilities.

The StarScavenger approaches Taul, a verdant planet. Upon entering Taul's atmosphere, the StarScavenger is struck by acid rain. Kordi activates the deflector shields. She and Zander scold Hondo for his delayed warning, but Hondo assures them that the rain will subside. They successfully land in a clearing. When Rowan is nearly struck by lightning, Hondo remarks, "When the rain stops, the lightning starts." Kordi inquires if there is anything else he has omitted. Hondo replies that that is essentially it. The Freemakers realize they must avoid metal, acid puddles, and falling objects.

Hondo also advises them to avoid remaining in open areas. While running, Kordi receives a communication from Major Derlin, who mentions that he is enjoying the Imperial emergency rations. Kordi acknowledges that they are facing space acid and interstellar lightning but assures him that they are en route. Derlin tells them to take their time because he is not out of the junk field yet. Derlin is also snacking on a crisp-dried cake. Kordi tells him they are on their way while Derlin hurts his tooth.

The Freemakers evade acid rain, lightning, and falling debris as they make their way towards a wrecked Corellian Defender. Hondo points out that he has kept his promise. When Kordi asks how he knew the ship's location, Hondo explains that Taul is an ideal place to make a ship disappear. Zander observes that the Corellian Defender is partially submerged in acid and comments that salvaging it will be unpleasant. Rowan uses the Force to lift the Corellian Defender from the acid pit. However, the ship is too severely corroded, and Rowan is forced to release it.

Kordi resorts to Plan B and deploys the Mini Scavenger to reach the Corellian Defender. Zander pilots the craft while Rowan descends a chain into the Corellian Defender. Kordi, who is monitoring, urges Rowan to hurry as a storm approaches. Rowan manages to locate the proton suspension housing beneath the ship's power core, but the ship's structure collapses into the acid pool. Rowan successfully retrieves the suspension housing and is evacuated by the Mini Scavenger. Rowan is elated, and Zander informs Kordi that they still have sufficient time to rendezvous with Major Derlin.

Ambush on Taul

Upon returning to the location of the StarScavenger, the Freemakers discover that Hondo has absconded with their ship. The Freemakers search for Hondo but are unable to find him. Kordi suggests taking the Mini Scavenger to rendezvous with Major Derlin and then returning to the Home One to acquire a new ship. However, the Freemakers are ambushed by M-OC, who destroys the Mini Scavenger. M-OC demands that Rowan surrender himself and implies that the others can be abandoned. The Freemakers retreat, and M-OC is crushed by a rock. The Freemakers flee, but M-OC cuts himself free using his double-bladed spinning lightsabers.

Aboard the StarScavenger, Roger is refreshed from his full night power charge only to discover that Hondo has taken over the ship. When Roger asks what he is doing here and where are the Freemakers, Hondo claims they have gone on a blue milk run. Roger realizes that Hondo is lying because Kordi is allergic to blue milk and can't eat his blue milk pancakes. Hondo boasts that he has bested hundreds of battle droids during the Clone Wars, but Roger kicks him in the knee. Hondo attacks Roger, and the two engage in combat.

Meanwhile on Taul, M-OC informs Rowan that he has no ship and that his only option is to surrender. Rowan's lightsaber is outmatched by M-OC's blades. M-OC startles the Freemakers with his flamethrowers. M-OC approaches Rowan while Kordi is contacted by Major Derlin, who tells her he is exiting the junk field. Kordi tells him that they are on their way. Derlin tells her his life-support system is shutting down. While Rowan fights M-OC, Derlin asks what is going on. Kordi claims they are having problems with their forward propulsion.

Back on the StarScavenger, Hondo manages to detach Roger's head, but the droid shoves Hondo inside a sealed box. Roger compliments himself for using his head. He returns to the bridge and realizes the Freemakers are on Taul. The Fremakers run as acid rain begins pouring down again. When the rain has no effect on M-OC, they continue running. M-OC is crushed by a rock but regenerates and continues the pursuit. The Freemakers cross a pool of acid and cut the bridge. M-OC follows with his rocket boosters, but Rowan hurls his lightsaber at M-OC like a boomerang.

The lightsaber strikes M-OC, and the droid sinks into the acid pool. However, M-OC climbs out of the pool due to his spider legs. M-OC says the acid slows him down but that he will survive. Zander says they can't keep running for the rest of their lives. Kordi says maybe they can because the acid rain is coming. Rowan has an idea and uses the Force to hurl a metal pole near M-OC. M-OC thinks he is lucky but then lightning strikes the metal pole, causing M-OC's circuits to overload.


Kordi contacts Major Derlin, who tells he has made it out of the junk field but is freezing. He tells her that several TIE fighters are using his ship as target practice. Derlin tells the Freemakers to get here as fast as they can. Kordi apologizes, but Rowan takes responsibility for getting them sidetracked. At that point, Roger arrives with the StarScavenger, and Rowan tells Derlin they will be right there.

Major Derlin is freezing when the StarScavenger arrives and blasts the marauding TIE fighters. They rescue Derlin and bring his pod aboard the StarScavenger. Kordi contacts Admiral Ackbar and tells him their mission was a success. Derlin praises Roger for his blue-milk pancakes while Ackbar thanks the Freemakers.

Before returning to the Home One, Rowan convinces the others to make a special trip to Takodana. At Maz Kanata's castle, Roger delivers Hondo in a box to Awan Zek and leaves. Zek and his associates find Hondo inside. Hondo tries to humor Zek with a game of sabacc, but his offer is ignored.

