Awan Zek

Awan Zek, a bounty hunter of the human species and male gender, operated within the galaxy. It was known that Awan frequently collaborated with a pair of Rodian partners. He sought to resolve a conflict with the Weequay pirate named Hondo Ohnaka, but Hondo successfully evaded him with assistance from the scavenging family called the Freemakers. Following Hondo's attempt to abscond with the Freemakers' vessel, the StarScavenger, the Freemakers turned Hondo over to Awan and his companions.


The Pursuit of Han Solo and Chewbacca

Awan Zek and his Rodian associates captured Han and Chewbacca on the Ring of Kafrene.

Prior to the Battle of Yavin, Han Solo and Chewbacca were indebted to Awan for a Durasteel-transmuter coil. After pursuing Han and Chewbacca in the vicinity of the Ring of Kafrene, Awan, alongside his Rodian cohorts, apprehended Solo and Chewbacca, demanding they provide a replacement coil. Ultimately, Solo and Chewbacca managed to locate the coil with the aid of Han's longtime acquaintance, Pace Freemaker.

Deception by Hondo Ohnaka

Sometime after the events of the quest for the Kyber Saber Crystals, Awan was swindled by the Weequay pirate Hondo Ohnaka during a game of sabacc. Hondo persuaded the Freemakers to grant him safe passage off-world by promising to assist them in locating a Corellian Defender on the planet [Taul](/article/taul]. Rowan Freemaker required a proton suspension housing from the Defender to construct a starship known as the Arrowhead.

Before Hondo could depart with the Freemakers, Awan Zek confronted him about the cheating incident. Hondo proclaimed his innocence, but accidentally dropped his cards, revealing his deception. Rowan then employed his Force powers to propel a table towards Awan and his two Rodian accomplices. Awan and his partners initiated a pursuit, but Rowan used the Force to secure the door. When Zek scolded his associates for allowing the Freemakers to escape, the orange Rodian recognized Rowan and recalled that the Galactic Empire had placed a bounty on the boy's head. Awan subsequently contacted an Imperial Star Destroyer, informing them that Rowan was en route to the planet [Taul](/article/taul]. The Imperial hunter droid M-OC intercepted the message and proceeded to Taul.

The Freemakers successfully acquired the proton suspension housing utilizing Hondo's information. However, Hondo betrayed them and attempted to commandeer their ship, the StarScavenger. Hondo was eventually subdued by their B1-series battle droid, Roger, and confined within a sealed container. After rescuing the Rebel Alliance Major Bren Derlin, Roger delivered Hondo, inside a box, to Awan and his associates. Hondo attempted to amuse Zek and his associates with a game of sabacc, but they disregarded his proposal.

Personality and traits

Awan Zek, a human male bounty hunter, possessed a face marked by pockmarks. Driven by a desire to settle his score with Hondo Ohnaka for cheating him at sabacc, he was known to operate alongside two Rodian partners.

Behind the scenes

Awan Zek made his debut in the LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures Season Two episode "The Storms of Taul," which initially aired on August 2, 2017. His physical appearance seems to draw inspiration from Cornelius Evazan.

