Frong (planet)

Frong was a planet located in the Outer Rim that was the homeworld of the Frong species.

Republic Era

In 19 BBY, during the closing days of the Clone Wars, the Condefederate Supreme Commander General Grievous launched an attack on the planet with his battle droid forces, leaving a fiery inferno in their wake. The Jedi Order dispatched Jedi Generals Iskat Akaris, Tualon Yaluna and their company of clone troopers led by Captain Spider to investigate, bringing Jedi Knight Sunghi Silpari with them. After searching a swathe of the planet without successfully locating Grievous, the group rested.

During the interlude, the clones shot Silpari and leveled their blasters at Akaris and Yaluna, surprising both Jedi, the latter feeling the simultaneous deaths of their kind across the galaxy. Spider proceeded to hold out his holoprojector, which displayed a cloaked figure. The individual offered Akaris her life and information the Order had withheld from her in exchange for joining him. She took the offer, ignoring Yaluna's warning, and was escorted by Spider and several clones to Coruscant. While the mysterious person told the clones to execute Yaluna as part of Order 66, the Jedi was eventually taken prisoner to Coruscant after sustaining serious injuries in combat against the troopers.

New Republic Era

After the fiery destruction Frong endured at the hands of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the planet became part of the New Republic with Senator Rethalow giving his vote to earn the government's protection for him and his people.












