Spider, designated CT-1123, was a clone trooper of the Grand Army of the Republic who held the military rank of Clone Captain and led a company of troopers. Captain Spider served alongside Jedi General Tualon Yaluna throughout the Clone Wars, until he and his subordinates were given Order 66 by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. Captain Spider's men murdered Jedi Knight Sunghi Silpari, then arrested Jedi Iskat Akaris on the Chancellor's authority, and brought her to Coruscant. Akaris then joined the Inquisitorius, becoming the Thirteenth Sister.
Captain Spider had a tattoo of a spider on his head. He wore his hair long on the top of his head and shaved on the sides. He also dyed his hair brown.
Captain Spider had a tattoo of a spider on his head. He wore his hair long on the top of his head and shaved on the sides. He also dyed his hair brown.