During the Galactic Civil War, Gunman and his squad from Churhee's Riflemen engaged soldiers from the Imperial Army here. The mercenaries were pinned down by the Imperials but managed to set a defensive perimeter of Ubrikkian R-TechApp Man Trap. A miniaturized reversed repulsorlift field, the man traps were designed to immobilize quarry for capture, but the Riflemen used them to capture grenades, causing them to explode prematurely. This allowed them enough time to rally and push back that Imperial attack.
During the Galactic Civil War, Gunman and his squad from Churhee's Riflemen engaged soldiers from the Imperial Army here. The mercenaries were pinned down by the Imperials but managed to set a defensive perimeter of Ubrikkian R-TechApp Man Trap. A miniaturized reversed repulsorlift field, the man traps were designed to immobilize quarry for capture, but the Riflemen used them to capture grenades, causing them to explode prematurely. This allowed them enough time to rally and push back that Imperial attack.
- Gundark's Fantastic Technology: Personal Gear
- The Essential Atlas