Gran (language)

Gran was the native language of the species of the same name that hailed from the planet Kinyen. "Yaafganaa…" was one term in the Gran language, which roughly translated to "my god…" in Galactic Basic Standard. At some point between 44 BBY and 32 BBY, The Gran supervisor of a mining outpost on the second moon of the planet Codia I used this phrase after discovering that the miner Rosack Denahst had been driven insane.

Gran appeared in a flashback in the second issue of the Star Wars: Obi-Wan comic series which was written by Christopher Cantwell and published on June 29, 2022.

Behind the scenes

Gran appeared in a flashback in the second issue of the Star Wars: Obi-Wan comic series which was written by Christopher Cantwell and published on June 29, 2022.






