Gree technology

Gree technology was the basis of Gree society, operated by masters organized into guilds. Based around material synthesis and matter constructors, at its height Gree technology incorporated stellar engineering, quanta-technology and dimensional engineering, and even extended to fixed hyperspace points for instantaneous travel in the form of hypergates.

In the "most ancient and forgotten days", as the Gree called their heyday hundreds of thousands of years ago, they had been great technological innovators, but over the millennia the crafter and researcher castes declined (having become extinct by the time of the Galactic Empire), leaving the Gree unable to create new technologies and reliant on constant upkeep of their increasingly ancient devices. As the Gree came to value the achievements of their technology over the ability to improve it, they entered a long period of stagnation which lasted for millennia, eventually losing the know-how for technological progress and restructuring their society around the preservation of surviving artifact-devices. In the Old Sith Wars and Inter-Sith Wars periods, the Gree regularly used droids created by the crafter caste, especially for combat and interaction with aliens, but by the time of the Galactic Civil War, they had come to consider droids a contemptible technology which went against their exaltation of personal expertise. Although they did not hate droids, they avoided interacting with them, as to them they were no more than an unsupervised mobile computer lacking a master to operate it.










